Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Деҳқончиликда қисқа муддатли алмашлаб экиш тизимларининг зарурати ва унинг аҳамияти
Республика деҳқончилигида қисқа муддатли алмашлаб экиш тизимларининг зарурати ва унинг аҳамияти бугунги кунда ўта аҳамиятли деб ҳисобланади.
Компостларни тупроқ унумдорлиги ва маккажўхори ҳосилдорлигига таъсири
Ушбу битирув малакавий иши типик бўз тупроқлар шароитида турли чиқиндилардан тайёрланган ҳар хил композицияли компостларнинг тупроқ хоссалари, маккажўхори ўсиши, ривожланиши ва ҳосилдорлигига таъсирини ўрганишга бағишланган.
Қашқадарё вилоятида ирригация эрозиясига чалинган ерларда кузги буғдойдан юқори дон ҳосил олиш технологияси
Тадқиқотлар мақсади ва вазифалари: Ирригация эрозиясига учраган ерларда кузги буғдойдан юқори ва сифатли дон ҳосили яратишда тупроққа ишлов бериш ва суғориш усуллари, мақбул ўғит меъёрлари ҳамда кўчат қалинлигини белгилаш, шу йўл билан эрозия жараёнларига қарши кураш чора-тадбирларини ишлаб чиқиш.
Политология. Практикум
Настоящий практикум в содержательном отношении соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту и учебной программе высшей школы по курсу «Политология».
Қаттиқ ва юмшоқ буғдой навларининг белгиларини таҳлили
Боғдойнинг белгиларини кўплаб олимлар томонидан ўрганилган. Буғдой навлари олдида турган асосий вазифалардан энг муҳими йиллар давомида ҳосилдорлиги турғун, касалликлар ва зараркунандаларга чидамли, технологик сифати юқори бўлган навлар яратишдир.
Дард борки. дармон бор 1-китоб
Рисола муаллифнинг илк тажрибасидир. шу боис у камчилик ва нуқсонлардан холи эмас.
Шўр ювишнинг иқтисодий самарадорлигини ошириш йўллари
Битирув малакавий ишини ёзишдан мақсад қилиб, тупроқ мелиоратив ҳолатини яхшилашда турлича шўрланган ерларда шўр ювиш усулларининг ғўза ҳосилдорлигига таъсири бўйича қилинган ишларни таҳлил этишни жоиз деб топдик.
If you found that maths was something of a closed book at school, please don’t feel intimidated or frightened by the prospect of opening up and reading through this book now. Having spent most of my adult life teaching adults at the Open University, I have come to realize that 90% of people’s problems with the subject stem from fear - fear of failure, fear of showing yourself up in front of others, fear of feeling lost and confused. All of these negative feelings combine to bring the shutters down on your learning to the point where you are no longer able to listen or even think.
Fizikaning “Mеxanika” bo’limi bo’yicha yozilgan mazkur ma`ruzalar matni bakalavrlar uchun mo’ljallangan bo’lib mеxanikaning nazariy asoslari, uning maqsadi va vazifalari ochib bеrilgan.
Advancec High-School Mathematics
The present expanded set of notes initially grew out of an attempt to flesh out the International Baccalaureate (IB) mathematics "Further Mathematics" curriculum, all in preparation for my teaching this during during the AY 2007-2008 school year. Such a course is offered only under special circumstances and is typically reserved for those rare students who have finished their second year of IB mathematics HL in their junior year and need a "capstone" mathematics course in their senior year. During the above school year I had two such IB mathematics students. However, feeling that a few more students would make for a more robust learning environment. I recruited several of my 2006-2007 AP Calculus (BC) students to partake of this rare offering resulting. The result was one of the most singular experiences I've had in my nearly 40-year teaching career: the brain power represented in this class of 11 blue-chip students surely rivaled that of any assemblage of high-school students anywhere and at any time!
