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Mexanik yig‘uv sexini loyihalash”
“Mexanik yig‘uv sexini loyihalash” 5320200 - «Mashinasozlik texnologtyasi, mashinasozlik ishlab chiqarishlari jihozlari va ularni avtomatlashtirish» ta’lim yo‘nalishi bakalavr talabalari uchun tuzilgan o’quv dastunga muvofiq yozilgan. O‘quv qodlanma nazariy qismini о iganishda, amaliy darslarn o‘tishda, barcha o‘quv forma (kunduzgi ,kechki va sirtqi) sida shu bilan birga masofaviy o‘qiyotgan talabalarning diplom ishining tegishli bodgan qismini loyihalashida hamda mashinasozlik korxonalarida ishlayotgan muhandis-texnik xodimlaring foydalanishlari uchun m`ljallangan.Zamonaviy mashinasozlik korxonalarining mexanik yigdsh ish chiqarish sexlarini loyihalash usullari va boshqa usullar bayon etilgan.Loyihalash uchun zarur bodgan ma'lumot va normativ hujjatlar keltirilgan. Mexanik yig`ish sexlarining kompanovka (joylashtirish) yechimlari va ishlab chiqarishni texnik qayta jihozlash hamda qayta ta mirlash (rekonstruksiya) vazifalariga e’tibor qaratilmoqda.
Essential Clinical Anatomy Fourth Edition
All the new illustrations and changes to the existing artwork were done by Paulette Dennis and Valerie Oxorn, both talented medical illustrators. Their meticulous work and insight into anatomy is invaluable. We also thank Kam Yu, who prepared the illustrations for the first edition. Other illustrations from the sixth edition of Clinically Oriented Anatomy and the twelfth edition of Grant's Atlas were prepared by Angela Cluer, Nina Kilpatrick, Stephen Mader, David Mazierski, Sari O'Sullivan, Bart Vallecoccia, Valerie Oxorn, J/B Woolsey Associates, and Dragonfly Media Group. We continue to benefit from the extensive surface anatomy project photographed by E. Anne Raynor, Senior Photographer, Vanderbilt Medical Art Group, under the direction of authors Art Dalley and Anne Agur, with the support of Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Our appreciation and thanks are extended to the editorial and production team at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins who provided their expertise in the development of this edition: Crystal Taylor, Acquisitions Editor; Julie Montalbano, Product Manager; Jennifer Clements and Doug Smock, Art Directors; and Catherine Noonan, Editorial Assistant. We also wish to acknowledge Kathleen Scogna, former Senior Developmental Editor, for her work on the early part of this edition. Finally thanks to the Sales Division at LWW, which has played a key role in the success of this book.
Универсальная десятичная классификация
Универсальная десятичная классификация (УДК) принята в нашей стране в качестве единой обязательной классификации в 1962 г., а с 1963 г. в научно-технических издательствах, редакциях научно-технических журналов, в органах научно-технической информации, научнотехнических библиотеках введено обязательное индексирование всех публикаций по УДК, т.е. все информационные материалы в области естественных и технических наук с тех пор издаются с индексами УДК. По этой же системе организованы справочно-информационные фонды (СИФ). Наконец, с вступлением в силу ГОСТ Р 7.0.4 простановка индексов УДК стала обязательной на всех видах изданий независимо от их тематики
Anaesthesia for Medical Students
The author gratefully acknowledges the work of William Sullivan MA., M.D., John c Heng MA., Ola Rosaeg M.D., FRCPC, and medical students Susie Quackenbush and Bing Kong for their general suggestions, proofreading and editing skills during the ( preparation of this manual. Special thanks to Robert Elliot M.D., for his assistance in the design of the cover page.
Ona tili
Aziz kitobxon! Siz ilm yo'lida qo'lingizga kitob olibsizmi, demak, to'g'ri yo'ldasiz! Ushbu qo'llanma sizni yuksak orzularingizga yetgazish uchun qimmatli kalit bo'lsa ajab emas.
Research Frontiers in Bioinspired Energy molecular-livel learning from natural systms
In May 2007, the National Academies Chemical Sciences Roundtable held a public workshop on the topic of Bioinspired Chemistry for Energy,1 where government, academic, and industry representatives discussed promising research developments in solar-generated fuels, hydrogen-processing enzymes, artificial photosynthetic systems, and biological-based fuel cells. Workshop participants identified the need for a follow-up activity that would explore bioinspired energy processes in more depth and involve a wider array of disciplines as speakers and participants. Particularly, workshop participants stressed the importance of holding a workshop that would include more researchers from the biological sciences and engineering, as well as those involved in technological advances that enable progress in understanding these systems.
Clinical Anatomy
Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information present and to describe generally accepted practices. However, the authors, editors, and publisher are not responsible for errors or omissions or for any consequences from application of the information in this book and make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the currency, completeness, or accuracy of the contents of the publication. Application of this information in a particular situation remains the professional responsibility of the practitioner; the clinical treatments described and recommended may not be considered absolute and universal recommendations. The authors, editors, and publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text are in accordance with the current recommendations and practice at the time of publication. However, in view of ongoing research, changes in government regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package insert for each drug for any change in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precautions. This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new or infrequently employed drug. Some drugs and medical devices presented in this publication have Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for limited use in restricted research settings. It is the responsibility of the health care provider to ascertain the FDA status of each drug or device planned for use in their clinical practice.
