Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Гормоны счастья. Как приучить мозг вырабатывать серотонин, дофамин, эндорфин и окситоцин
Предметом этой книги является ваш мозг, а не мозг окружающих вас людей. Если вы привыкли к тому, что обвиняете других в подъемах и спадах своего настроения (которые в конечном счете зависят от гормонов), эта книга вряд ли будет вам полезна. Вам не следует бросаться и в другую крайность: во всем винить только себя. Благодаря этой книге вы сможете научиться уживаться со сложными нейрохимическими процессами, происходящими в вашем организме, вместо того чтобы сопротивляться им.
Och tusli bo‘z tuproqlar sharoitida g‘o‘za navlarini sug‘orish va oziqlantirish tartiblarini o‘rganish
Tadqiqot maqsadi: Samarqand viloyatining och tusli bo‘z tuproqlari sharoitida o‘rta tolali Buxoro-102, yangi Oqdaryo-8 g‘o‘za navlarining sug‘orish tartiblari va o‘g‘it me’yorlarini tuproqni suv-fizik xossalari, unumdorligi va paxta hosiliga ta’sirini aniqlashdan iboratdir.
Важные годы. Почему не стоит откладывать жизнь на потом
Книга «Важные годы» увидела свет в апреле 2012 года, поэтому ее самая большая и благодарная аудитория – те, кто встретил свое двадцатилетие на рубеже тысячелетий
Сабзавот экинларида кўп йиллик ва бир йиллик бегона ўтларга қарши кураш чоралари
Ушбу битирув малакавий ишида илмий адабиётлардан фойдаланган ҳолда ана шу масалаларни ёритишга ҳаракат қилинди.
Machinery’s Handbook
Machinery's Handbook has served as the principal reference work in metalworking, design and manufacturing facilities, and in technical schools and colleges throughout the world, for more than 90 years of continuous publication. Throughout this period, the intention of the Handbook editors has always been to create a comprehensive and practical tool, combining the most basic and essential aspects of sophisticated manufacturing practice. A tool to be used in much the same way that other tools are used, to make and repair products of high quality, at the lowest cost, and in the shortest time possible. The essential basics, material that is of proven and everlasting worth, must always be included if the Handbook is to continue to provide for the needs of the manufacturing community. But, it remains a difficult task to select suitable material from the almost unlimited supply of data pertaining to the manufacturing and mechanical engineering fields, and to provide for the needs of design and production departments in all sizes of manufacturing plants and workshops, as well as those of job shops, the hobbyist, and students of trade and technical schools.
Как работает Google
Компания Google действительно руководствуется в первую очередь принципами. Однажды ночью мне приснился сон, больше похожий на мечту, и я проснулся с мыслью: «А что, если бы можно было загрузить Всемирную сеть целиком и просто сохранить ссылки?» Я схватил ручку и быстро записал детали, чтобы понять, было ли такое на самом деле возможно.
Исламская археологическая архитектура и археология Казахстана
Предлагаемая книга содержит проанализированные и обобщенные материалы по мусульманским памятникам археологической архитектуры и археологии Казахстана, которые появляются здесь вместе с утверждением ислама, мусульманской идеологии в обществе и государстве, в умах и душах людей.
Nuclear Energy
AT THE transition to the new millennium the future of nuclear energy looks brighter. Nuclear power plants worldwide have operated safely. Applications for extension of reactor operating licenses in the U.S. are in place and construction is continuing abroad. Uses of isotopes and radiation in applications to medicine, research, and industry continue to assure human benefit. Research and development are active in the areas of controlled fusion, accelerator uses, isotope separation, space exploration, and excess weapons material disposition.
Irrigatsiya eroziyasiga chalingan tipik bo‘z tuproqlardan yuqori don hosili olish texnologiyasi
Tadqiqotlar maqsadi va vazifalari: Irrigatsiya eroziyasiga uchragan yerlarda kuzgi bug‘doydan yuqori va sifatli don hosili yaratishda tuproqqa ishlov berish va sug‘orish usullari, maqbul o‘g‘it me’yorlari hamda ko‘chat qalinligini belgilash, shu yo‘l bilan eroziya jarayonlariga qarshi kurash chora-tadbirlarini ishlab chiqish.
