Jahon adabiyotshunosligi tarixi
Mazkur darslik bakalavriat bosqichi talabalari, filolog-mutaxassislar va adabiy-nazariy tafakkur tarixi bilan qiziquvchi kitobxonlar ommasiga mo‘ljallangan.
Flow Architectures. The Future of Streaming and Event-Driven Integration
Software development today is embracing events and streaming data, which optimizes not only how technology interacts but also how businesses integrate with one another to meet customer needs. This phenomenon, called flow, consists of patterns and standards that determine which activity and related data is communicated between parties over the internet. This book explores critical implications of that evolution: What happens when events and data streams help you discover new activity sources to enhance existing businesses or drive new markets? What technologies and architectural patterns can position your company for opportunities enabled by flow? James Urquhart, global field CTO at VMware, guides enterprise architects, software developers, and product managers through the process. Learn the benefits of flow dynamics when businesses, governments, and other institutions integrate via events and data streams. Understand the value chain for flow integration through Wardley mapping visualization and promise theory modeling. Walk through basic concepts behind today's event-driven systems marketplace. Learn how today's integration patterns will influence the real-time events flow in the future Explore why companies should architect and build software today to take advantage of flow in coming years.
Механика сплошной среды. Том 2
Во втором томе излагаются основные определения, закономерности и эффекты гидродинамики, газовой динамики, теории упругости, теории пластичности и теории трещин.
Read and Write-2
The notes and features of Read and Write will help you read and understand each literature and nonfiction selection. As you use these notes and features, you practice the skills and strategies that good readers use when they read.
Read and Write-7
The notes and features of Read and Write will help you read and understand each literature and nonfiction selection. As you use these notes and features, you practice the skills and strategies that good readers use when they read.
Read and Write-6
The notes and features of Read and Write will help you read and understand each literature and nonfiction selection. As you use these notes and features, you practice the skills and strategies that good readers use when they read.
Read and Write-5
The notes and features of Read and Write will help you read and understand each literature and nonfiction selection. As you use these notes and features, you practice the skills and strategies that good readers use when they read.
Проектирование железных дорог т1
В первом издании курса вышедшем из печати в 1937 г., хотя и были изложены основные вопросы этой сложной дисциплины, однако некоторые специальные разделы проектирования не получили отражения.
Учебник английского языка для делового общения 3-часть
Цель учебника - оказание практической помощи лицам, работающим в области внешней торговли, обучение устной речи на основе развития автоматизированных речевых навыков.
Flask Web Development
Take full creative control of your web applications with Flask, the Pythonbased microframework. With the second edition of this hands-on book, you'll learn Flask from the ground up by developing a complete, real-world application created by author Miguel Grinberg. This refreshed edition accounts for important technology changes that have occurred in the past three years. Explore the framework's core functionality, and learn how to extend applications with advanced web techniques such as database migrations and an application programming interface. The first part of each chapter provides you with reference and background for the topic in question, while the second part guides you through a hands-on implementation.
Read and Write-4
The notes and features of Read and Write will help you read and understand each literature and nonfiction selection. As you use these notes and features, you practice the skills and strategies that good readers use when they read.
Read and Write-1
The notes and features of Read and Write will help you read and understand each literature and nonfiction selection. As you use these notes and features, you practice the skills and strategies that good readers use when they read.
First Course in Algorithms Through Puzzles
This textbook introduces basic algorithms and explains their analytical methods. All algorithms and methods introduced in this book are well known and frequently used in real programs. Intended to be self-contained, the contents start with the basic models, and no prerequisite knowledge is required. This book is appropriate for undergraduate students in computer science, mathematics, and engineering as a textbook, and is also appropriate for self-study by beginners who are interested in the fascinating field of algorithms. More than 40 exercises are distributed throughout the text, and their difficulty levels are indicated. Solutions and comments for all the exercises are provided in the last chapter. These detailed solutions will enable readers to follow the author’s steps to solve problems and to gain a better understanding of the contents. Although details of the proofs and the analyses of algorithms are also provided, the mathematical descriptions in this book are not beyond the range of high school mathematics. Some famous real puzzles are also used to describe the algorithms. These puzzles are quite suitable for explaining the basic techniques of algorithms, which show how to solve these puzzles
Pul, kredit va banklar
Darslikda pul, kredit va banklarning vujudga kelishi, rivojlanishi va takomillashuv jarayonong nazariy jihatlari, shuningdek xalqaro moliyaviy tashkilotlarning tashkil topishi, vazifa va maqsadlari qisqa, aniq va ravon tilda yozilgan. Darslik iqtisodiyot yonalishidagi talabalar va o'qituvchilar, ilmiy tadqiqotchilar, bank va moliya sohasidagi mutaxasislar uchun mo'ljallangan.
Maktabgacha ta'limda badiiy matn bilan ishlash metodikasi
Mazkur “Maktabgacha ta 'limda badiiy matn bilan ishlash metodikasi" nomli darslik oliy о 'quv yurtlari maktabgacha ta ’lim fakultetlarining amaldagi o'quv rejasi asosida tuzilgan dastur mazmuniga muvofiq yaratilgan. Unda maktabgacha ta’Iim muassasalari uchun yaratilgan "Ilk qadam” dasturida ilgari surilgan "Bolalarning Men-konsepsiyasi", “Nutq, muloqot, o'qish va yozish ko'nikmalari”, “Bilim olish (anglash) orqali rivojlanish”, "Ijodiy rivojlanish”, “Anglash-tadqiq qilish va samarali (amaliy) faoliyatni rivojlantirish”, “lntellektual-anglash ko'nikmalari”.
Read and Write-3
The notes and features of Read and Write will help you read and understand each literature and nonfiction selection. As you use these notes and features, you practice the skills and strategies that good readers use when they read.