Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Confessions with Keith
An outrageously comic novel documents a middle-aged writer and mother's grappling with mid-life crisis—her husband's and her own.
The High Flyer
Thomas Wavery is the new Consul General at Abyla on the tip of North Africa. A career diplomat, Wavery was once a high flyer, but an affair with a younger woman has dashed his dreams of ambassadorship. He arrives in Abyla with his wife suing for divorce, his passport stolen by a Gibraltarian ape and precious little enthusiasm for the task ahead. His one hope of redemption is a visit from his new love.
The Pit-Prop Syndicate
When Seymour Merriman stopped at the side of the road twenty-six miles outside Bordeaux, little did he know how his life was about to change. The events that followed would take him through an adventure wrought with mystery, smuggling, murder and love. As this classic tale unfolds, it follows two amateurs in their attempt to unlock the mystery of changing number plates, and all else that surrounds the pit prop syndicate, before the case is handed over to Inspector Willis of Scotland Yard, who through thorough chasing of clues, finally manages to unravel the scheme.
The Mystery of the Stolen Boxcar
The Aldens are fixing up the boxcar so they can ride in it for the Founders' Day Parade! There's just one problem: the boxcar has gone missing before the big day...with Watch inside! Can the Boxcar Children solve their most important mystery ever?
Man Overboard!
To mark the publishing centenary of Freeman Wills Crofts, 'The King of Detective Story Writers', this is one of six classic crime novels being issued in 2020 featuring Inspector French, coming soon to television. A new chemical process that will make millions: that's the glittering promise held out to Jack Penrose and his fiancée, Pam Grey, when they're invited to join a team of inventors in Belfast. But Pam is wary. She doesn't trust the inventors or Mr Reginald Platt, who comes to assess the viability of the new process – or to steal it? When Platt's body is washed up on the Irish coast, it looks like an accident, maybe suicide, but Inspector French suspects murder and must find the vital clues to lead him to the truth.
Ҳикматга тўла олам. Шарқ мумтоз шеърияти дурдоналари
Саъдий Шерозий меросидан тартиб берилган ушбу тўпламга шоир ижодидан ўзбек тилига ўгирилган энг яхши таржималар танлаб олинди. Дунёнинг моҳияти, яшашнинг мақсади, инсонлик шарафини чуқур англаш ва комиллик сари интилишга даъват этувчи бу ҳикмат дурдоналари шеърият ихлосмандларига манзур бўлади, деб умид қиламиз.
The Groote Park Murder
From a murder in South Africa to the tracking down of a master criminal in northern Scotland, this is a true classic of Golden Age detective fiction by one of its most accomplished champions. When a signalman discovers a mutilated body inside a railway tunnel near Groote Park, it seems to be a straightforward case of a man struck by a passing train. But Inspector Vandam of the Middeldorp police isn't satisfied that Albert Smith's death was accidental, and he sets out to prove foul play in a baffling mystery which crosses continents from deepest South Africa to the wilds of northern Scotland, where an almost identical crime appears to have been perpetrated. The Groote Park Murder was the last of Freeman Wills Crofts' standalone crime novels, foreshadowing his iconic Inspector French series and helping to cement his reputation (according to his publishers) as 'the greatest and most popular detective writer in the world'. Like The Cask, The Ponson Case and The Pit-Prop Syndicate...
В этой главе, как обычно, читатель получает некоторое представление о характерах основных героев.
Bahor nafasi
Uning she’rlarini o’qir ekansiz, hayotga ziyrak nazar bilan boqayotgan, teran fikrlaydigan, nozik dil, uyg’oq ko'ngil egasi ekaniga amin bo’lasiz. She’rlaridagi takrorlanmas fikrlar, oxori to’kilmagan so ’zlarni o’z o’rnida ishlatishga harakat qiladi. Ona Vatan, takrorlanmas tabiat, beg ’ubor yoshlik kabi turli mavzulardagi she’rlari yosh ijodkorning tinmay izlanayotganidan darak beradi.
Кўнгил рози :Шеърлар
Инсон хамиша эзгуликка,покликка,иймону диёнатга интилиб яшайди,дунёга келган ҳар бир киши бахтли, ҳаётидан мамнун ва масрур бўлиб яшашга ҳақли.
Баётларим —қанотларим: Шеърлар
Ўзбекистон мустақиллиги шарофати билан мамлакатамизда ҳарбий- ватанпарварлик руҳида сафларда айтиладиган мардонавор, жанговор, жўровоз куй-қушиқлар, маршлар яратиш ва ижро этишга катта аҳамият бсрилмоқда. Бу борада истеъфодаги тиббий хизмат подполковниги, соғлиқни сақлаш аълочиси, Ўзбекистон Ёзувчилар ва Журналистлар уюшмалари аъзоси Искандар Раҳмон самарали ижод қилмокда.
Настоящий сборник повестей продолжает серию книг из цикла «Библиотека киргизской прозы, начатого издательством в 1983 году. В сборних вошли повести киргизских писателей, созданные в течение двух по— следних десятилетий. Их главная тема - защита Родины в годы Великой Отечественной войны, мирный труд на благо народа. Герои повестей в большинстве своем духовно богатые, целеустремленные молодые люди, Об их нравственном самоопределении, поисках личного счастья, своего места в жизни расскажет эта книга,
To'kilayotgan yaproqlar
Nobel mukofoti sovrindori Gabriel Garsia Markesning ,,To'kilayotgan yaproqlar" qissasi inson taqdiri haqida bitilgan mungli qoʻshiqqa o'xshaydi. Bir tomonda odamlarga yordam berishdan bosh tortib, yolgʻzilikda oʻzini o'limga mahkum qilgan insonni so'nggi yoʻlga kuzatish burchi. Boshqa tomonda uning o'z xonasida irib-chirib ketishini istagan olomonning qarshiligi. Ushbu asar har bir kitobxonni o'ylashga, mushohadaga chorlaydi. Shuningdek, ushbu toʻplamdan adibning ,,Oq yo'l, janob prezident" hikoyasi ham o'rin olgan.
Qizil va qora
Jahon adabiyotining mumtoz asari sanalgan "Qizil va qora" romani har bir zamonga zamondoshdir. Ushbu asarda yosh o'smir yigitning muhabbati orqali kuchli ehtiros, ongsiz hissiyot, shuhratga chanqoqlik va ular o'rtasidagi kuchli to'qnashuvlar mahorat bilan tasvirlangan.