Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Accounting is a continuous and interrelated observation, measurement, registration, data processing and enterprise in order to prepare and present current, final information for internal management and external customers. , is a system of establishing control over the economic activity of associations, institutions.
“Monomers synthesis methods” Training-methodology complex
Today, without exaggeration, the importance of the chemical industry in the development of our country's economy is increasing. One of the characteristic symptoms of the modern chemical industry is the rapid growth of organic synthesis. At present, only 14% of natural gas, including 5% in the chemical sector, is being deeply processed. Every person working in chemical laboratories should first of all know the properties of chemicals, their products, i.e. toxicity, fire and explosion hazard levels, and first aid methods in case of accidental poisoning, burns or electric shocks.
The importance of electrification and automation in the sustainable development of the agrarian complex of our republic lies in the fact that in the process of teaching science, students are interested in the direction they choose, the requirements for students' knowledge, training and skills, and methods. consists of forming detailed ideas and knowledge about science and the sustainable development of the republic's agro-industrial complex.
Teaching materials complex in Quality management
Learning about management is important for two reasons. First, our society depends on specialized institutions and organizations to provide the goods and services we desire. Managers have the authority and responsibility to build safe or unsafe products, seek war or peace, build or destroy cities, or clean up or pollute the environment. Managers establish the conditions under which we are provided jobs, incomes, lifestyles, products, services, protection, health care, and knowledge. It would be very difficult to find anyone who is neither a manager nor affected by the decisions of a manager.
Informatika va axborot texnologiyasi
Ushbu namunaviy dastur pedagogika universiteti va institutlarining 5140100 - pedagogika bakalavriat yo’nalishi uchun o’qiladigan «Informatika va axborot texnologiyasi» o'quv fani bo’yicha tuzilgan bo’lib, bo’lajak fan o'qituvchisi egallashi kerak bo’lgan quyidagi bilimlar va ko’nikmalar majmuini o'z ichiga oladi.
Ta’lim tarixi
Mazkur kurs buyicha talabalar bilimlari va ko'nikmalariga qo'yiladigan talablar quyidagilardan iborat bo'lib, talabalar «Ta’lim tarixi»fanidan egallagan nazariy bilimlarini amaliyotda keng tadqiq etishlari muhim sanaladi. Sliuningdek, mazkur kurs bo'lajak o' qituvchilarni ixtisosligi bo'yicha bilimlarni egallash jarayonida o'z xalqi, она yurti, vatani, millati, dini va madaiiiyati haqidagi tasawurlari kengayib boradi. Dastur maorif va pedagogika tarixini kishilik jamiyatining taraqqiyoti tarixi bilaii mushtarak o'rganish imkonini beradi. Sliuningdek, pedagogik fikr rivojlanishini izchil o'rganish bo'lg'usi o' qituvchilarga hozirgi pedagogika o'tmishdagi ilg'or pedagogikaning uzviy davomi ekanligini ko'rsatishi, kelajak maorif va pedagogika taraqqiyoti yo'nalishlarini anglab olishga yordam berishi kerak.
Teaching materials complex in Scientific organization of labour and its rationing
In a market economy, enterprises are provided with modern highperformance machines. In the economy of our country, joint ventures with such modern dasgochs and jichos are being created. Automated systems and potok lines are being introduced in order to overcome the fierce competitive struggle. In such conditions of a market economy, labor demands are increasing. The working people must now perform the work of handling, servicing and adjusting machine tools and tools that are very complex in a qualitative way
Matematika o‘qitish metodikasi
O‘quv-uslubiy majmua 5141600 «Boshlang‘ich ta’lim va sport tarbiyaviy ish» yo‘nalishi maxsus sirtqi bo‘lim talabalari uchun bakalavrlar tayyorlash o‘quv dasturiga mos holda yozilgan. Talabalami mustaqil ravishda mavzulami o‘zlashtirishlari uchun o‘quv dasturlari semestrlarga taqsimlangan va ularga mos ravishda ko‘p variantli topshiriqlar keltirilgan.
Introduction to economic policy
Economics is the science that studies how societies produce goods and services and how they consume them. Economic theory has influenced global finance at many important junctures throughout history and is an integral factor in our everyday lives. However, the assumptions that guide the study of economics have changed dramatically throughout history. Here is a brief look at the history of economic thought.
The main objective of the "Modern Measuring Instruments" project is to teach bachelor's and master's degree students the opportunity to use new equipment and styles to master special subjects and to carry out course project work, diploma (project) work. The existing textbooks do not outline the structure and usage styles of this new equipment. Today's students will become experts tomorrow to work for these businesses. Therefore, the task of the planned subject is to teach bachelor's degrees in new testing equipment available in enterprises and research institutes and to master the styles of their use.
Математик анализ
Математик анализ олий математиканинг дастлабки ва асосий бўлими бўлиб, барча олий ўкув юртларида тегишли дастурга қараб у ёки бу хажмда ўқитилади. Илгарилари “Чексиз кичик миқдорлар ҳисоби”. “Дифференциал ва интеграл ҳисоб” номлари билан аталиб келган, бу курс кейинги пайтларда деярли хамма ерда математик анализ деб юритила бошланди.
Турар жой биноларини лойихалашнинг типологияси ва битирув олди лойиҳаси
Республикамизнинг шахарлари, вилоят ва туманларининг аҳолисининг таркиби, яъни аҳолининг ёши, оила таркиби: эркак, аёл ва болаларнинг таркиби ва бошқа шунга ўхшаш омиллар эътиборга олиниши лозим. Бу эса бутун мамлакатимизда аҳоли руйхати ўтказилганидан сўнг аникланади.
Комплекс ўзгарувчили функциялар назарияси
Ушбу дастур университетларнинг механика мутахассислиги талабаларига мўлжалланган бўлиб, унда "Комплекс ўзгарувчили функциялар назарияси" нинг асослари берилган. Комплекс ўзгарувчили функциялар назарияси математик анализ фанининг узвий давоми ҳисобланади ва комплекс қийматли функциялар хоссалари ўрганилади.
In the years of independence, the chemical industry in Uzbekistan has been developing rapidly. Currently, 2,300 joint, foreign and private enterprises based on high technologies are operating within the JSC "UzbekKimyosanoat" and are producing a wide range of consumer products that fully meet the requirements of the world market. It is worth noting that 80-90 percent of the products produced in these enterprises are exported to foreign countries. The modern technologies used in the production enterprises are managed by our qualified engineers and technicians with high efficiency.
Содда математик тасаввурларни шакиллантириш методикаси
Уқув-услубий мажмуа “Мактабгача таълим ва болалар спорти” талабалари учун бакалаврлар тайёрлаш ўқув дастурига асосан ёзилган. Талабалар фанни мустақил равишда ўзлаштиришлари учун ўқув материаллари системаларга бўлиниб курс мазмуни берилган.
O‘quv-uslubiy majmua 5141600 «Boshlang‘ich ta’lim va sport tarbiyaviy ish» yo‘nalishi maxsus sirtqi bo‘lim talabalari uchun bakalavrlar tayyorlash o‘quv dasturiga mos holda yozilgan. Talabalarni mustaqil ravishda mavzularni o‘zlashtirishlari uchun o‘quv dasturlari semestrlarga taqsimlangan va ularga mos ravishda ko‘p variantli topshiriqlar kurs mazmuni, yakuniy nazorat savollari, test to'plamlari, baholash mezonlari keltirilgan. Ayrim mavzulardan misol va masalalar yechish namunalari berilgan.