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Davlat va huquq. Huquqiy fanlar
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
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Revision History for the First Edition
While the publisher and the authors have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the authors disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work.
Introducing Go
Environment variables are a mechanism provided by your operating system for altering the behavior of a program without having to change it. An environment is a collection of these variables, each of which has a name and a corresponding value. For example, there is a TEMP environment variable that stores the location of a directory on your computer where temporary files are stored.
Президент сайлови: миллий вa хорижий тажриба
Рисола президент сайлови, президент институти тушунчаси, президентнинг конституциявий мақоми ва сиёсий тизимдаги ўрни, ваколатлари, президент сайловларини ўтказиш тажрибаси, сиёсий партиялар билан ўзаро муносабатлари ҳамда ГФР, А.ҚШ, Франция давлатларининг конституциявий тажрибалари асосида ёритилган.
HTML5 and CSS3, Seventh Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide
Writing the acknowledgments is one of the most daunting challenges of working on a book, because you want to be sure to convey your appreciation of everyone properly. This book is the result of the support, tireless work, and good spirits of a lot of people. I hope to do them all justice, and I hope that you’ll indulge me for a bit while I thank them.
Yakkaxon qo'shiqchilik
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma 0 ‘zbekiston davlat san’at va madaniyat instituti “Xalq ijodiyoti:ashula va raqs”, “folklor va etnografiya” ta’lim yo‘nalislarihining o‘quv rejasida mavjud “Yakkaxon qo‘shiqchilik” fani mazmuniga mos tarzda yaratildi. O‘quv qo‘llanmaning tuzilishida “Yakkaxon qo‘shiqchilik” o‘quv fan dasturida kelgan mavzular ketma-ketligiga rioya qilinmagan bo‘lsada, biroq mazkur fanni o‘zlashtirish jarayonida aynan Buxoro mumtoz va folklor musiqasiga xos “Buxorcha” aytimlarini chuqur o‘rganish uchun maxsus tayyorlandi.
Дастлабки терговнинг процессуал ва тактик асослари
Мамлакатимизда одил судловнинг таъминланишида жиноятларни сифатли ва малакали тергов килиш муҳим аҳамият касб этади. Шу муносабат билан ушбу услубий қўлланмада дастлабки терговнинг процессуал ва тактик асослари Ўзбекистон Республикаси жиноят-процессуал кодексига сунгги йилларда киритилган қушимча ва ўзгартиришлар инобатга олинган ва ёритилди.
Deep Learning A Practitioner’s Approach
As opposed to starting out with toy examples and building around those, we chose to start the book with a series of fundamentals to take you on a full journey through deep learning
Data Structures, algorithms and applications in C++
The study of data stuctures and algorithms is fundamental to computer sciencee and engineering. A mastery of these areas is essetial for us to develop computer pragramms that utilize computer resources in an effective manner.
Международные экономические отношения
Пособие содержит основные понятия по теме, план проведения семинарских занятий, вопросы для обсуждения, примеры и задачи к темам, примерный вопросник тестов и список рекомендуемой литературы, необходимой для изучения курса.
Международные экономические отношения
Пособие содержит основные понятия, план проведения семинарских занятий, вопросы для обсуждения, примеры и задачи к темам, примерный вопросник тестов и список рекомендуемой литературы, необходимой для изучения курса.
Практическое пособие по развитию русской речи
Пособие состоит из текстов по растениеводству, шелководству, физиологии растений, земледелию, агрохимии, селекции, генетике, мелиорации, почвоведению, энтомологии, охране природы и др. В нём использованы адаптированные статьи из научно-популярных книг, журналов и периодической печати. В зависимости от языковой подготовки студентов рекомендуется различная степень лексического препарирования текстов предавателем.
CSS Pocket Reference
It is also possible to link to alternate stylesheets, but few browsers provide a way for users to make use of them. As of this writing, most or all known user agents load all linked stylesheets, including the alternate stylesheets, regardless of whether the user ever needs them.
Concurrency in Go
Go is a wonderful language. When it was first announced and birthed into the world, I remember exploring it with great interest: it was terse, compiled incredibly fast, performed well, supported duck typing, and—to my delight—I found working with its concurrency primitives to be intuitive.
CSS Programming Learn CSS Programming FAST !
The information provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. The author’s books are only meant to provide the reader with the basics knowledge of a certain topic, without any warranties regarding whether the student will, or will not, be able to incorporate and apply all the information provided. Although the writer will make his best effort share his insights, learning is a difficult task and each person needs a different timeframe to fully incorporate a new topic.
Йўл-транспорт ҳодисаси билан боғлиқ жиноятларни тергов қилиш
Ушбу ўқув қўлланмада транмпорт ҳодисалари билан боғлиқ жиноятларни тергов қилишнинг ўзига хос вазиятлдари ва йўналишлари, шунингдек жиноят ишини қўзғатишнинг ҳусусиятларива бошқа масалалар ёритилган.
Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio ® 2017
In Chapter 17, you learn how to create and deploy an ASP.NET Web API to the cloud and then consume the Web API from a similar ASP.NET 4.7 web application. The chapter ends discussing two of the most valuable features in the cloud, scaling and the optimal utilization of hardware resources.