O‘quv qo‘llanmada eshkak eshish sporti turlari rivojlanish tarixi, eshkak eshish texnikasi va uni o‘rgatish, sport trenirovkasi asoslari, eshkak eshish sportida izlanishlar olib borish, ko‘p-yillik tayyorgarlikning taxminiy dasturi, shug‘ullanuvchilarning jismoniy holatini aniqlash va baholash uslubiyati bo‘yicha ma’lumotlar keltirilga
Особенностью социальной психологии является ее широкое включение в жизнь общества. Исследователи отмечают такие социально-психологические явления, как переоценка ценностей, ломка стереотипов, смена ролевого поведения, кризис идентичности, отсутствие информационного иммунитета, этнополитические конфликты, рост преступного поведения, распространение массовых забастовок и протестов населения и т. д.
Работа железобетонных конструкции при высоких температурах.
В книге приводятся результаты экспериментально-теоретических исследований прочности, жесткости и трещиностойкости железобетонных изгибаемых, внецентренно и центрально сжатых железобетонных элементов при воздействии температуры и нагрузки.
Catalysis For Energy
This report presents an in-depth analysis of the investment in catalysis basic research by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) Catalysis Science Program.1 Catalysis is essential to our ability to control chemical reactions, including those involved in energy transformations. 2 Catalysis is therefore integral to current and future energy solutions, such as the environmentally benign use of hydrocarbons and new energy sources (such as biomass and solar energy) and new efficient energy systems (such as fuel cells).3 On the basis of the information that was evaluated for the preparation of this report, the Committee on the Review of the Basic Energy Sciences Catalysis Science Program (the committee) concludes that BES has done well with its investment in catalysis basic research.
Озиқ-овқат маҳсулотлари товаршунослиги ва экспертизаси асослари
Мазкур ўқув фанининг асосий мақсади, ҳамма озиқ-овқат товарларига хос назарий қоидаларни ўрганиш, шунингдек, товарни тавсифловчи асосий лўрсаткичларни аниқлашнинг айрим усуллари бўйича дастлабки кўникмаларни шакллантиришдан иборатдир.
Нервные болезни
В книга систематически изложены сведения по общей и частной невропатологии в объеме необходимом врачу для того чтобы ориентироваться в основных этой науки и практически работать в качестве невропатолога
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma texnika oliy o‘quv yurtlarining kimyoviy texnologiya (ishlab chiqarish turlari bo‘yicha), oziq-ovqat texnologiyasi (mahsulot turlari bo‘yicha) va turdosh yo‘nalishlarda bilim oladigan talabalarga mo‘ljallangan. Qoilanma yangi avlod o‘quv adabiyotlariga qo‘yilgan talablar asosida yozilgan bo‘lib, unda umumiy va anorganik kimyo fanining nazriy qonun-qoidalari, kimyoviy elementlar davriy sistemasining zamonaviy tahlili, amaliy savollar, testlar, masala-misollar va kimyo asoslarini mustaqil o‘rganish bo‘yicha yoilanmalar keltirilgan.
Fizika o'qitish metodikasi
O'quv qo'llanma “Fizika o'qitish metodikasi” fanining amaldagi dasturi asosida yaratilgan bo'lib, oliy ta’lim muassasalarining 5140200-Fizika, 5140400- Astronomiya va 5140400-Tibbiyot fizikasi bakalavriat yo'nalishi talabalariga mo’ljallangan.Qo'llanmada fizika o'qitishning nazariy asoslari qaralgan, unung maqsadi, vazifasi ochib berilgan. Fizika o'qitish jarayonida talabalami insoniylik ruhida tarbiyalash masalalariga alohida e’tibor berilgan. Fizika didaktikasi sohasida tadqiqot ishlari ham e’tibordan chetda qolmagan. Fizika tushunchalarini shakllantirish, maktab fizika eksperimenti, masala yechish metodlari, fizikani o'qitishda pedagogik va axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanish metodikasi hamda dars taqdimotlarini ishlab chiqishga ham e’tibor berilgan.Qo'llanmadan ilmiy izlanish olib borayotgan doktorant va tadqiqotchilar hamda oliy o'quv yurtlari magistr va o'qituvchilari foydalanishlari mumkin.
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers
With more than 100 years of combined teaching experience and PhDs in particle, nuclear, and condensed-matter physics, these three authors could hardly be better qualified to write this introduction to modern physics. They have combined their award-winning teaching skills with their experience writing best-selling textbooks to produce a readable and comprehensive account of the physics that has developed over the last hundred years and led to today s ubiquitous technology. Assuming the knowledge of a typical freshman course in classical physics, they lead the reader through relativity, quantum mechanics, and the most important applications of both of these fascinating theories.