Qurilish. Arxitektura
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiy statistika.
Iqtisodiy statistika — ko'p qirrali ijtimoiy statistika fanining muhim qismi bo'lib, u ommaviy iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy voqea va jarayonlarning miqdor tomonini sifat tomonidan ajratmagan holda o'rganadi. U statistik ko'rsatkichlar tizimi orqali bozor iqtisodiyoti faoliyatining shartlari, jarayonlari va natijalarini aks ettiradi, jamiyat taraqqiyoti qonunlarini mutloq va nisbiy miqdorlarda ifodalaydi va rivojlanish tendensiyalarini tahlil qiladi.
JavaScript. The Comprehensive Guide
Begin your JavaScript journey with this comprehensive, hands-on guide. You’ll learn everything there is to know about professional JavaScript programming, from core language concepts to essential client-side tasks. Build dynamic web applications with step-by-step instructions and expand your knowledge by exploring server-side development and mobile development. Work with advanced language features, write clean and efficient code, and much more. Your all-in-one guide to JavaScript. Work with objects, reference types, events, forms, and web APIs. Build server-side applications, mobile applications, desktop applications, and more. Consult and download practical code examples.
Рекомендаций по определению годовых режимов работы и эксплуатационной производительности строительных машин
Содержит методику и исходные данные для расчета годовых режимов работы строительных машин, примеры расчета и возможные годовые режимы для основных строительных машин. Для инженерно-технических работников, занятых в сфере эксплуатации строительных машин. Годовой режим работы определяется на среднесписочную машину по каждой группе или каждому виду машин.
Java Performance. In-Depth Advice for Tuning and Programming Java 8, 11, and Beyond
Coding and testing are generally considered separate areas of expertise. In this practical book, Java expert Scott Oaks takes the approach that anyone who works with Java should be adept at understanding how code behaves in the Java Virtual Machine—including the tunings likely to help performance. This updated second edition helps you gain in-depth knowledge of Java application performance using both the JVM and the Java platform. Developers and performance engineers alike will learn a variety of features, tools, and processes for improving the way the Java 8 and 11 LTS releases perform. While the emphasis is on production-supported releases and features, this book also features previews of exciting new technologies such as ahead-of-time compilation and experimental garbage collections.
Пневматические конструкции в строительстве
Пневматическая строительная конструкция (ПСК) состоит из оболочки, воздуходувки, и в ряде случаев — из воздушного шлюза.
Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika
Darslik O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat ta'lim standartlari asosida yozilgan bolib, unda oliy matematikaning chiziqli algebra, analitik geometriya va matematik tahlil bo'limlari yoritilgan.
Опыт жилищного строительства поточно скоростным способом в Донбасс
Опыт жилищного строительства поточно скоростным способом в Донбассе» содержит основные сведения об организаций ускоренного строительства одноэтажных жилых домов, проведенного на шахте «Холодная Балка» треста строительно-монтажной конторой
Introduction to Computer Organization
Introduction to Computer Organization gives programmers a practical understanding of what happens in a computer when you execute your code. You may never have to write x86-64 assembly language or design hardware yourself, but knowing how the hardware and software works will give you greater control and confidence over your coding decisions. We start with high level fundamental concepts like memory organization, binary logic, and data types and then explore how they are implemented at the assembly language level. The goal isn’t to make you an assembly programmer, but to help you comprehend what happens behind the scenes between running your program and seeing “Hello World” displayed on the screen. Classroom-tested for over a decade. Author Robert Plantz takes a practical approach to the material, providing examples and exercises on every page, without sacrificing technical details. Learning how to think like a computer will help you write better programs, in any language, even if you never look at another line of assembly code again.
Linux System Programming Techniques
Linux is the world's most popular open source operating system (OS). Linux System Programming Techniques will enable you to extend the Linux OS with your own system programs and communicate with other programs on the system. The book begins by exploring the Linux filesystem, its basic commands, built-in manual pages, the GNU compiler collection (GCC), and Linux system calls. You'll then discover how to handle errors in your programs and will learn to catch errors and print relevant information about them. The book takes you through multiple recipes on how to read and write files on the system, using both streams and file descriptors. As you advance, you'll delve into forking, creating zombie processes, and daemons, along with recipes on how to handle daemons using systemd. After this, you'll find out how to create shared libraries and start exploring different types of interprocess communication (IPC). In the later chapters, recipes on how to write programs using POSIX threads and how to debug your programs using the GNU debugger (GDB) and Valgrind will also be covered. By the end of this Linux book, you will be able to develop your own system programs for Linux, including daemons, tools, clients, and filters.