Nuclear and Particle Physics
It is common practice to teach nuclear physics and particle physics together in an introductory course and it is for such a course that this book has been written. The material is presented so that different selections can be made for a short course of about 25–30 lectures depending on the lecturer’s preferences and the students’ backgrounds. On the latter, students should have taken a first course in quantum physics, covering the traditional topics in non-relativistic quantum mechanics and atomic physics. A few lectures on relativistic kinematics would also be useful, but this is not essential as the necessary background is given in appendix B and is only used in a few places in the book. I have not tried to be rigorous, or present proofs of all the statements in the text. Rather, I have taken the view that it is more important that students see an overview of the subject which for many – possibly the majority – will be the only time they study nuclear and particle physics. For future specialists, the details will form part of more advanced courses. Nevertheless, space restrictions have still meant that it has been necessary to make a choice of topics covered and doubtless other, equally valid, choices could have been made. This is particularly true in Chapter 8, which deals with applications of nuclear physics, where I have chosen just three major areas to discuss. Nuclear and particle physics have been, and still are, very important parts of the entire subject of physics and its practitioners have won an impressive number of Nobel Prizes. For historical interest, I have noted in the footnotes many of the awards for work related to the field.
Проблемы преподавания русской литературы.
В пособии освещены проблемы преподавания русской литературы в национальной школе в зависимости от подготовленности учащихся, уровня и характера их двуязычная.
Notes on Quantum Mechanics
The following notes introduce Quantum Mechanics at an advanced level addressing students of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Electrical Engineering. The aim is to put mathematical concepts and techniques like the path integral, algebraic techniques, Lie algebras and representation theory at the readers disposal. For this purpose we attempt to motivate the various physical and mathematical concepts as well as provide detailed derivations and complete sample calculations. We have made every effort to include in the derivations all assumptions and all mathematical steps implied, avoiding omission of supposedly ‘trivial’ information. Much of the author’s writing effort went into a web of cross references accompanying the mathematical derivations such that the intelligent and diligent reader should be able to follow the text with relative ease, in particular, also when mathematically difficult material is presented. In fact, the author’s driving force has been his desire to pave the reader’s way into territories unchartered previously in most introductory textbooks, since few practitioners feel obliged to ease access to their field. Also the author embraced enthusiastically the potential of the TEX typesetting language to enhance the presentation of equations as to make the logical pattern behind the mathematics as transparent as possible. Any suggestion to improve the text in the respects mentioned are most welcome. It is obvious, that even though these notes attempt to serve the reader as much as was possible for the author, the main effort to follow the text and to master the material is left to the reader
Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers
This text presents an introductory survey of the basic concepts and applied mathematical methods of nonlinear science as well as an introduction to some simple related nonlinear experimental activities. Students in engineering, phys- ics, chemistry, mathematics, computing science, and biology should be able to successfully use this book. In an effort to provide the reader with a cutting edge approach to one of the most dynamic, often subtle, complex, and still rapidly evolving, areas of modern research-nonlinear physics-we have made extensive use of the symbolic, numeric, and plotting capabilities of a powerful computer algebra software system applied to examples from these disciplines.
Археология Центральной Азии:архивные материалы Том II
Основная цель проекта заключается в публикации рабочих материалов, научных отчетов по исследованию памятников археологии Центральной Азии, которые хранятся в архивах Кыргызстана, России и Узбекистана, но в силу различных причин в свое время не были опубликованы.
Дунёда сўнгги йилларда биоорганик кимё ва биотехнология фанларининг ривожланиши кўп жиҳатдан ўсимликларнинг кимёвий таркибларини тадқиқ қилиш, индивидуал моддаларни ажратиб олиш, тузилиши ва биологик фаоллигини аниқлаш ҳамда уларни амалиётга тадбиқ этиш бўйича кўплаб тадқиқотлар амалга оширилмоқда. Тиббиёт амалиётида қўлланилаётган доривор воситаларининг асосий қисми ўсимликлардан олинади. Чунки, ўсимликлардан ажратиб олинган биологик фаол моддалар, синтетик усулда олинган дори воситаларига нисбатан организм учун зарарли таъсири кам, ўзлаштирилиши осон ҳисобланади.
A fundamental aspect of engineering is the desire to design artifacts that exploit materials to a maximum in terms of performance under working conditions and efficiency of manufacture. Such an activity demands an increasing understanding of the behavior of the artifact in its working environment together with an understanding of the mechanical processes occuring during manufacture.