Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
O'girlangan pahlavon
O'zbekiston xalq shoiri Anvar Obidjonning ijodidan "Bolalar adabiyoti" darsligida shunday ta'rif berilgan: Uning ...."Siz eshitmagan qo'shiqlar","Dalalardan-bolalarga"
Dunyoning ishlari
Bu qissa katta-kichik novellalardan iborat. Biroq ulaming barchasida men uchun eng aziz odam - onam siymosi bor. Bundagi odamlaming hammasini o‘z ko‘zim bilan ko‘rganman. Faqat ba'zilarining ismi o‘zgardi, xolos. Bu odamlarning qismati ham qaysidir jihati bilan onamga bog'langan. Dunyodagi hamma onalar farzandiga munosabat bobida bir-biriga juda o‘xshaydi. Bas, shunday ekan, bu asar sizlarga bag‘ishlanadi, aziz Onajonlar!
A companion to William Faulkner
I am extremely pleased that so many accomplished and talented contributors agreed to participate in this project, from which I have learned so much about Faulkner, current criticism, and writing. I also want to thank a series of research assistants for their crucial help and advice – Tameka Cage, Elizabeth Cowan, Marla Grupe, Anthony Hoefer, Eric Lundgren, and Alicia Ringuet – as well as the students in my Faulkner seminars in 2004 and 2005, who helped me imagine how so many different ideas might converge in readings and discussions. It has been a pure pleasure to work with Emma Bennett, Karen Jones, Jennifer Hunt, and Astrid Wind at Blackwell, all of whom have been both patient and persistent with me and the other contributors, and I owe a special debt to the skill and good judgment of copy-editor Fiona Sewell. As always, I have also relied on the personal support of Ed, Irv, Wayne, Allison, my parents Joe and Joyce, Gavin, Luke, and Susan.
A companion to Walt Whitman
Over the years, Walt Whitman has been called many things: literary agitator, ultimate democrat, proponent of sexual liberation, paterfamilias of the tribe of American poets, shamanistic role-player, the Great Cataloguer, a presiding spirit of American cultural history, the bard of death, a kosmos, and hombre contradictorio, just to mention a few. Recently he has been called a maximalist and contrasted with minimalist Emily Dickinson. In an article in the New York Times, Charles McGrath (2005) declares that Americans ‘‘believe with equal fervor in artistic self-effacement and artistic self aggrandizement.
Ёш қизнинг кундалиги
Ёзувчи Хулиё Карталнинг "Ёш қизнинг кундалиги" асарида Ёш қизнинг кундалик дафтаридаги- руҳий кечинмалари, инсон ҳаёти, қувонч ва изтироблари аск эттирилган. Мазкур кундалик сизни бефарқ қолдирмайди. Қахрамоннинг шодлик ва ғам-ташвишларига шерик бўласиз. Шунингдек ўзингизга ибрат ва сабоқ оласиз.
A companion to twentieth-century American drama
Theatre is a place of ritual, a place of wonder, a place we come together as a community to experience stories, to sit and really listen to another person’s predicament, join in their pain and joy and agree or disagree with the choices they make in their lives.
Ижод машаққати
Кенг китобхонлар оммосига тақдим этилган ушбу китобчадан буюк адибнинг ижодий жараён, ижодкорнинг қандай фазилатларга эга бўлиши, ёзиш усули, умуман бадий асар яратиш машаққатлари ҳақида айрим ибратли фикр ва мулоҳазалар жой олган.
A companion to the victorian novel
We have worked at a distance, but very well together on this project since the spring of 1999. Our greatest debt is to Andrew McNeillie at Blackwell for first suggesting such an important enterprise to us. He has been unfailingly generous with his time and advice during work on this book. We are also grateful to the excellent staff at Blackwell Publishing, including Alison Dunnett, Emma Bennett, Laura Montgomery, and others who worked on our book. Gillian Bromley did a superb job of copy-editing; Randy Miller compiled an excellent index.
Борингга шукур
Шифокор шоир Абдулла Шоносирнинг "Ой мўралар уйалиб", "Унутма" номли шеърий тўпламлари чоп этилган. Бу китобларга элимиз ардоғидаги шоирларимиз Абдулла Орипов, Эркин Воҳидов сўзбоши ёзишган. Қўлингиздаги тўпламда муаллифнинг узоқ йиллардаги ижодидан сараланган шеър, ҳикмат - ўгитларга йўғрилган тўртликлари киритилган.
Alvido, Gulsari
Yozuvchi Chingiz Aytmatov o`zining bu qissasida II jahon urushidan keyingi og`ir yillarda qirg`iz cho`ponlari hayoti tasvirlangan. Asarning bosh qahramoni yilqichi Tanaboy o`sha davr xunrezliklariga bo`yin egmasdan o`z maslagida sobit qolgan obraz sifatida tasvirlanadi.
Нур борки, соя бор. Роман
Ёзувчи Ўткир Ҳошимовнинг "Нур борки, соя бор" романида замондошларимизнинг пок эътиқод учун кураши тасвирланган. Ўткир Ҳошимов тиниқ тасвир, қаҳрамонлар руҳий оламини чуқур очиши, тилининг равонлиги билан китобхонлар меҳрини қозонган ёзувчи.
A companion to the global renaissance
In this project and in my other intellectual endeavors, I especially owe my gratitude to Crystal Bartolovich for her input, and particularly for her unflinching and rigorous critique, which I think, is somewhat rare in an academic world often given to social expediency.
Qiziqarli astronomiya
YA . I. Perelmannig bu kitibida kitobxon astronomiyaning yarim masalalari, uning ajoyib bilim muvaffaqiyatlari bilan yulduzlar osmonida Madiganen muhim hodisalar to`g`grisidagi qiziqarli ma`lumotlar bilan tanishadi . Muallif turmushda uchraydigan va odatiy bo`lib qolgandek ko`ringan ko`p hodisalarning mutloqo yangi va kutilmagan tomonlarini ko`rsatib beradi.
Эй, ёруғ дунё...Қисса.
Бу қиссада буюк мамлакатимиз фарзандининг жаросат ва эзгуликка ташна ички дунёси очиб берилган.
Николай Васильевич Гоголь
Нет ничего лучше Невского проспекта, по крайней мере в Петербурге; для него он составляет все. Чем не блестит эта улица — красавица нашей столицы! Я знаю, что ни один из бледных и чиновных ее жителей не променяет на все блага Невского проспекта. Не только кто имеет двадцать пять лет от роду, прекрасные усы и удивительно сшитый сюртук, но даже тот, у кого на подбородке выскакивают белые волоса и голова гладка, как серебряное блюдо, и тот в восторге от Невского проспекта. А дамы! О, дамам еще больше приятен Невский проспект.
A companion to the eighteenth-century english novel and culture
This series offers comprehensive, newly written surveys of key periods and movements and certain major authors, in English literary culture and history. Extensive volumes provide new perspectives and positions on contexts and on canonical and post-canonical texts, orienting the beginning student in new fields of study and providing the experienced undergraduate and new graduate with current and new directions, as pioneered and developed by leading scholars in the field.