Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Халқаро кўламда йўловчи ва юк ташишнинг ҳуқуқий асослари
Дарслик халқаро хусусий ҳуқуқнинг институтларидан бири бўлган халқаро кўламда йўловчи ва юк ташишнинг умумий масалаларига бағишланган.
Транспортные узлы промышленных районов
В книге рассмотрены состав, классификация н общие принципы проектирования транспортных узлов в увязке с промышленными узлами различных отраслей народного хозяйства транспортного обслуживания предприятий, методы решения .задач размещения транспортных средств в узлах.
Tarbiya 3
Mana, orziqib kutilgan kun ham keldi. Turkiyada o‘tkaziladigan fan olimpiadalariga o'quvchilar bir necha oy tayyorlanishdi. Aeroportda ota-onalari ularga yaxshi tilaklar bildirishdi.
Electromagnetic Theory for Complete Idiots
Since the time Maxwell first presented a unified theory of Electricity and Magnetism, the field of Electromagnetism has seen numerous advancements. But the fundamentals have remained more or less the same throughout this period. As our search for more advanced communication technology intensifies, the relevance of this field of engineering is only growing day by day. So it is very important for a student of Electrical or Communications engineering or a physics enthusiast to be familiar with the fundamentals of this subject.
Передачи с гибкой связью в приводах станков
В настоящее время серийно выпускаются плоские бесконечные ремни из синтетических материалов, клиновые ремни повышенного качества (с несущим слоем из химических волоком) и широкие клиновые ремни для плавного регулирования скорости, а также зубчатые ремни
Electricity and Magnetism For IITJEE
My interaction with students, sincerely preparing for IIT-JEE motivated me to writethisbookonelectricity&magnetism. Electricity and Magnetism is also as important as Mechanics because in all the competitive examinations, this part is given same or even more weightage than mechanics. Like Mechanics I & II this book "Electricity and Magnetism is also designed to clear the concepts through numerical approach. This book will help the students in building analytical and quantitative skills, addressing key misconceptions and developing confidence in problem solving.
Basic laws of electromagnetism
The main idea behind this book is to amalgamate the description of the basic concepts of the theory and the practical methods of solving problems in one book. Therefore, each chapter contains first a description of the theory of the subject being considered (illustrated by concrete examples) and then a set of selected problems with solutions. The problems are closely related to the text and often complement it. Hence they should be analysed together with the text. In author’s opinion, the selected problems should enable the reader to attain a deeper understanding of many important topics and to visualize (even without solving the problems but just by going through them) the wide range of applications of the ideas presented in this book.
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves. Including Electric Circuits
Since its original publication in 1962, Lorrain and Corson's text has offered physics and engineering students a formula for developing a working knowledge of the basic principles of electromagnetism. The formula is practice.
Tabiatshunoslik va uni o`qitish metodikasi
Darslik 5111700- Boshlang’ich ta’lim, sport va tarbiyaviy ish yo’nalishi talabalariga mo’lljallangan.
опыт обслуживания дизельных железнодорожных электростанций
На железнодорожных электростанциях Орёл, Курск, Скуратово накоплен значительный опыт по организации планово-предупредительного и капитального ремонта двигателей, по увеличению межремонтных сроков и сокращению времени простоя двигателей в ремонте