Elektronika. Radiotexnika
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Designing Machine Learning Systems
Machine learning systems are both complex and unique. Complex because they consist of many different components and involve many different stakeholders. Unique because they're data dependent, with data varying wildly from one use case to the next. In this book, you'll learn a holistic approach to designing ML systems that are reliable, scalable, maintainable, and adaptive to changing environments and business requirements. Author Chip Huyen, co-founder of Claypot AI, considers each design decision--such as how to process and create training data, which features to use, how often to retrain models, and what to monitor--in the context of how it can help your system as a whole achieve its objectives. The iterative framework in this book uses actual case studies backed by ample references.
Избранные задачи расчета электрических и магнитных полей
Рассмотрены способы решения некоторых классов практически важных задач с помощью интегральных уравнении 1-го пода приближенного « сшивания» решении и факториза ции функций по Винеру-Хопфу.
Test Your Reading
Test your reading is past of the popular Test Your series devised by Peter Watcyn-Jones.
Шейный остеохондроз диагностика и медициниская реабилитация
В книге представлены современные научные разработки по диагностике остеохондроза шейного отдела позвоничника, организации лучевой визуализации и мануальной терапии на этапах медициниской реабилитации больных с неврологическими проявлениями шейного остеохондроза. Освещены вопросы профилактики и лечебной гимнастики. Книга предназначена для врачей лучевой диагностики, неврологов, физиотерапевтов, валеологов и мануалных терапевтов.
Axborot texnologiyalari
Ushbu darslik axborot texnologiyalarini tashkil etgan gipermatn, multimedia, internet, intranet, elektron pochta, WEB texnologiyasi, sun’iy intellekt tizimlari haqidagi ma’lumotlarni o‘zida mujassamlashtirgan.
Data Structures & Algorithms in Python
This practical introduction to data structures and algorithms can help every programmer who wants to write more efficient software. Building on Robert Lafore's legendary Java-based guide, this book helps you understand exactly how data structures and algorithms operate. You'll learn how to efficiently apply them with the enormously popular Python language and scale your code to handle today's big data challenges. Throughout, the authors focus on real-world examples, communicate key ideas with intuitive, interactive visualizations, and limit complexity and math to what you need to improve performance. Step-by-step, they introduce arrays, sorting, stacks, queues, linked lists, recursion, binary trees, 2-3-4 trees, hash tables, spatial data structures, graphs, and more. Their code examples and illustrations are so clear, you can understand them even if you're a near-beginner, or your experience is with other procedural or object-oriented languages.
Дифференциал геометрия курси
Геометрия курсида тузилиши оддий чизиқлар,тўғри чизиқ, кесма, учбурчак, кўпбурчак, айлана ва унинг ёйлари,сиртларидан эса текислик,с фера, доиравий цилиндр, конус, пирамида, призма ва бошқа кўпёқларнинг хоссалари ўрганилади.
Семиотика наследственных болезней у детей
В учебном пособии "Семиотика наследственных болезней у детей" под ред., Новикова П.В., рассматриваются на уровне симптом, синдром, болезнь патологические заболевания генных аномалий. В книге представлены доминантные симптомы, характеризующие наследственную патологию, на которые в клинической практике иногда не обращают должного внимания, или имеются некоторые затруднения в интерпретации их. Изложены в виде таблиц основные, часто встречающиеся, наследственные заболевания и специфические для них симптомы и синдромы. Описан алгоритм диагностики, интерпретирована цель медико-генетического консультирования. Для студентов-медиков, интернов, акушеров-гинекологов, педиатров, неонатологов, генетиков.
Mathematics has been defined as the “universal language of numbers,” a language whose basic principles remain the same for all users. Many routine activities, from balancing a checkbook to measuring ingredients for a recipe, require a certain familiarity with mathematical concepts and applications.
Кўз каcалликлари
Бу дарсликда дунёдаги илғор офтальмология соҳасидаги янги ютуқлар, айниқса Ўзбекистонда ва қўшни Марказий Осиё республикаларида офтальмология фанига ўз ҳиссаларини қўшган олимлар ва амалий врачлар фаолиятининг якунлари ҳам баён қилинган.
Сравнительный анализ экономических систем.
Сравнительный анализ экономических систем в современный период приобретает особую актуальность в связи с выбором странами своих национальных моделей.
Data Algorithms with Spark
Apache Spark's speed, ease of use, sophisticated analytics, and multilanguage support makes practical knowledge of this cluster-computing framework a required skill for data engineers and data scientists. With this hands-on guide, anyone looking for an introduction to Spark will learn practical algorithms and examples using PySpark. In each chapter, author Mahmoud Parsian shows you how to solve a data problem with a set of Spark transformations and algorithms. You'll learn how to tackle problems involving ETL, design patterns, machine learning algorithms, data partitioning, and genomics analysis. Each detailed recipe includes PySpark algorithms using the PySpark driver and shell script.
Квантовая электроника
Однако при этом выпало промежуточное звено — практически отсутствует литература, которая позволила бы читателю, не имеющему специальной подготовки, с единых позиций уяснить принципы работы квантовых устройств и особенности лазерного излучения глубже, чем это возможно на основе обычного популярного изложения.
Xirurgik kasalliklar
Mazkur darslik tibbiyot oliy o'quv yurtlari talabalariga mo'ljallangan bo'lib, unda inson organizmida tashqi vа ichki omillar ta'siriga uchraydigan kasalliklarga keng o'rin berilgan.
Mass Communication Theory
We wrote the first and second editions of this textbook at a prosperous time in the life of our nation, when U.S. media industries were undergoing rapid change. American corporations were spreading around the world.
Cybersecurity in Intelligent Networking Systems
Cybersecurity and privacy are critical to modern network systems. As various malicious threats have been launched that target critical online services—such as e-commerce, e-health, social networks, and other major cyber applications it has become more critical to protect important information from being accessed. Data-driven network intelligence is a crucial development in protecting the security of modern network systems and ensuring information privacy.ybersecurity in Intelligent Networking Systems provides a background introduction to data-driven cybersecurity, privacy preservation, and adversarial machine learning. It offers a comprehensive introduction to exploring technologies, applications, and issues in data-driven cyber infrastructure. It describes a proposed novel, data-driven network intelligence system that helps provide robust and trustworthy safeguards with edge-enabled cyber infrastructure, edge-enabled artificial intelligence (AI) engines, and threat intelligence. Focusing on encryption-based security protocol, this book also highlights the capability of a network intelligence system in helping target and identify unauthorized access, malicious interactions, and the destruction of critical information and communication technology.