Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Soliqlar va soliqqa tortish
Mazkur darslikda soliqlaming iqtisodiy mohiyati, soliq tizimi va soliq siyosati, iqtisodiyotni liberallashtirish va mamlakatni modemizatsiyalash sharoitida olib borilayotgan hamda soliq yukini kamaytirishga qaratilgan oqilona soliq siyosatining asosiy yo'nalishlari, yuridik va jismoniy shaxslami soliqqa tortish, xo'jalik yurituvchi subyektlar to'laydigan boshqa majburiy to'lovlami hisoblasb va to'lash tartiblari kabi masalalar o‘z aksini topgan.
Soliqlar va soliqqa tortish
Ushbu darslikda O'zbekiston Respublikasi soliq tizimi, soliq tizimining tarkibiy tuzilishi, soliq tizimini isloh qilish sharoitida olib borilayotgan soliq siyosatining asosiy yo'nalishlari, umumdavlat soliqlari va yigim lannm g o'ziga xos xususiyatlari, yuridik va jismoniy shaxslami soliqqa tortish masalalari, davlat boji hamda majburiy to'lovlar va yig'imlami hisoblash va byudjetdan tashqari fondlarga undirish mexanizmi o'z aksini topgan
Signal Integrity Issues and Printed Circuit Board Design
There are a great many people who have contributed to this book in some way or another. Pete Waddell and his team have been great to work with through the years on both the article and the seminar levels. I have been very grateful to have met and come to know many of the leaders in our field—wonderful colleagues who learn from each other and who have a lot of fun together. People like Glenn Wells and Gary Farrari have been inspirations as I have watched how much they have given back to the development and growth of new designers starting out in our field. Glenn, in particular, seems to be everywhere in our industry—classroom, seminar room, college administrator’s office pounding the desk for more funds for program development, Top Gun contestant, and Top Gun program coordination. I am honored to count him as a friend and I appreciate the help he has given me with this book during the various phases of its development.
Сборник задач и вопросов по теплотехническим измерениям и приборам
Естественно, что настоящий задачник не может охватить все разнообразие случаев, встречающихся на практике. Но методика подхода к решению задач может быть распространена и на другие не рассмотренные в задачнике случаи
Wireless Communications and Networking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
A thorough treatment of UAV wireless communications and networking research challenges and opportunities. Detailed, step-by-step development of carefully selected research problems that pertain to UAV network performance analysis and optimization, physical layer design, trajectory and path planning, resource management, multiple access, cooperative communications, standardization, control, and security is provided. Featuring discussion of practical applications including drone delivery systems, public safety, IoT, virtual reality, and smart cities, this is an essential tool for researchers, students, and engineers interested in broadening their knowledge of the deployment and operation of communication systems that integrate or rely on unmanned aerial vehicles.
Судовые электрические приводы
В книге изложены основы теории электропривода, приводятся сведения по конструкции и эксплуатации электроприводов судовых устройств: рулевого, якорно-швартовного, грузового, а также электроприводов судовых систем: насосов, вентиляторов и компрессоров.
Sport tibbiyoti.
O'quv qo'llanmadan Oliy va o‘rta jismoniy tarbiya (madaniyat) hamda tibbiy sohadagi o‘quv muassasalarining talabalari, magLstrlar va kadrlarning malakasini oshirish va qayta tayyorlash tarmoq markazlarining tinglovchilari, sport tibbiyoti shifokor lari, murabbivlar, Universitetlarning jismoniy tarbiya fakultetlari talabalari va o'qituvchilari hamda sport muxlislari foydalanishlari mumkin.
Wireless Device-To-Device Communications and Networks
Covering the fundamental theory together with the state of the art in research and development, this practical guide provides the techniques needed to design, analyze, and optimize device-to-device (D2D) communications in wireless networking. With an ever-increasing demand for higher-data-rate wireless access, D2D communication is set to become a key feature supported by next-generation cellular networks. This book introduces D2D-based wireless communications from the physical-, MAC-, network-, and application-layer perspectives, providing all the key background information before moving on to discuss real-world applications as well as potential future developments.
Markaziy Osiyo geografiyasi.
Ushbu darslik Markaziy Osiyo davlatlari haqida umumiy tushunchalar beradi. Unda Markaziy Osiyoning tabiiy sharoitiga, hamda, iqtisodiy-regional xususiyatlariga tavsif berilgan, bundan tashqari jadval ma’lumotlar va Markaziy Osiyo nomenklaturasi keltiriIgan. Darslik pedagogika insitutlarining geografiya o'qitish metodikasi, shuningdek tarix, milliy istiqlol g'oyasi. huquq va ma'naviyat asoslari, filologiya. mutaxassisligi bo'yicha ta'lim olayotgan bakalavrlar uchun darslik sifatida tavsiya etiladi.
Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications
There are entire books that deal with statistics, logarithms, significant figures, transmission lines, and s-parameters. We are interested in understanding and designing radio receivers and systems, which requires at least a passing knowledge of all these topics and more. This chapter serves as an introduction to many of the basic concepts we will need in later chapters. This is an optional chapter. Many readers will find the information presented here very basic and may choose to pass this chapter over. For others, it will be required reading. Some of the purists out there may argue that the information presented here is imprecise, incomplete, and greatly simplified. Again, the purpose of this chapter is to acquaint the reader with some of the fundamental material we’ll need later on. For a more complete treatment of any of the topics listed here, refer to the bibliography at the end of the chapter.