Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Black Holes
The twentieth-century scientific and technological revolution that British physicist Stephen Hawking describes in the above quote has transformed virtually every aspect of human life at an unprecedented pace. Inventions unimaginable a century ago have not only become commonplace but are now considered necessities of daily life. As science historian James Burke writes, “We live surrounded by objects and systems that we take for granted, but which profoundly affect the way we behave, think, work, play, and in general conduct our lives.”
Жаҳонда корхоналар персоналини бошкаришнинг корпоратив усулидан фойдаланиш самарадорлигини оширишга қаратилган илмий тадқиқотлар, жумладан, компанияларни бошкаришда замонавий корпоратив бошқарув усулларини жорий этиш, уларда корпоратив муносабатларнинг самарали шаклларини йўлга қўйиш, персонални бошкаришнинг инновацион моделларини ишлаб чиқиш, бошқарув муносабатларини инсоннинг ижтимоий- руҳий жиҳатлари, ақлий қобилият ва қадриятларини қамраб олувчи тизим сифатида шакллантириш, корхонада персонал меҳнатини мотивациялаш ва корпоратив бошқарув тамойилларини кучайтириш йўналишларида кенг қамровли илмий изланишлар олиб борилмокда.
Localising Relational Degrees of Freedom in Quantum Mechanics
In this thesis I present a wide-ranging study of localising relational degrees of freedom, contributing to the wider debate on relationism in quantum mechanics. A set of analytical and numerical methods are developed and applied to a diverse range of physical systems. Chapter 2 looks at the interference of two optical modes with no prior phase correlation. Cases of initial mixed states — specifically Poissonian states and thermal states — are investigated in addition to the well-known case of initial Fock states. For the pure state case, and assuming an ideal setup, a “relational Schr¨odinger cat” state emerges localised at two values of the relative phase. Circumstances under which this type of state is destroyed are explained. When the apparatus is subject to instabilities, the states which emerge are sharply localised at one value. Such states are predicted to be long lived. It is shown that the localisation of the relative phase can be as good, and as rapid, for initially mixed states as for the pure state case. Chapter 3 extends the programme of the previous chapter discussing a variety of topics — the case of asymmetric initial states with intensity very much greater in one mode, the transitive properties of the localising process, some applications to quantum state engineering (in particular for creating large photon number states), and finally, a relational perspective on superselection rules.
Академик Василий Владимирович Бартольд (1869—1930) был крупнейшим историком Востока, по сути — создателем и основоположником русской востоковедческой нсторической школы.В предлагаемой работе В. В. Бартольда излагается история возникновения и развития тюркских иародов ва территории современного Казахстана и прилегающих землях. «Двенадцать лекций по истории турецких народов Сред- ней Азии» являются библиографической редкостью. Оно рассчитано на читателей широкого круга, поэтому в тексте отсутствуют сноски на труды иностранных и отечественных авторов, сделаны необходимые сокращения в местах, трудных для восприятия неспециалистов.
Хорижий компаниялар амалиётида молиявий ва инвестицион қарорлар қабул қилиш, молиявий барқарорлик мониторингини юритиш, инқирозга қарши молиявий бошқарувни ташкил этиш ва молиявий рискларни бошқаришда молиявий менежментнинг аҳамияти тобора ортиб бормоқда. Қолаверса, молиявий менежмент механизмини такомиллаштиришнинг зарурияти бугунги кунда ташқи муҳитдаги ўзгаришларга мос равишда компаниялар молиясини бошқариш сиёсатини мувофиқлаштириш, молиявий менежментнинг халқаро замонавий услубиятини жорий этиш, компания фаолиятидаги долзарб масала ҳисобланган молиявий таъминотининг қўшимча манбаларини шакллантиришда молия бозори билан муносабатларни ривожлантириш кабиларда намоён бўлади.
Liquid and Gases
Everyone knows what a law is. It’s a rule that tells people what they must or must not do. Laws tell us that we shouldn’t drive faster than the legal speed limit, that we must not take someone else’s property, that we must pay taxes on our income each year. Where do these laws come from? In the United States and other democratic countries, laws are created by elected representatives. These men and women discuss which ideas they think would be fair and useful. Then they vote to decide which ones will actually become laws.
Халқаро амалиётда корхоналар даромадлари ва харажатларини бошқариш, харажатларнинг таркибий таҳлили, ҳисоб-ахборот ҳамда ахборот- таҳлил маълумотлар базасини ўрганиш, харажатларни оптималлаштириш орқали юқори самарадор лойиҳаларни ишлаб чиқишнинг назарий ва амалий асосларини такомиллаштириш борасида тадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда. Соҳани назарий ва амалий тадқиқ қилиш жараёнида даромадлар ва харажатлар ҳисоби ҳамда таҳлили бўйича кўплаб ёндашувлар мавжуд аммо илмий ва амалий изланишлар пировардида тармоқда ҳисобни халқаро стандартларга мувофиқлаштириш, кўрсатилган хизматлар таннархини пасайтиришга йўналтирилган комплекс чора-тадбирлар ишлаб чиқишни талаб этмоқда.
Ўзбекистон шаҳарлари XIX аср иккинчи ярми- XX аср бошларида: Шаҳар маданияти ва урбанизация жараёнлари
Тадкикотда Бухоро, Хива ва Кукон хонликлари тарихининг сунгги боскичларида хамда Туркистон генерал-губернаторлиги худудидаги анъанавий шахар маданияти. уларнинг ижтимоий- иктисодий хамда маданий хаёти, маъмурий бошкарув тизимида мустамлака шароитида содир булган ўзгаришлар мохияти, минтакадаги урбанизация жараёнлари ва уларга таъсир курсатган омиллар тахлил килинган.
