Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Organik sintez mahsulotlari texnologiyasi
Darslik oliy o‘quv yurtlarining kimyo-texnologiya bakalavr yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha tahsil oladigan talabalar uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, magistrantlar, aspiranlar va ushbu sohada ishlovchi ilmiy-xodimlar foydalanishlari mumkin.
Time Series Forecasting in Python
Time Series Forecasting in Python teaches you to build powerful predictive models from time-based data. Every model you create is relevant, useful, and easy to implement with Python. You’ll explore interesting real-world datasets like Google’s daily stock price and economic data for the USA, quickly progressing from the basics to developing large-scale models that use deep learning tools like TensorFlow. About the technology, you can predict the future with a little help from Python, deep learning, and time series data! Time series forecasting is a technique for modeling time-centric data to identify upcoming events. New Python libraries and powerful deep learning tools make accurate time series forecasts easier than ever before. Time Series Forecasting in Python teaches you how to get immediate, meaningful predictions from time-based data such as logs, customer analytics, and other event streams. In this accessible book, you’ll learn statistical and deep learning methods for time series forecasting, fully demonstrated with annotated Python code. Develop your skills with projects like predicting the future volume of drug prescriptions, and you’ll soon be ready to build your own accurate, insightful forecasts.
Воспитание 4
Данный учебник подготовлен к изданию на основании соответствующих заключений Комитета Узбекистан Республиканского центра духовности и просветительства и Союза писателей Узбекистана.
Ботаника знакомит нас с полезными и вредными растениями, с их внешним и внутренним строением закономерностями развития. Ботанические знания способствуют лучшему использованию растений человеком
Экология хуқуқи
Дарслик хуқуқшунослик мутахассислари бўйича таълим олаётган талабалар, аспирантлар, ўқитувчилар, хуқуқни муҳофаза қилиш ходимлари учун мўлжалланган.
The Pythonic Way
The Pythonic Way' acquaints you with Python's capabilities beyond basic syntax. This book will help you understand widely accepted Pythonic constructs and procedures, thus enabling you to write reliable, optimized, and modular applications. You'll learn about Pythonic data structures, class and object creation, and more. The book then delves into some of Python's lesser-known but incredibly powerful functionalities such as meta-programming, decorators, context managers, generators, and iterators. Additionally, you'll learn how to accelerate computations by using Pandas Series and Dataframes. You will be introduced to various design patterns that work well with Python applications. Finally, we'll discuss testing frameworks and best practices for testing, packaging, launching, and publishing applications in production environments. This book will empower you as you transition from beginner or competitive Python coding to industry-standard Python software development. Intermediate Python developers will gain a deeper understanding of the language's nuances, enabling them to create better software.
Основы теплопередачи
Настоящая книга, рассматривающая основы учения о теплообмене, предназначена для щирокого круга инженерно-технических работников и студентов вузов; это и определило содержание книги, расположение материала и характер изложения.Авторы стремились изложить материал наиболее просто и ясно, сохраняя при этом научную строгость. Больщое внимание уделено физической трактовке рассматриваемых процессов и их техническому применению.
SQL Server 2022 Query Performance Tuning
Troubleshoot slow-performing queries and make them run faster. Database administrators and SQL developers are constantly under pressure to provide more speed. This new edition has been redesigned and rewritten from scratch based on the last 15 years of learning, knowledge, and experience accumulated by the author. The book Includes expanded information on using extended events, automatic execution plan correction, and other advanced features now available in SQL Server. These modern features are covered while still providing the necessary fundamentals to better understand how statistics and indexes affect query performance. The book gives you knowledge and tools to help you identify poorly performing queries and understand the possible causes of that poor performance. The book also provides mechanisms for resolving the issues identified, whether on-premises, in containers, or on cloud platform providers. You’ll learn about key fundamentals, such as statistics, data distribution, cardinality, and parameter sniffing. You’ll learn to analyze and design your indexes and your queries using best practices that ward off performance problems before they occur. You’ll also learn to use important modern features, such as Query Store to manage and control execution plans, the automated performance tuning feature set, and memory-optimized OLTP tables and procedures. You will be able to troubleshoot in a systematic way. Query tuning doesn’t have to be difficult. This book helps you to make it much easier.
В учебнике излагаются основные положения и краткая история социологии -науки об обществе. Приводятся описание предмета и методов социологии, сведения о социальной структуре, стратификации, социальном неравенстве и мобильности, социальном контроле и организациях, социализации личности и культуры, социальных группах и поведении.
Управление электропоездом и его обслуживание
В книге изложены основы электрической тяги, освещены вопросы управления и обслуживания моторвагонного подвижного состава, рассмотрены методы определения и устранения возможных неисправностей механического и электрического оборудования электросекций и электропоездов постоянного и переменного тока, рассказано о мерах, принимаемых на электроподвижном составе для снижения помех радиоприему.
Secure Communication for 5G and IoT Networks
This book highlights research on secure communication of 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) Networks, along with related areas to ensure secure and Internet-compatible IoT systems. The authors not only discuss 5G and IoT security and privacy challenges, but also energy efficient approaches to improving the ecosystems through communication. The book addresses the secure communication and privacy of the 5G and IoT technologies, while also revealing the impact of IoT technologies on several scenarios in smart city design. Intended as a comprehensive introduction, the book offers in-depth analysis and provides scientists, engineers and professionals the latest techniques, frameworks and strategies used in 5G and IoT technologies.