Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Методы контроля каналов передачи информации
В учебном пособии рассмотрены вопросы создания моделей и методов синтеза устройств контроля каналов передачи информации распределенных систем.
Lectures in Theoretical Biophysics
These expressions reveal that the first cumulant is equal to the average of the stochastic variable and the second cumulant is equal to the variance. The higher orders of cumulants contain less information about p(η, t) than lower ones. In fact it can be shown, that in the frequently arising case of probabilities described by Gaussian distributions (the corresponding random processes are called Gaussian) all, but the first and second-order cumulants vanish. For non-Gaussian distributions, though, all cumulants are non-zero as stated in the theorem of Marcienkiewicz [24]). Nevertheless, cumulants give a more succint description of p(η, t) than moments do, dramatically so in case of Gaussian processes. This is not the only benefit as we will see considering scenarios with more than one random variable
Qo‘llanmada fizika kursining mexanika bo‘limining kinematika, dinamika, statika hamda suyuqlik va gazlar mexanikasi, molekulyar fizika b o ‘lim ining m o lek u ly ar- k in etik nazariya asoslari, term odinam ika asoslari, suyuqlik va gazlarning o'zaro aylanishi, suyuqliklarda sirt taranglik va qattiq jism lar fizikasi dasturga mos ravishda iloji boricha to‘la yoritilishiga harakat qilindi.
Философские проблемы науки
Учебное пособие "Философские проблемы науки (Наука и гуманизм: философско-методологические аспекты)" посвящено философско-методологическим аспектам науки и гуманизма, гуманизации науки. Этот процесс включает более полное использование результатов и потенциальных возможностей науки в целях обеспечения благополучия всех людей; теоретическое обоснование эффективного природопользования, а также разработку социально-экономических, политических, культурных средств, позволяющих практически распространять принципы гуманизма на отношения к природе.
C*-Algebras and Quantum Mechanics
Hilbert's memoirs on integral equations appeared between 1904 and 1906. In 1908 his student E. Schmidt defined the space ( in the modern sense. F. Riesz studied the space of all continuous line ar maps on (1912), and various examples of L-spaces emerged around the same time. However, the abstract concept of a Hilbert space was still missing. Heisenberg discovered a form of quantum mechanics, which at the time was called 'matris mechanics. Schrödinger was led to a different formulation of the theory, which he called 'wave mechanics. The relationship and possible equivalence between these alternative formulations of quantum mechanics, which at first sight looked completely different, was much discussed at the time, It was clear from either approach that the body of work mentioned in the previous paragraph was relevant to quantum mechanics. Heisenberg's paper initiating matrix mechanics was followed by the Dreimännerarbeit' of Born, Heisenberg, and Jondan (1926); all three were in Göttingen at that time. Born was one of the few physicists of his tane to he familiar with the concept of a matrix; in previous research he had even used infinite matrices (Heisenberg's fundamental equations could only be satisfied by in finite-dimensional matrices). Born turned to his former teacher Hilbert for mathematical advice. Hilbert had been interested in the mathematical structure of physical theories for a long time; his Sixth Problem (1900) called for the mathematical axiomatization of physics. Aided by his assistants Nordheim and von Neumann, Hilbert thus ran a seminar on the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics, and the three wrote a joint paper on the subject (now obsolete).
Matematik analizdan ma'ruzalar II qism
Qo'lingizdagi o'quv qo'llanma «Matematik analizdan ma'ruzalan (1- qism) kitobning davomi bo'lib, dastur materiallari 6 bob, 39 ta ma'ruzaga ajratib bayon qilingan. Bu ikkinchi qism ko'p o'zgaruvchili funksiya, uning limiti, uzluksizligi, differensial va integral hisobi, funksional ketma-ketlik, funksional qatorlar mavzularini o'z ichiga oladi.