Lessons In Electric Circuits
This book is published under the terms and conditions of the Design Science License. These terms and conditions allow for free copying, distribution, and/or modification of this document by the general public. The full Design Science License text is included in the last chapter. As an open and collaboratively developed text, this book is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Design Science License for more details.
Lecture Notes on General Relativity
These lectures represent an introductory graduate course in general relativity, both its foundations and applications. They are a lightly edited version of notes I handed out while teaching Physics 8.962, the graduate course in GR at MIT, during the Spring of 1996. Although they are appropriately called “lecture notes”, the level of detail is fairly high, either including all necessary steps or leaving gaps that can readily be filled in by the reader. Nevertheless, there are various ways in which these notes differ from a textbook; most importantly, they are not organized into short sections that can be approached in various orders, but are meant to be gone through from start to finish. A special effort has been made to maintain a conversational tone, in an attempt to go slightly beyond the bare results themselves and into the context in which they belong.
Жаҳонда иктисодий муносабатларнинг глобаллашуви шароитида миллий иқтисодиёт рақобатбардошлигини таъминлашда халкаро маркетинг восита ва дастакларидан самарали фойдаланиш борасида илмий тадкикот ишлари олиб борилмоқда. Корхоналарнинг ташқи иқтисодий фаолияти самарадорлигини ошириш, трансмиллий корпорацияларнинг молиявий- хўжалик натижаларига аҳамиятли таъсир кўрсатувчи инновацион бошқарув усулларини жорий этиш, хўжалик юритувчи субъектлар фаолиятини ташкил этишда халқаро маркетингнинг махсус усулларини қўллаш, уларни фаоллаштиришнинг методологик асосларини такомиллаштириш тизими ва механизмларини ишлаб чиқиш илмий тадқиқотнинг муҳим йўналишларидан ҳисобланади.
Before you read this book, and even its preface, the following remarks might be useful to you. Since this book is "Volume 2" you may be inclined to believe that you must know all the contents of "Volume 1" before you can start reading (and, of course, understanding) "Volume 2". But this is not the case. The present "Volume 2" again starts at a rather elementary level, and then proceeds step by step to more difficult matters. Only at these later stages some more advanced theoretical background is required which then can be taken from "Volume I". I have chosen this way of presentation to make the theory of laser light accessible to a broad audience-ranging from students at the beginning of their graduate studies to professors and scientists interested in recent developments. For details on the relations between the chapters of these books consult the list at the end of the introduction.
Lagrangian Mechanics, Dynamics, and Control
These notes deal primarily with the subject of Lagrangian mechanics. Matters related to mechanics are the dynamics and control of mechanical systems. While dynamics of Lagrangian systems is a generally well-founded field, control for Lagrangian systems has less of a history. In consequence, the control theory we discuss here is quite elementary, and does not really touch upon some of the really challenging aspects of the subject. However, it is hoped that it will serve to give a flavour of the subject so that people can see if the area is one which they’d like to pursue.
This book grew out of notes for a one-semester course in classical mechanics which I have taught for many years to senior and, more recently, junior physics students at Dalhousie University. These students have norinally taken one semester in mechanics at the introductory level and one semester at the second year level; my course is their final exposure to mechanics as undergraduates. The original aim of the course was to introduce the student, in the more familiar setting of classical mechanics, to those ideas and terms which he or she would later encounter in modified form in quantum mechanics: Lagrangian, action, Hamiltonian, Poisson brackets, canonical transformations, etc. In recent years, with the resurgence of interest in mechanics, especially non-linear dynamics, the emphasis of the course has shifted somewhat to include these contemporary developments as well.
Kinematical Theory of Spinning Particles
If in any endeavour one has such lovely and unconditional supporters as my wife Merche and daughters Miren and Edurne, the goal will be achieved. Thanks to them for inspiring love and courage. The analysis of dynamical systems, when an analytical solution does not exist, is in general a difficult task. In those cases, we always have the possibility of making an alternative numerical interpretation. But numerical analysis requires quite often a personal skill in computing or the collaboration of a computer department. The numerical computer program Dynamics Solver, developed by Juan M. Aguirregabiria has proven to be a handy tool, even for an inexperienced theoretical physicist. Extensive use of this package has been done for the analysis of many of the examples contained in this book. I enthusiastically recommend its use, even for teaching purposes. I am very much indebted to him by his help and for the many years of sharing life and duties.
Амалга оширилаётган илмий тадқиқотлар бизнес субъектларининг рақобатбардошлигини оширишда молиявий барқарорлик ва хавфсизликни таъминлашга алоҳида эътибор қаратиш зарурлигини кўрсатмоқда. Мазкур тадқиқотларда корхоналар молиявий баркарорлигини таъминлаш уларнинг стратегик ривожланишига самарали йўл эканлиги исботланган. Шунингдек, молиявий рискларни баҳолаш, уларни хавф-хатарини камайтириш, фонд бозорида акциялар нархларини тушиб кетиши, корхона риск-менежментини стратегик бошқаришнинг концептуал жиҳатлари, иктисодий инқирозларда корхонани бошқариш масалалари, акциядорлар билан ўзаро ҳамкорлик асосида қўшилиш ва ютиб юбориш хавфлари, корхона молиявий хавфларини таъминлаш усуллари ва моделларини ишлаб чиқиш масалалари кенг ўрганилган.