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Tuning the Snowflake Data Cloud
In this book you will learn to develop tools and techniques based upon sound, proven, real-life scenarios. I use these tools and techniques daily, and as you become familiar with them, I hope you will too. Performance tuning needs to be a continual activity. Data profiles change over time, and INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations can cause skewed data where the distribution of data within a table or database becomes increasingly imbalanced or uneven. The impact of data skew over time can be significant, particularly when it comes to query performance.
Робототехнические системы и комплексы
В учебном пособии "Робототехнические системы и комплексы" приведены теоретические основы робототехники и общие сведения о манипуляторах и роботах, основы создания систем автоматизированного проектирования манипуляционных систем, приводов, передаточных механизмов, захватных устройств и несущих конструкций манипуляторов и робототехнических комплексов больший грузоподъемности. Предназначено для студентов вузов железнодорожного транспорта, обучающихся по специальностям "Робототехнические системы и комплексы" и "Подъемно-транспортные, строительные, дорожные машины и оборудование". Может быть полезно студентам других вузов, изучающим подобные дисциплины, а также специалистам, занимающимся вопросами автоматизации производственных процессов
Node.js for Beginners
Node.js has been a leading technology for many years, and while there are numerous resources available to learn from, this book takes a unique approach. The knowledge you gain here will remain relevant even if you decide to change parts of your tech stack. Let me illustrate this now with an example.
Ushbu qo'Ilanma barcha kasb-hunar taMimi yo‘nalishidagi talabalar uchun mo'ljallangan bo'lib, an’anaviy hamda interfaol dars usullardan foydalanishga moslashtirilgan.
Таърихи журналистикаи тоҷик
Дар китоб таърихи бештар аз садсолаи матбуот ва рӯзноманигории точик, лаҳзаҳои асосии харакати демократӣ дар Осиёи Миёна, ташаккул ва инкишофи матбуоти ҳизбию шўрой, пайдоиш ва ташаккули матбуот, радио ва телевизиони мустақил таҳлил шудааст. Инчунин, оид ба муҳимтарин нашрияхои ба забони тоҷикӣ ва соири забонҳои кишвар нашршуда маълумоти фаровон дода шуда, дар он масъалаҳои муҳими матбуот таҳлилу икъикоси худро ёфтааст. Ин китоб бо номи «Таърихи матбуоти тоҷик» бори аввал тавассути нашриёти «Маориф» соли 1997 чоп шудааст. Дар нашри нав муаллифон онро ба кулли такмил карданд.
Немис тили фонетикаси
Қўлланмада Жаҳон тиллари университети ва Андижон давлат тиллар педагогка институти услубий кенгашларида муҳокама қилинган ва маъқулланган. Қўлланма талабаларга мўлжалланган.
Architecture Modernization
Architecture serves a purpose. In the 1990s and early 2000s, the architecture of business and IT systems typically helped to automate previously paper-based processes. However, with the coming of automation and cloud technologies in 2008 and beyond, the architecture of organizations and software systems is now free to serve the needs of the user or customer through value streams. To achieve this, we need architecture modernization for fast flow. In this book, Nick Tune brings together a vital collection of techniques and approaches that help to shape software and organizational architecture for fast flow. Informed by approaches including Team Topologies, domain-driven design (DDD), data mesh, and Wardley Mapping, Nick shows how to plan, start, and evolve a journey of architecture modernization using a good mix of concepts and practical techniques. I particularly like the emphasis on the need to build capabilities to change architecture continuously: “Everything evolves,” says Nick in chapter 5, and “Prepare for constant evolution” in chapter 9. This perspective is crucial for any organization working with any kind of software-enriched services today. Core Domain Charts (see chapter 10) are essential to designing for constant evolution, so it’s good to see a comprehensive treatment of this topic in the book. (Nick was instrumental in devising and shaping the techniques around Core Domain Charts.).
Moliyaviy hisobotning xalqaro standartlari
Moliyaviy hisobotning xalqaro standartlari predmeti bo`lib, xalqaro standartlar asosida pul ifodasida aks ettirilgan xo'jalik mablag`lari, shu mablag`lar manbalari, ularning xo`jalik faoliyati va moliyaviy natijalari bo`lib hisoblanadi.
English literature
The book is designed to acquaint students with the main outlines of English literature and to provide an overview of its evolution covering several centuries from its dawn to modern time. The thematic organization should assist students of Bachelor Departments in their studies. We are confident thatthe book will be an important addition to the bibliography of volumes available for the study of English literature.
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanmada aerologiya predmetini tashkil etuvchi asboblarning sistematik tavsifi, shuningdek, erkin atmosferani tadqiq qilishning eksperimental usullari bayon etilgan. Asosiy e’tibor atmosferani zondlashning zamonaviy tizimini bayon etishga qaratilgan.
Modeling and Simulation in Python
The essential skills of modeling abstraction, analysis, simulation, and validation are central in engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, medicine, and many other fields. Some students learn these skills implicitly, but in most schools they are not taught explicitly, and students get little practice. That’s the problem this book is meant to address.
W'o'rtlich gesagt (Deutsches Idiom)
In diesem Buch habe ich W'o'rter zusammengestellt fur die AbzchluBklassen mavo und die Mittelklasswn vwo und havo. Ich ging aus von den bekanneten Frequenzlisten, strich daraus jedoch die W'o'lter, die den genannten Schulernkeine Schwierigkeiten bereiten und fulltle den so gewonnenen Spielraum aus mit W'o'rtern der zweiten Frequenzschicht; der gesamte Wortschatz enthalt etwa 2200 W'o'rter.
Organik kimyo
Ushbu qo‘llanma akademik litsey va kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun tuzilgan yangi o‘quv dasturi asosida yozilgan. Qo‘llanmada organik kimyoning nazariy qismi, organik birikmalarning sinflar bo‘yicha nomenklaturasi, olinishi, fizik-kimyoviy xossalari va xalq xo‘jaligida ishlatilishi yoritilgan.
Amaliy geografiya.
Darslik ikki bo‘limdan iborat bo‘lib, birinchi bo‘limda «Amaliy geografiya» fani o‘rganishi lozim bo‘lgan dolzarb muammolar, ikkinchi bo‘limda esa geosiyosat asoslari yoritishga bag‘ishlangan qiziqarli mavzular o‘z ifodasini topgan.