Linux System Programming
Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O’Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Linux System Programming, Second Edition, the image of a man in a flying machine, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and O’Reilly Media, Inc., was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
Imkoniyatlari cheklangan bolalar uchun ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab va maktab-internatlarning 3-sinfi uchun darslik
Introducing MLOps. How to Scale Machine Learning in the Enterprise
More than half of the analytics and machine learning (ML) models created by organizations today never make it into production. Some of the challenges and barriers to operationalization are technical, but others are organizational. Either way, the bottom line is that models not in production can't provide business impact. This book introduces the key concepts of MLOps to help data scientists and application engineers not only operationalize ML models to drive real business change but also maintain and improve those models over time. Through lessons based on numerous MLOps applications around the world, nine experts in machine learning provide insights into the five steps of the model life cycle--Build, Preproduction, Deployment, Monitoring, and Governance--uncovering how robust MLOps processes can be infused throughout.
Learning SQL. Generate, Manipulate, and Retrieve Data
Each chapter presents a self-contained lesson on a key SQL concept or technique, with numerous illustrations and annotated examples. Exercises at the end of each chapter let you practice the skills you learn. With this book, you will. Move quickly through SQL basics and learn several advanced features Use SQL data statements to generate, manipulate, and retrieve data Create database objects, such as tables, indexes, and constraints, using SQL schema statements. Learn how data sets interact with queries, and understand the importance of subqueries. Convert and manipulate data with SQL's built-in functions, and use conditional logic in data statements. Knowledge of SQL is a must for interacting with data. With Learning SQL, you'll quickly learn how to put the power and flexibility of this language to work.
Installation and Configuration of IBM Watson Analytics and StoredIQ
This book provides instructions for installation, configuration and troubleshooting sections to improve the IT support productivity and fast resolution of issues that arise. It covers readers' references that are available online and also step-by-step procedures required for a successful installation of a broad range of IBM Data Analytics products. This book provides a holistic in-depth knowledge for students, software architects, installation specialists, and developers of Data Analysis software and a handbook for data analysts who want a single source of information on IBM Data Analysis Software products. This book provides a single resource that covers the latest available IBM Data Analysis software on the most recent RedHat Linux and IBM Cloud platforms. This book includes comprehensive technical guidance, enabling IT professionals to gain an in-depth knowledge of the installation of a broad range of IBM Software products across different operating systems.
Investitsiya loyihalarini moliyalashtirish
Ushbu darslikda “Investitsiya loyihalarini moliyalashtirish” fanining 1-qismidan, ya’ni “Investitsiya loyihalarini moliyalashtirish va kasbiy faoliyat asoslari” modulidan muhim masalalar bayon etilgan. Darslik Davlat ta’lim standartlari talablariga mos keladi va mazkur o‘quv kursining barcha bo'limlarini qamrab oladi.
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure and Operations Explained
Most organizations are now either moving to the cloud through modernization or building their apps in the cloud. Hybrid cloud is one of the best approaches for cloud migration and the modernization journey for any enterprise. This is why, along with coding skills, developers need to know the big picture of cloud footprint and be aware of the integration models between apps in a hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure. This book represents an overview of your end-to-end journey to the cloud. To be future agnostic, the journey starts with a hybrid cloud. You'll gain an overall understanding of how to approach migration to the cloud using hybrid cloud technologies from IBM and Red Hat. Next, you’ll be able to explore the challenges, requirements (both functional and non-functional), and the process of app modernization for enterprises by analyzing various use cases. The book then provides you with insights into the different reference solutions for app modernization on the cloud, which will help you to learn how to design and implement patterns and best practices in your job. By the end of this book, you’ll be able to successfully modernize applications and cloud infrastructure in hyperscaler public clouds such as IBM and hybrid clouds using Red Hat technologies as well as develop secure applications for cloud environments.