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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Мазкур дарслик асл манбалар асосида тузилган булиб, бугунлай янгича услуб ва мазмуни билан ушбу соҳада илгари ёзилган ўқув адабиётларидан ажралиб туради
“Ўзбекистонда археологик тадқиқотлар” тўплами-нинг11-сонида Республикамиз ҳудудида2015-2017 йилларида олиб борилган археологик тадқиқот-ларнинг қисқача натижалари жамланган. Тўплам археолог, тарихчи, шарқшунос, этнограф, санъатшу-нос мутахассислар, ОЎЮ, коллеж, лицей ва мактаб-лар ўқитувчилари ва мамлакатимизнинг узоқ ўтмиши билан қизиқувчи барча ўқувчилар оммаси учун мўлжалланган.
“Ўзбекистонда археологик тадқиқот-лар” тўпламининг8-сонида Рес-публикамиз ҳудудида2010-2011 йилларда олиб борилган археологик тадқиқотларнинг қисқача натижа-лари жамланган. Тўплам археолог, тарихчи, этнограф, санъатшунос му-тахассислар, ОЎЮ, коллеж, лицей ва мактаблар ўқитувчилари ва мамла-катимизнинг узоқ ўтмиши билан қизиқувчи барча ўқувчилар учун мўлжалланган.
Yosh fiziologiyasi va gigiyena
Unda bola tanasining tuzilishi va hayoti, bola tanasining anatomiyasi, fiziologiyasi va uning rivojlanishi kursining asosiy tushunchalari qonuniyatlari, klassifikatsiyalari tegishli mavzularda o‘z aksini topgan. (Qudratova Sh.)
The 5G Myth. When Vision Decoupled from Reality
The 5G Myth explains why the vision of 5G, the next generation in mobile telephony, heralded as a huge advance in global connectivity, is flawed and sets out a better vision for a connected future. It explains why insufficient technological advances and inadequate profitability will be problems in the widespread implementation of 5G. The book advocates a focus on consistent connectivity everywhere rather than fast speeds in city centers. William Webb looks back at the transitions through previous generations of mobile telephony and shows what simple extrapolations of trends would predict for 5G. He discusses whether the increases in speed and capacity promised by 5G are needed; if the required technology is available; whether a sound business case can be made for the deployment; and asks why, given this, the industry appears so supportive of 5G. He then puts forth the argument in favor of consistent connectivity of around 10Mbits/s everywhere as a more compelling vision and shows how it can be delivered via a mix of 4G and Wi-Fi.
Правовые основы организации и деятельности судов казиев в Средней Азии (вторая половина XIX века- 20-е годы XX века).
Шариат, как система норм мусульманского права и практика его применения, особенно в условиях колониального периода представляет исключительный научный интерес. В этой книге, как в фонусе отражается вся гамма сложного процесса преодоления влияния мусульманского права из сферы гражданской жизни.
Hozirgi o'zbek adabiy tili
Darslik o'zbek tilshunosligining jahon andozalariga mos yo''nalishi substansial tilshunoslik yutuqlariga tayanib 51120100- Filologiya va tillarni o'qitish (o'zbek) tili bakalavriat yo'nalishi uchun mo'ljallanggan "Hozirgi o'zbek tili" namunaviy o'quv dasturi asosida yaratilgan.
BGP in the Data Center
A network exists to serve the connectivity requirements of applications, and applications serve the business needs of their organization. As a network designer or operator, therefore, it is imperative to first understand the needs of the modern data center, and the network topology that has been adapted for the data centers. This is where our journey begins. My goal is for you to understand, by the end of the chapter, the network design of a modern data center network, given the applications' needs and the scale of the operation. Data centers are much bigger than they were a decade ago, with application requirements vastly different from the traditional clientserver applications, and with deployment speeds that are in seconds instead of days. This changes how networks are designed and deployed. The most common routing protocol used inside the data center is Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). BGP has been known for decades for helping internet-connected systems around the world find one another. However, it is useful within a single data center, as well. BGP is standards-based and supported by many free and open source software packages.
