Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Ommaviy kommunikatsiya. Jurnalistika. Ommaviy axborot vositalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
San’at. San’atshunoslik
A Data Scientist's Guide to Acquiring, Cleaning, and Managing Data in R
Every experienced practitioner knows that preparing data for modeling is a painstaking, time-consuming process. Adding to the difficulty is that most modelers learn the steps involved in cleaning and managing data piecemeal, often on the fly, or they develop their own ad hoc methods. This book helps simplify their task by providing a unified, systematic approach to acquiring, modeling, manipulating, cleaning, and maintaining data in R.
(ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide, 3rd Edition
(ISC)2 CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional Official Study Guide, 3rd Edition is your ultimate resource for the CCSP exam. As the only official study guide reviewed and endorsed by (ISC)2, this guide helps you prepare faster and smarter with the Sybex study tools that include pre-test assessments that show you what you know, and areas you need further review. In this
Замонавий медиамакондаги ахборот-психологик кураш шароитида медиатаълимнинг "ўзбек модели"ни яратиш ва амалиётга жорий этиш истиқболлари
Мазкур китоб кенг китобхон оммасига мўлжалланган.
(ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Practice Tests
The (ISC)2 CISSP Official Practice Tests is a major resource for (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) candidates, providing 1300 unique practice questions. The first part of the book provides 100 questions per domain. You also have access to four unique 125-question practice exams to help you master the material. As the only official practice tests endorsed by (ISC)2, this book gives you the advantage of full and complete preparation. These practice tests align with the 2021 version of
(ISC)2 SSCP Systems Security Certified Practitioner Official Study Guide, 3rd Edition
The (ISC)2 Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) certification is a well-known vendor-neutral global IT security certification. The SSCP is designed to show that holders have the technical skills to implement, monitor, and administer IT infrastructure using information security policies and procedures.
Al enabled 6G networks and aplications
Written and edited by active researchers, this book covers hypotheses and practical considerations and provides insights into the design of evolutionary AI algorithms for 6G networks, with focus on network transparency, interpretability and simulatability for vehicular networks, space systems, surveillance systems and their usages in different emerging engineering fields.
Основы корреляционной обработки сигналов
Пособие посвящено изучению корреляторов различного вида и назначения. Рассмотрены как аналоговые корреляторы, так и корреляторы совпадения полярности. Приводятся оценки отношения сигнал/шум на выходе коррелятора. Даны примеры применения корреляторов в процессах обнаружения сигналов и оценки их параметров. Приведен краткий обзор корреляционных методов обработки сигналов.
Alice and Bob Learn Application Security
Alice and Bob Learn Application Security is an accessible and thorough resource for anyone seeking to incorporate, from the beginning of the System Development Life Cycle, best security practices in software development. This book covers all the basic subjects such as threat modeling and security testing, but also dives deep into more complex and advanced topics for securing modern software systems and architectures. Throughout, the book offers analogies, stories of the characters Alice and Bob, real-life examples, technical explanations and diagrams to ensure maximum clarity of the many abstract and complicated subjects.
Кибер безопасность
Компании тратят огромные средства, чтобы их активы и данные были под надежной защитой, однако киберриски только возрастают. Никакие новые технологии или увеличение бюджета не в силах переломить эту ситуацию.
Behind Deep Blue
In late April 1997, posters for an unusual chess event were appear- ing on the streets of New York. They showed a somber and pondering gentleman in his early 30s peering over a chess set at the viewers. The small caption under his chin said, "How do you make a computer blink?" The gentleman on the poster was the World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov, possibly the strongest chess player who has ever lived.
Избранные Эстрадные Произведения советских и зарубежных композитор выпуск 1
Избранные Эстрадные Произведения советских и зарубежных композитор в облегченном переложении для фортепиано