Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Principles of molecular medicine
This second edition again includes chapters describing advances in fields paralleling traditional medical texts, and will be especially useful to specialists who are updating their education, practicing physicians interested in keeping abreast of new developments, and students appropriately curious about what is known and what lies ahead.
Vascular and endovascular surgery at a glance
Although the at a Glance series originated as a unique visual, synopsis-style learning aid for undergraduate students, the conceptualisation underpinning Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at a Glance is to provide both breadth and depth to a completed vascular curriculum from undergraduate level through to postgraduate training and examinations. We have adhered to the powerfully simplistic, yet accurate approach of the at a Glance series with coloured illustrations, tables and clinical pictures supported by ‘nuts and bolts’ style didactics for rapid and effective learning. Great emphasis has been placed on the illustrations to simplify the understanding of disease processes, and, where possible, supported by clinical and intraoperative photographs.
Turizm iqtisodiyoti va menejmenti
O`quv qo`llanma turizm iqtisodiyotining mazmun mohiyati, turizm menejmenti rivojlanishidagi asosiy omillar, turistik mahsulotlarning turlari va uning taqsimlanishi, mamlakat iqtisodiyotining rivojida turizmni o`rni, turizm industriyasida menejmentning rivojlanish bosqichlari, turistik xizmatlarning tashkil etish va turistik xizmatlarni iste‘molchiga etkazish jarayonlarini, turistik mahsulot narxini hisoblash kabilar bayon etilgan.
Metrologiya, standartlashtirish va o`zaro almashinuvchanlik
Qo'llanmada fan va texnikaning ilg`or yutuqlari hamda tajribalarni umumlashtirilgan bo`lib, unda hozirgi kunda ishlab chiqarilayotgan texnikalar sifatini yaxshilash bo`yicha amaliy va tajriba mashg`ulotlarini o`tkazish usullari keng yoritilgan.
Endovascular tools and techniques made easy
We hope that this handbook helps individuals at all levels. Medical students, trainees, and physicians starting in practice will enhance their endovascular knowledge, which will allow for improved and seamless patient care. Even the experienced practitioner may find new tips in this book! Keep this text handy in the pocket of your white coat or scrubs (or on your phone!) and refer to it when questions come up about contrast dose, correct guidewire choice, basics of IVUS, and so on. We sincerely hope that this book helps you provide effective care for your patients with cardiovascular disease. We also hope it inspires you to spur further innovation in endovascular techniques that will help all of our patients.
C++ Builder 6.0. tilinde programmalasti'riw
Oqiw-metodikaliq qollanba bu'gingi ku'nde aktual bolg'an C++ Builder 6.0. tilinde programmalasti'riw mazmunin aship beriwge qaratilg'an. Bunda C++ Builderdin' tiykarg'i komponentlari, baslang'an forma jaratiw ha'm oni basqariw, proektti basqariw, kompilyaciya etiw,kompanovka, ha'diyselerdi qayta islew mexanizimleri izbe-iz tu'sinikli etip berilgen.
Janeway's immunobiology
The ninth edition retains the previous organization of five major sections and sixteen chapters, but reorganizes content to clarify presentation and eliminate redundan cies, updating each chapter and adding over 100 new figures.
В настоящем учебном пособии рассмотрены разносторонние аспекты маркетинга на уровне организации. Особое внимание уделяется анализу основных понятий в области маркетинга, различным методам по сбору и обработке информации, ценообразованию, развитию маркетинговых коммуникаций и организационной культуры.
Сборник технических текстов на английском языке
Учебное пособие содержит оригинальные статьи на английском языке IU научно-технические темы по различным дисциплинам (математика, физика, химия, механика, электротехника, машиностроение, металлур- гия и др.). Выбор этих статей обуславливался необходимостью обеспе-чить студентов некоторым материалом для внеаудиторного чтения по специальностям технического вуза. Данное учебное пособие также содержит грамматические комментарии и краткий справочник
Data Science A First Introduction with Python
This textbook aims to be an approachable introduction to the world of data science. In this book, we define data science as the process of generating insight from data through reproducible and auditable processes. If you analyze some data and give your analysis to a friend or colleague, they should be able to rerun the analysis from start to finish and get the same result you did (reproducibility). They should also be able to see and understand all the steps in the analysis, as well as the history of how the analysis developed (auditability). Creating reproducible and auditable analyses allows both you and others to easily double-check and validate your work.
Дифференциальные уравнения
В пособии представлены общие теоритческие сведения о дифференциальных уравнениях и методы численного интегрирования отдельных типов уравнений первого и высшых порядков, а также систем дифференциальных уравнений. Большое внимание уделено задачам из геометрии, требующим составления и решения дифференциальных уравнений.
Complete Digital Design
This book’s focus is explaining the real-world implementation of complete digital systems. In do-ing so, the reader is prepared to immediately begin design and implementation work without being left to wonder about the myriad ancillary topics that many texts leave to independent and sometimes painful discovery. A complete perspective is emphasized, because even the most elegant computer architecture will not function without adequate supporting circuits.
O`quv qo`llanmada fizikani o`rganishda muhim hisoblangan matematik apparatga ham keng o`rin berilgan.
Communication Patterns A Guide for Developers and Architects
This book covers one of the most important aspects of software development, the so-called “soft skills,” which ironically present the biggest challenges for many developers. It is chock-full of patterns and advice, some of which are obvious in hindsight, which are often the hardest to see beforehand. Highly useful and recommended for technologists at all levels
Fizikadan praktikum Optika va kvant fizika
Qo'llanma optika va kvant fizikaga oid laboratoriya ishlari va mashqlarni o`z ichiga olgan.
Mexanika-yig`uv sexlarini loyihalash
Qo'llanmada mexanika-yig`uv sexlarini loyihalashda ko`riladigan masalalar, sexni rejalashtirishda bajariladigan hisob-kitob ishlari, jihozlari va ish joylarini, ombor, texnik xizmat ko`rsatish va qirindilarni qayta ishlash tizimlarini loyihalash masalalari yoritib berilgan.