O'zbekk adabiyoti tarixi
Darslik О 'zbekiston respublikasi oliy о 'quv yurtlari о 'zbek filologiyasi hamda о ‘zbek tili va adabiyotini о 'qitish yo nalishidagi lalabalar uchun mo ‘Ijallangan. Shuningdek, undan umumiy, о 'ria maxsus la ’lim dargohlari o'qituvchilari, o'quvchilari va talabalari hamda adabiyotimiz tarixi bilan qiziquvchi barcha kitobxonlar foydalanishlari mumkln Darslikda XVI-XIX asr I yarmidagi adabiy jarayon, madaniy muhit, undagi ijodkorlar haqidagi eng muhim та 'lumollar qamrab olmgan. Yangi qarashlar, tushunchalar bilan boyitilib, mavjud matnlarning yangicha talqinlari havola elilgan. Davr adabiyoti haqida yaratilgan ilmiy asarlar, monografiya, risola, so 'nggi yillarda amalga oshirilgan tadqiqotlardagi ilmly yangiliklardan yetarli foydalanilgan. Darslikka ilk bor Qul llbaydiy, Amiriy, So'fi Olloyor kabi alio malar ijodiga bag'ishlangan boblar kiritilgan
Harakat xavfsizligini tashkil etish asoslari
Основная цель организации движения - обеспечение безопасного проезда различных транспортных средств с разных участков дороги на высоких скоростях в любых погодных условиях года.
Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics
This comprehensive revision begins with a review of static electric and magnetic fields, providing a wealth of results useful for static and time-dependent fields problems in which the size of the device is small compared with a wavelength. Some of the static results such as inductance of transmission lines calculations can be used for microwave frequencies. Familiarity with vector operations, including divergence and curl, are developed in context in the chapters on statics. Packed with useful derivations and applications.
Lehrbuchh in Diskurs und Textanalyse Fur deutsch studenten
Lehrbuchh in Diskurs und Textanalyse Fur deutsch studenten Im Lehrbush wure versucht ein differenziertes Herangehen durch die Aufnahme eines komplexes zur Vertiefung der Fertigkeiten und Fertigkeiten der Studierenden in jeder Lektion zuu verwirklishen.
Франсуз тили дарслиги
Мазкур дарслик олий Укув юртлари учун чикэрилган дастур асосши ёзилган булиб, унда француз тили <|юнетикасининг цоидалари, унинг Узига хос томонлари, товуш ва ^арФ тизимлари, шунингдек грамматик кридалари узбек тили билан такхосланган ?;олда батафсил баён цилин- ган. Хар бир даре грамматик кондалар билан бошланиб, улар мисол ва Mamigiap билан мустаккамланади. Коидалар Узбек тили грамматикаси билан тагу^сххланиб, уларни ухшаш ва тафовут томонлари тушунтирн- лади. Мутахассисликка оид матнлар физика, математика, кимё, биоло гия, география, геология каби табиий фанлар буйича тузилган. Кулингиздаги китоб университетларнинг бакалавр ва магистратуре тизимидаги талабалари ва мустацил француз тилини урганувчиларга мулжалланган.
Ушбу китоб қишлоқ хужалиги олий ва урта махсус ўқув юртлари талабалари учун, ҳамда боғдорчилик хужаликлари лмутахассислари учун мўлжалланган.
The RF and Microwave Circuit Design Cookbook
In the fast-paced, "I-need-it-done-by-yesterday" world of microwave engineering, it's more important than ever to get your circuit designs up-and-running on time and to specifications. Authored by a well-known expert in the industry, this unique new book helps you do just that by presenting no-nonsense, proven-under-fire microwave circuit design "recipes" that you can follow for fast design results -- without having to wade through pages of theoretical or academic rhetoric. The RF and Microwave Circuit Design Cookbook is written solely for today's practicing engineer. Using a lively, easy-to-read style, it reveals practical, tested methods for designing and implementing a wide range of nonlinear RF and microwave circuits, including all types of mixers, frequency multipliers, and more. A special feature is a complete treatment of FET resistive mixers, which offer the lowest intermodulation distortion of all types of mixers. You also get hard-to-find information on creating both square law and envelope diode detectors.