Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Учебник английского языка
Учебник разработан на основе современных принципов обучения инностранному языку, с учетом коммуникативных потребностей подготавливаемых специалистов.
Акушерский травматизм мягких тканей родовых путей.
Книга включает вопросы диагностики и лечения травм мягких тканей половых путей в родах.
Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence
This book is the ideal starting point for your journey into enterprise AI. Through case studies, implementation examples, and a survey of the landscape, developers will learn technologies for automating and detecting patterns that can augment human expertise and empower employees and applications to make rich, data driven decisions. Getting started in enterprise AI can be daunting. Is your data pipeline robust enough? Do you want to mine unstructured data in emails, blog posts, and other documents? Build a chatbot? Use computer vision to classify images? Where do you start? And how do you make sure your first attempts succeed. In the second edition, authors Tom Markiewicz and Josh Zheng--developer advocates for IBM--examine common use cases for AI in the enterprise, including natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision. You'll also explore a new chapter on hybrid and private clouds.
Военная токсикология, радиобиология и медицинская защита
Учебник подготовлен и составлен в соответствии с учебной программой по военной токсикологии, радиобиологии и медицинской защите. В нем рассматриваются предмет и задачи учебной дисциплины, вопросы общей токсикологии и радиобиологии, дается подробная характеристика поражающих факторов химической и радиационной природы, актуальных для военной медицины, и мероприятий медицинской противохимической и противорадиационной защиты.
Концерт. 1. Piano Concerto No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 1.
Рахманинов. Концерт. 1. Piano Concerto No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 1. Сontrabasso.
Kurash turlari nazariyasi va uslubiyati
Darslik jismoniy tarbiya va sport hamda sportning barcha turlari inson- ning sog‘lig‘ini saqlash va mustahkamlash uchun muhim vosita bo‘lib xizmat qiladi. Mazkur darslik kurash turlari nazariyasi va usuliyati bo'yicha jismoniy tarbiya va sport sohasida yuqori malakali mutaxassislarni tayyorlashning amaldagi o'quv dasturiga muvofiq ishlab chiqilgan. Darslik asosan kurash turlari bo'yicha ixtisoslashgan.
Korpativ risklarni boshqarish
Darslik mazkur fan bo‘yicha ma’ruza mavzularininig tayanch konspekti, mustaqil ta’limga oid topshiriqlar, oraliq nazoratga oid o‘quv loyihalarining namunaviy mavzulari, yakuniy nazoratga oid namunaviy savollar va topshiriqlar, har bir mavzu bo‘yicha talabalarning mustaqil ishlashi uchun zarur bo‘lgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxatini hamda glossariylarni o‘z ichiga olgan bo‘lib u 5231900 – korporativ boshqaruv bakalavriat ta’lim yo‘nalishining “Korporativ risklarni boshqarish” fanidan darslik sifatida tavsiya etiladi.
O`simliklar immuniteti
Darslik qishloq xo`jalik oliy o`quv yurtlarining magistrlari, bakalavr talabalari, qishloq xo`jalik mutaxasislari, ilmiy xodimlar, shuningdek boshqa qiziquvchilar uchun mo`ljallangan bo`lib, DTS talablari asosida yozilgan.
Теоретическая гидромеханика Ч.1.
Здесь вставлены для новых параграфа:один посвящен теории длинных волн на мелкой воде(в частности,рассмотрен вопрос о разрушении плотины),другой -теории длинных волн в сжимаемой жидкости (задач обтекания препятствия).
Fullstack Vue The Complete Guide to Vue.js
This book aims to be the single most useful resource on learning Vue.js. By the time you’re done reading this book, you (and your team) will have everything you need to build reliable, powerful Vue applications. Vue is built on the premise of simplicity by being designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. After the first few chapters, you’ll have a solid understanding of Vue’s fundamentals and will be able to build a wide array of rich, interactive web apps with the framework. This book can be broken down into two parts. In Part I, we cover all the fundamentals with a progressive, example driven approach. You’ll first introduce Vue through a Content Delivery Network (CDN) before moving towards building within Webpack bundled applications. You’ll gain a grasp of handling user interaction, working with single-file components, understanding simple state management, and how custom events work. Part II of this book moves into more advanced concepts that you’ll often see used in large, production applications. We’ll integrate Vuex to a server-persisted app, manage rich forms, build a multi-page app that uses client-side routing, and finally explore how unit tests can be written with Vue’s official unit testing library
Tarbiya 11
Mazkur darslikda “Erkin va farovon hayot mazmuni”, “Dadil qadamlar bilan katta hayot sari”, “Ibrat maskani”, “Missionerlik – yoshlar kelajagiga tahdid”,“Renessans poydevori”, “Halollik vaksinasi” kabi qiziqarli mavzular, fikr-mushohadaga chorlaydigan ijodiy topshiriqlar keltirilgan. Bular sizga kelgusida qoqilmasdan, huda-behuda, foydasiz ishlarga chalg‘imasdan munosib hayot yo‘lini topishda samimiy ko‘makdosh, yaqin sirdosh vazifasini o‘taydi, deb umid qilamiz.
Dorivor o`simliklarni yetishtirish texnologiyasi va ekologiya
Mazkur darslik 0 ‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligining 2014-yil 10-martdagi 135510600-14 raqami bilan tasdiqlangan o ‘quv rejasi asosida tuzilgan «Dorivor o‘simliklar yetishtirish texnologiyasi va ekologiya» nomli darslik farmatsiya, sanoat farmatsiyasi, biotexnologiya, metrologiya va kasb ta’lim yo‘nalishlarining talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan.Ushbu darslik 0 ‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligining 2014-yiJdagi 10-11 №BD-5510500-2.08 raqami bilan tasdiqlangan namunaviy dasturi asosida tuzilgan bo‘lib Toshkent farmatsevtika instituti Kengashining 2017-yil 5-iyulda tasdiqlangan namunaviy va ish dasturiga (Bayonnoma №12) mos keladi.
Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine learning must be one of the fastest growing fields in computer science. It is not only that the data is continuously getting “bigger,” but also the theory to process it and turn it into knowledge. In various fields of science, from astronomy to biology, but also in everyday life, as digital technology increasingly infiltrates our daily existence, as our digital footprint deepens, more data is continuously generated and collected. Whether scientific or personal, data that just lies dormant passively is not of any use, and smart people have been finding ever new ways to make use of that data and turn it into a useful product or service. In this transformation, machine learning plays a larger and larger role. There is more structure to the data: It is not just numbers and character strings any more but im-ages, video, audio, documents, web pages, click logs, graphs, and so on. More and more, the data moves away from the parametric assumptions we used to make for example, normality. Frequently, the data is dy-namic and so there is a time dimension.
Texnik mexanika
Ushbu darslik kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun texnik mexanika fani bo'yicha 140 soat hajmdagi dastur asosida yozilgan. Kitobda nazariy mexanika, materiallar qarshiligi hamda mashina detallari bayon etilgan, muhandislik amaliyotining turli sohalarida uchraydigan ba'zi muhim masalalar yechib ko'rsatilgan.
Umumiy padagogika (pedagogika tarixi)
Mazkur darslik pedagogika oliy ta`lim muassasalarida umumiy pedagogika fanini o`qitishda eng muhim manda sifatida umumiy pedagogikaning biribchi qism hisoblanib, unda pedagogika nazariyasi hamda pedagogika tarixi modullari haqida so`z yuritilgan.