Mathematics for Engineers IV
The current text Mathematics fo r Engineers is a collection of four volumes covering the first three up to the fifth terms in undergraduate education. The text is mainly written for engineers but might be useful for students of applied mathematics and mathematical physics, too. Students and lecturers will find more material in the volumes than a traditional lecture will be able to cover. The organization of each of the volumes is done in a systematic way so that students will find an approach to mathematics. Lecturers will select their own material for their needs and purposes to conduct their lecture to students. For students the volumes are helpful for their studies at home and for their preparation for exams. In addition the books may be also useful for private study and continuing education in mathematics. The large number of examples, applications, and comments should help the students to strengthen their knowledge.
Бусидо. Военный канон самурая с комментариями
Первые самураи появились в Японии еще в VII в. Шло время, сформировались устои морального кодекса самурая, позже превратившегося в свод заповедей "Путь Воина" ("Бусидо"). Века сменялись тысячелетиями, но и по сей день моральный кодекс самураев не утратил своей актуальности. В этой книге собраны наиболее авторитетные трактаты и руководства, посвященные бусидо. "Будосёсинсю" Юдзана Дайдодзи, "Хагакурэ" Ямамото Цунэтомо и "Книга пяти колец" Миямото Мусаси непременно станут духовными спутниками каждого, кто ищет ответы на главные вопросы в своей жизни.
Cusack's freehand ornament
A charming mixture of figures and pleasantly forthright written advice on the appropriate technique for freehand sketching and drawing a range of subjects. Cusack?s Freehand Ornament takes the student of freehand drawing as it finds them, endowed with a great deal of natural flair or indeed utterly lacking it. For the complete beginner or the would-be artist wishing to gain a theoretical grounding, the initial chapters focus primarily on describing the ideal technique for drawing the primary three dimensional shapes the artist will wish to represent in drawing any common or unusual scene or object. Where many drawing manuals begin with tedious figures for copying, that appear to be art as much as a grammatical exercise appears to be dramatic prose, this book starts with beautiful details observed on great buildings, art works and abstract patterns taken from classical artefacts. Greek vases, Parisian architecture and the patterns of ionic columns abound. It is to be remembered that not the fact of being born clever makes a genius but that infinite trouble is the mother of genius? says Charles Armstrong. This is where Cusack?s Freehand Ornament?s true genius lies. For the less than natural artist, the recognition of and provision for a longer learning curve allows for the natural and unpressured development of skill, which if not the same as born talent, is at least indistinguishable from it. Offering hope to the silent majority of us who would otherwise throw up our hands and tell anyone who asked, ?I?m hopeless at drawing?. No longer, readers, no longer.
International Finance. Fourth edition.
This book is intended for use in MBA and senior-level undergraduate business courses in international finance and international business. It is comprehensive, covering both the markets and management of multinational business. It is designed to be used in its entirety in courses that cover all areas of international finance, or to be used selectively in courses dealing only with international financial markets or only with international financial management. To the extent possible, the two major subdivisions of international finance are self contained, being delivered in separate segments.
The improvement soil fertility and crop productivity by inclusion of soybean in cotton-wheat crop rotation system
The degraded cropland of Uzbekistan which affected with salinity and drought can be prioritized for rehabilitation measures through appropriate crop rotation and conservation technology measures. In this study we assessed the comparable effect of CT and RT based crop rotation system to different crop yield and soil fertility in salinated arid land of Uzbekistan. Conservation Tillage, Conventional Tillage, Cotton, Reduced Tillage, Maize, Wheat, Soybean.
This volum e is about the foundation o f m athem atics, the way it w as conceptualized by Russell and W hitehead [56], H ilbert (and Bemays) [22], and Bourbaki1 [2]: Mathematical Logic. This is the discipline that, much later, Gries and Schneider [17] called the “glue” that holds mathematics together. Mathematical logic, on one hand, builds the tools for mathematical reasoning with a view o f providing a formal methodology— i.e., one that relies on the form or syntax of mathematical statements rather than on their meaning— that is meant to be applied for constructing mathematical arguments that are correct, well docum ented, and therefore understandable. On the other hand, it studies the interplay between the written structure (syntax) of mathematical statements and their meaning: Are the theorems that we prove by pure syntactic manipulation true under some reasonable definition of truel Are there any true mathematical statem ents that our tools cannot prove? The form er question will be answered in the affirmative later in this book, while the latter question.