Sanoat chiqindilari asosida beton va temir beton ishlab chiqarish.
Mazkur o'quv qo'llanma qurilish mutaxassisligi bo'yicha magistrlar tayyorlash uchun tayyorlanadi.
.NET MAUI Projects
.NET MAUI Projects is a hands-on book in which you get to create nine applications from the ground up. You will gain the fundamental skills you need to set up your environment, and we will explain what .NET Mobile is before we transition into .NET MAUI to really take advantage of truly native cross-platform code.After reading this book, you will have a real-life understanding of what it takes to create an app that you can build on and that stands the test of time.
Эркин, обод ва фаровон мамлакатни-янги Ўзбекистонни барчамиз биргаликда барпо этамиз.
мазкур китоб кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
Software Architecture with C# 12 and .NET 8
This book covers the most common design patterns and frameworks involved in modern cloud-based and distributed software architectures. It discusses when and how to use each pattern by providing you with practical, real-world scenarios. This book also presents techniques and processes such as DevOps, microservices, Kubernetes, continuous integration, and cloud computing so that you can have a best-in-class software solution developed and delivered to your customers.
Protocol Buffers Handbook
In today’s distributed world, a lot of us are interacting with APIs. Usually, these APIs are REST APIs, which accept and return JSON. There are, however, alternatives to the bulky and hard-to-process JSON data format. The main alternative is Protobuf. This book’s goal is to teach you this more efficient data format in both theory and practice. From learning how to write proto files to learning how to write your own protoc plugin, passing by learning the internals of Protobuf serialization/deserialization, you will learn everything you need to know to become a Protobuf expert.
React Anti-Patterns
Building frontend applications is challenging, especially when constructing large ones, and the difficulty escalates without proper guidance. Unfortunately, many React based applications fall into this scenario due to the library’s UI-centric nature, leaving developers to navigate the other complexities of frontend development on their own. There are numerous other considerations such as asynchronous network requests, accessibility, performance, and state management, to name a few. These factors contribute to the complexity of frontend applications. As the scale of the application grows, maintaining the code becomes an arduous task. Adding new features requires considerably more time than it first appears, and identifying defects (and then fixing them) is equally challenging, if not more so
Microsoft Intune Cookbook
Microsoft Intune is a market-leading Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool for securely managing your Apple iOS, macOS, Android, and Windows devices anywhere in the world.With the rapid move to hybrid working and more employees now wanting flexibility, traditional device management tools such as Active Directory are limited for staff working outside of the office, without implementing complicated Always On VPN.
High-Performance Programming C# and .NET Crash Course
Are sluggish C# applications dragging down your development process? Do you dream of building scalable systemsthat can handle heavy user loads without breaking a sweat? High-Performance Programming C# and .NET Crash Course is your rocket fuel to propel your code from mediocre to agnificent in just a week!
Technical Writing for Software Developers
Documentation is fundamental to helping potential and current users understand the amazing projects you build. For many developers and other technical-minded people, documentation is a challenging chore. Technical Writing for Software Developers covers all the important points you need to know to make great documentation easier and suited to developer workflows and tools.
Umumiy fizika kursi
Ushbu qo'llanma 1988 yilda tasdiqlanggan fizika kursining yangi piragrammasi asosan yozilgan Qo'llanmada umumiy fizika kursining mexanika va molekulyar fizika o'limlari bayon etilgan
Help Your Kids With C0mpUter Sc Enc
Digital technology is all around us, giving us access to information, communication, and entertainment that would have seemed unimaginable to people 100 years ago. Computer science is the study of how this technology works, from the microchips at the heart of devices, to the code that controls them. Studying computer science gives young people the tools to understand today’s technology and puts them in a position to create the machines, apps, websites, and services of the future.
Ushbu II qismdan iborat kitobda 0 ‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat test markazi tomonidan 1996—2003-yillarda chop etilgan «Axborotnoma» jurnalidagi fizika faniga tegishli test topshiriqlarining deyarli barchasi qamrab olingan. Qo‘llanmada umumiy fizika kursidan Davlat ta’lim standarti va o‘quv dasturiga mos keladigan testlar yechimlari bilan keltirilgan. Mazkur kitob fizika fani o'qituvchilari va o‘quvchilariga ayni fanni o‘qitishda hamda 0‘rganishlarida har tomonlama amaliy yordam beradi.
Huquq sotsiologiyasi
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma bo‘lajak sotsiologlarni huquq sotsiologiyasining asosiy tushuncha va kategoriyalari, huquq sotsiologiyasining mohiyati, predmeti va tarixiy evolyutsiyasi haqidagi bilimlarni, zamonaviy ijtimoiy-huquqiy hodisa va jarayonlarni ilmiy tahlil qilish usullari, zamonaviy jamiуat va davlatning huquqiy sohasi taraqqiyotining sotsiologik tahlilini amalga oshirish ko‘nikma va malakalarini shakllantirishda muhim ahamiyatga ega. O‘quv qo‘llanma oliy o‘quv yurtlarining 60311000 - Sotsiologiya ta’lim yo‘nalishi talabalari hamda huquq sotsiologiyasiga qiziquvchilar uchun mo’ljallangan.
Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core
This book will help you solve complex business problems by understanding users better, finding the right problem to solve, and building lean, event-driven systems to give your customers what they really want. You will be taken through the fundamentals of DomainDriven Design (DDD) principles and how it can be applied using modern tools such as EventStorming, Event Sourcing, and CQRS. Through this book, you will learn how DDD applies directly to various architectural styles, such as REST, reactive systems, and microservices. You will empower teams to work flexibly with improved services
Nazariy mexanika(statika)
Qo’llanma “Muhandislik va muhandislik ishi” yo’nalishlarida ta’lim olayotgan bakalavr iat talabalari uchun mo’ljallangan.
Fizikadan testlar va ularning yechimi
Ushbu II qismdan iborat kitobda 0 ‘zbekiston Respublikasi Davlat test markazi tomonidan 1996—2003-yillarda chop etilgan «Axborotnoma» jurnalidagi fizika faniga tegishli test topshiriqlarining deyarli barchasi qamrab olingan. Qo‘llanmada umumiy fizika kursidan Davlat ta’lim standarti va o‘quv dasturiga mos keladigan testlar yechimlari bilan keltirilgan. Mazkur kitob fizika fani o'qituvchilari va o‘quvchilariga ayni fanni o‘qitishda hamda 0‘rganishlarida har tomonlama amaliy yordam beradi.