Лидерлик ва ташкилот маданияти
Фаннинг асосий ўрганиш объекти бошқарув фаолияти билан боғлиқ ходимларнинг ўз касби, муассаса орқали жамият ва ватанга хизмат қилиш, аҳоли ижтимоий турмушини яхшилаш, соҳани ривожлантиришга ҳисса қўшиш даражасини ошириш масалаларини қамраб олган.
Ushbu ma'lumotnomada "Elementar fizika kursi" ning deyarli barcha mavzulari qisqacha yoritilgan. Uning ba'zi joylarida anchagina kerakli bo'lgan natijalar isboti bilan ko'rsatilgan. Bundan maqsad o'quvchini ko'r ko'rona formulalardan foydalanishga emas, balki qonuniyatlarning ma'nosini chuqurroq anglashga undashdan iboratdir. Biz sizdan darsimizda o'tilayotgan barcha mavzularga bu ma'lumotnamani hamroh qilib yurishingizni so'raymiz. Bu ma'lumotnomani yozishda ayniqsa mavzulardagi mos rasmlarni kompyuterda chizish anchagina qiyin bo'lganligi uchun ba'zi joylarda xato va kamchiliklar bo'lishi mumkin. Buning uchun sizlardan oldindan uzr so'raymiz. Biz butun o'quv kursimizdagi darslar davomida bu xato va kamchliklarni tuzatib va to'ldirib borishga harakat qilamiz. Sizlarga esa mukammal bilim egalari bo'lish uchun qilayotgan barcha intilishlaringizga kuch-g'ayrat tilaymiz.
Matematik analizdan ma'ruzalar I qism
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma iniversitetlarning mexanika-matematika fakultetlari, shuningdek, oliy matematika chuqur dastur asosida o'qitiladigan oliy o‘quv yurtlari talabalariga mo‘ljallangan.
Приведены лабораторные работы по основным темам в изучении технологических процессов изготовления полупроводниковых электронных схем. Предназначены для студентов, обучающихся по направлению 211000 – «Конструирование и технология электронных средств», очной формы обучения.
Машина деталлари
Тавсия қилинаётган ўқув қўлланма 3 қисмдан иборат : механик узатмаларнинг тузилишлари, подшипниклар, валлар ва муфталар, машина деталларининг кўзғалмас бирикмалари мавзулари очиб берилган.
Гидротехника иншоотлари III-қисм
Ушбу ўқув қўлланмада гравитацион бетон тўғонларни лойихалаш масалалари баён этилган.
Иқтисодий билим асослари
Ушбу қўлланмада иқтисодий билимларнинг умумий, тарихий, асослари, бозор иқтисодиётининг мазмуни, қонунлари, категориялари, ресурслар, жамғариш ва иқтисодий ўсиш, фирмалар ва аҳоли даромадлари, молия, кредит, суғурта, кабилар ўз ифодасини топган
Ноосфера, геосиёсат ва мафкура
Бу курс гарчи магистрлар учун мўлжалланган бўлсада, аммо Ноосфера даври фалсафаси сифатида барча фанларда, айниқса миллий мафкура, шунингдек ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларни ўқитишда ҳам ўрни билан фойдаланиш барча талабаларнинг ҳозирги давр муаммоларини тушуниб олишлари учун имкон туғдиради деб ҳисоблаш мумкин.
Станки с ЧПУ
В учебном пособии приведены основные понятия и терминология по станкам с ЧПУ, классификация этих станков по основным признакам, методы кодирования и принципы программирования автоматической обработки на станках с ЧПУ.
This is a textbook on electricity and magnetism, designed for an undergraduate course at the junior or senior level. It can be covered comfortably in two semesters, maybe even with room to spare for special topics (AC circuits, numerical methods, plasma physics, transmission lines, antenna theory, etc.) A one-semester course could reasonably stop after Chapter 7. Unlike quantum mechanics or thermal physics (for example), there is a fairly general consensus with respect to the teaching of electrodynamics; the subjects to be included, and even their order of presentation, are not particularly controversial, and textbooks differ mainly in style and tone. My approach is perhaps less formal than most; I think this makes difficult ideas more interesting and accessible.