Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
XHTML. Учебный курс
Книга «XHTML: учебный курс» позволит вам изучить основы языка XHTML. Новая спецификация сравнивается с самой популярной среди пользователей версией языка разметки - HTML 4, описываются инструменты, необходимые для создания документов при помощи нового языка. Вы познакомитесь со способами построения web-страниц, которые позволяют включать в документ изображения, таблицы, фреймы, научитесь применять каскадные стили и расширяемые таблицы стилей, освоите XHTML Basic и модульное конструирование документов.
Deutsch aktiv Neu. Ein lehrwerk fur Erwachsene. Lehrbuch 1 A.
Das Werk und seine Teile sind urheberrechtliCh geschützt. Jede Verwertung in anderen als den gesetzlich zugelassenen Fällen bedarf deshalb der vorherigen schriftlichen Einwilligung des Verlages
Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis: A Global Perspective
Corporate Financial Reporting Analysis combines comprehensive coverage and a rigorous approach to modern financial reporting with a readable and accessible style. Merging traditional principles of corporate finance and accepted reporting practices with current models enable the reader to develop essential interpretation and analysis skills, while the emphasis on real-world practicality and methodology provides seamless coverage of both GAAP and IFRS requirements for enhanced global relevance. Two decades of classroom testing among INSEAD MBA students has honed this text to provide the clearest, most comprehensive model for financial statement interpretation and analysis; a concise, logically organized pedagogical framework includes problems, discussion questions, and real-world case studies that illustrate applications and current practices, and in-depth examination of key topics clarifies complex concepts and builds professional intuition. With insightful coverage of revenue recognition, inventory accounting, receivables, long-term assets, M&A, income taxes, and other principle topics, this book provides both education and ongoing reference for MBA students.
Intermediate Financial Accounting. V. 1
Intermediate Financial Accounting Volume 1 by G. Arnold and S. Kyle, developed in collaboration by Athabasca University and Lyryx, is intended for a first course in Intermediate Financial Accounting, and presumes that students have already completed one or two Introductory Financial Accounting courses. The textbook reflects current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), such as IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts With Customers. This textbook provides a review of introductory accounting concepts and covers all topics essential to a first level Intermediate Accounting course: the conceptual framework and current landscape of financial reporting; statements of financial position; comprehensive income; cash flows and shareholders’ equity; cash and receivables; revenue; inventory; property, plant and equipment; intangible assets; and intercorporate investments.
Atrof-muhit va tabiiy resurslar iqtisodiyoti.
Darslik atrof-muhit nazariy va amaliy jihatlarini o ‘z ichiga oladi va talabalarga asosiy tushunchalar va qonuniyatlarni o'rganishga, tahlil usullarini o ‘zlash-tirishga, nazariy, statistik, daliliy materiallarni mustaqil o ‘rganish ko‘nikmalariga va bu borada tegishli xulosalar chiqarish qobiliyatini, ijtimoiyiqtisodiy muam-molarni obyektiv baholash, ularni hal qilishning mumkin bo'lgan yo'llarini aniqlash, davlatning ekologik siyosatini tahlil qilish imkoniyatini beradigan dunyoqarashni shakllantirishga yordam beradi.
Costos ABC y presupuestos. Herramientas para la productividad
Por su amplio uso y difusión en el medio profesional, en esta obra empleo continuamente expresiones y términos en inglés, generalmente para referir conceptos empleados en finanzas, contabilidad de costos y procesos de producción (por ejemplo, just-in-time y benchmarking), así como en computación y sistemas informáticos. En la medida de lo posible, sin embargo, empleo expresiones y términos en castellano, sin pretender eliminar del todo el uso de sus equivalentes en inglés, especialmente en el uso de ejemplos y la demostración de varios casos en este idioma.
Молекулярная биология: Структура рибосомы и биосинтез белка
В учебнике освещается современное состояние проблемы биосинтеза белка. Изложены сведения о структуре рибосомы и др.
Simulink - среда создания инженерных приложений
В книге дано систематическое изложение способов организации процедур моделирования с использованием системы SIMULINK. Подробно описана операционная среда системы и ее интерфейсы с другими инструментальными средствами из состава программных продуктов семейства MathWorks. Рассмотрены многочисленные примеры моделирования конкретных динамических систем.
Programming principles and practice using C++. 2nd ed. Stroustrup B. 2014
Programming is the art of expressing solutions to problems so that a computer can execute those solutions. Much of the effort in programming is spent finding and refining solutions. Often, a problem is only fully understood through the process of programming a solution for it. This book is for someone who has never programmed before but is willing to work hard to learn. It helps you understand the principles and acquire the practical skills of programming using the C++ programming language. My aim is for you to gain sufficient knowledge and experience to perform simple useful programming tasks using the best up-to-date techniques. How long will that take? As part of a first-year university course, you can work through this book in a semester (assuming that you have a workload of four courses of average difficulty). If you work by yourself, don’t expect to spend less time than that (maybe 15 hours a week for 14 weeks).
Общая микробиология
В книге описаны роль организмов в природе, развитие современной микробиологии и другие темы.
В учебнике последовательно рассматриваются вопросы много гоступенчатого системного анализа, моделирования, принятие решения в выборе оптимальной системы с учетом глубинных явлений и эффектов. Приведены примеры синтеза механических теплообменных, массообменных, тепломассообменных технологических систем и систем с химическими преобразованиями в продукте переработки.
Fraud Examiners Manual
Learn about the latest fraud examination techniques, methods and procedures in the four sections of the Fraud Examiners Manual. Section I: Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes. Describes hundreds of fraud schemes, including red flags and prevention and detection mechanisms. This section also provides information about basic accounting concepts. Section II: Law Focuses on the statutes and common law principles involved in prosecuting fraudsters through both the criminal and civil systems, as well as legal pitfalls you might encounter while conducting an investigation. Section III: Investigation. Provides the basic tools and techniques necessary to gather information and evidence when conducting a fraud examination and identifying perpetrators. The appendices contain a sample fraud examination report, a fraud examination checklist and sample engagement and advisory letters.