Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
KNOWCON 2021 Knowledge on Economics and Management Conference Proceedings.
Abstract: CBDC (central bank digital currency) is a rising economic topic internationally in the last few years. CBDC is not yet introduced as payment tool, beside the pilot projects. The first choice to be made is to use the CBDC in a certain national economy or not, and it is based on political aims, economic interests, objectives of business development and social welfare. Meanwhile the taxonomy of CBDC is quite complicated and growing in abundance, even before the official circulation had started. There is not “one option fit all” scenario for CBDC. It is theoretically possible in one and the same national economy different CBDC types to be used, as per aims to be reached. Highly developed economies are likely to have different choices than the lower developed ones; the macroeconomic reasoning, might lead to decision on CBDC different than the micro economic ones.
O‘zbek tilining morfologik stilistikasi
Ushbu monografiya o‘zbek tili stilistikasining qiziqarli sohasi bo‘lgan morfologik vositalarning uslubiy xususiyatlarini tadqiq etishga bag‘ishlangan. Darhaqiqat, o‘zbek tilida kelishik, egalik, shaxs-son, daraja, nisbat, mayl, zamon, bog‘lovchi, ko‘makchi, yuklama singari ko‘plab vositalar mavjudki, ular gap tarkibida turli grammatik vazifalarni bajarish barobarida yana bir qator ustama ma’nolarni ham o‘z zimmasiga oladi va shu tarzda ona tilimizning bitmas-tuganmas boyligini, uning nutqiy jarayondagi tovlanishlarini namoyish etadi. Ishda ularning ana shu jihatlari o‘zbek tilining barcha uslublariga xos bo‘lgan matnlar misolida tahlil etilgan
Hozir tibbiyot institutlari va o‘rta bilim yurtlari zimmasiga bilimdon, hozirgi zamon talablariga to‘la javob bera oladigan mutaxassislar tayyorlash vazifasi yuklatilgan. Zero talabalar chuqur biUm olishlari uchun zarur sharoitlar yaratish, ulami davlat tilidagi o‘quv adabiyotlari bilan ta’miniash maqsadida ilk bor o‘zbek tilida odam anatomiyasi atlasi yaratildi.
Деҳқон ва фермер хўжаликларида суғурта тизими
Бозор иқтисодиёти шароитида кичик ва ўрта бизнес ҳамда хусусий тадбиркорлик субъектларини, шу жумладан деҳқон ва фермер хўжаликларини кутилмаган табиий офат, бахтсиз ҳодиса, ёнғин. аврия ва бошқа ҳоллардан зарар кўришдан ҳамда бу соҳада банд бўлганлар ҳаёти ва саломатлигини ҳимоялашнинг асосий йўли бу суғурталаш ҳисобланади.
Иқтисодиёт ва бозор муносабатлари
Ўз методологиясига таянган ҳолда ёзилмаган дарсликлар ҳам илгари мавжуд билимлар манбаидан айнан нусха кўчиришнинг айнан ўзидир.
Collaborative Research for Excellence in Economics and Social Sciences.
April 4-5, 2019 Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences.
Қишлоқ хўжалиги инфратузилмаси фанидан семинар машғулотлари учун услубий қўлланма
Қишлоқ хўжалиги инфратузилмаси фанининг асосий мақсади объектив иқтисодий қонунларнинг фаолият кўрсатиш ҳамда уларнинг қишлоқ хўжалигида амал қилиш шаклларини ўзганишдир.
Promoting sustainable local economic development initiatives.
The publisher (AOSIS) endorses the South African ‘National Scholarly Book Publishers Forum Best Practice for Peer Review of Scholarly Books’. The manuscript underwent an evaluation to compare the level of originality with other published works and was subjected to rigorous two-step peer-review before publication, with the identities of the reviewers not revealed to the editor(s) or author(s). The reviewers were independent of the publisher, editor(s), and author(s). The publisher shared feedback on the similarity report and the reviewers’ inputs with the manuscript’s editor(s) or author(s) to improve the manuscript. Where the reviewers recommended revision and improvements, the editor(s) or author(s) responded adequately to such recommendations. The reviewers commented positively on the scholarly merits of the manuscript and recommended that the book be published
Ўзбекистон Республикасида суғурта муносабатларини тартибга солиш
Суғурта Ўзбекистон Республикаси молиявий тизимининг асосий бўғинларидан бири ҳисобланиб, республикамизнинг бозор иқтисодиёти муносабатларига ўтиши жараёнида муҳим аҳамият касб этади.
Economic Geography Past, present and future.
The Routledge Studies in Economic Geography series provides a broadly based platform for innovative scholarship of the highest quality in economic geography. Rather than emphasizing any particular sub-field of economic geography, we seek to publish work across the breadth of the field and from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives.
Web Components In Action
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in the book, and Manning Publications was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps.
Git Apprentice
There are usually two reasons a person picks up a book about Git: one, they are unusually curious about how the software works at a deeper level; or two, they're frustrated and need something to solve their problems now. Whatever situation brought you here, welcome! I'm happy to have you onboard. I came to write this book for both of the above reasons. I am a tinkerer and hacker by nature, and I love going deep into the internals of software to see what makes them tick. But I, like you, found Git at first to be an inscrutable piece of software. My brain, which had been trained in software development through the late 1990s, found version control packages like SVN soothing, with their familiar client-server architecture, Windows shell integration, and rather straightforward, albeit heavy, processes. When I came to use Git and GitHub about seven years ago, I found it inscrutable at best; it seemed no matter which way I turned, Git was telling me I had a merge conflict, or it was merging changes from the master branch into my current branch, or quite often complaining about unstaged changes. And why was it called a "pull request", when clearly I was trying to push my changes into the master branch?
Beginning PHP and MySQL
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Как ни странно, все началось с появления археоло- гов. Занимались они раскопками и изучением древних памятников Хорезма; одновременно составляли карту древней оросительной сети, выясняли, когда и при каких обстоятельствах ушла с этих плодороднейших зе мель жизнь. До недавнего времени считалось, что ви новато во всем наступление песков. Археологи же уста новили, что гибель и запустение древнейших оазисов объясняется войнами и социальными катастрофами. Пустыня была «реабилитирована», «обвинение» в arpec- сии против человека с нее снято, а у сторонников тео рии необратимости природного процесса выбито ору жие
Ушбу маъруза матнларида ҳозирги шароитда режалаштиришнинг янги тизими шаклланиб бораётганлиги амалий жиҳатдан муҳим аҳамиятга эга эканлигини ёритиб берилади.
Доривор ўсимликлар етиштириш технологияси ва экология
Маълумки дунѐ миқѐсида фармацевтика корхоналарида ишлаб чиқарилаѐтган дори воситаларининг тахминан 50% и доривор ўсимликлар хомашѐсидан тайѐрланмоқда. Мутлоқ кўпчилик мамлакатларда, шу жумладан, Ўзбекистон Республикасида фармацевтика саноатини жадаллик билан ривожланиши бундай корхоналарнинг доривор ўсимликлар хомашѐсига бўлган талабни кескин ортишига сабаб бўлмоқда.