Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
O‟quv qo‟llanma bakalavuraturaning 562100- mevasabzavotchilik; 562100-agrokimyo va tuproqshunoslik; 562400-seleksiya va urug‟chilik; 5340100-qishloq ho‟jalik iqtisodi va uni tashkil qilish; buhgalteriya hisobi va audit yo‟nalishlari uchun mo‟ljallangan
Darslik agrotijorat kollejlarining o'simliklami himoya qilish yo'nalishi dasturi asosida yozilgan. Ushbu kitobda sabzavot, poliz va mevali daraxtlaming xususiyatlari, navlari, yetishtirish usullari, mevachilik, bog'lami barpo qilish, payvandlashlar bayon etilgan.
Жаца Озбекстан - инсан қэдири устин болған жэмийет ҳэм халмқшмл мэмлекет
Озбекстан Республикась! Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёевтьтц шьтғармаларьшьт 6-томьша журтьшьвдьш жэмийетлик-сияий турмьтсьшдағьт эҳмийетли ўақьтялар, халнқаралмқ колемдеги форум ҳэм саммитлерде сойлеген сезлери ҳэм баянатларьт, журтьтмьтзда кец белгиленип киятмрған улмўма халь!кль1к байрамлар, тарийхьш сэнелер, ғалаба илаж ҳэм мэресимлер мунэсибети менен жолланған қутльтқлаўлар киргизилген.
Ilmiy tekshirish ishlarini amalyotda qo'llash
Har bir tibbiyot xodimi ayniqsa, bemorlarni parvarishlash, ularni kuzatisli bilan shug'ullanayotgan ko'p minglab" hamshiralar dalillarga asoslangan, tibbiyot fani uslublari, tamoyillari haqida keng qamrovli bilimga ega bo'lishlari lozim. Shu bilan birga ular dalillarga asoslangan tibbiyotning negizi bo'lgan statistik usullarni o'z amaliyotida qo'llagan holda hamshiralik amaliyotida ilmiy tadqiqot ishlarini tashkil etish, ma'lumotlarni to'plash, hisoblash, tahlil etish va olingan ilmiy natijalarni amaliyotda qo'llash bo'yicha yetarlicha bilim va ko'nikmaga ega bo'lishlari kerak. Shunday qilib, dalillarga asoslangan tibbiyot fani hamshiralik amaliyotida ishonchli ma'lumotlar asosida hamshiralik tashxis va parvarish ishlarini olib borish imkoniyatini yaratadi.
Дарсликда гидравликаиинг динамик ухшашлик ва гидравлик каршиликлар назарияси \ак,идаги таълимотга катта ахамият бе-рилган. Шу билан бирга амалий гидравлика буйича купгина тадк,-ик,отлар натижалари кслтирилган. Жумладан, И. И. Леви, А. П. Зег-жда, В. С. Кнороз, А. Прандтль, И. Никурадзе, Ф. Форхгеймер, Кольбрук-Уайт ва бошка муаллифларнинг напорли кувур ва очик узанларда (каналларда) гидравлик ишкаланиш таъсирида йук,о-тилган напорни урганиш буйича утказилган тадк,икртлари ва бош-калар ёритилган. Мавзулар халкаро улчам бирликлар тизими — «СИ»да баён этилган. Давлат тили атамашунослигининг хозирги боскичида «Гидравлика» фани сох,асида мукам мал атамалар луга-ти яратилмаганлигига царамай муаллиф мумкин кдцар узбек ти-лидаги атамалардан фойдаланган. Шунинг учун дарсликда кулла-нилган баъзи бир атамалар бахсли булиши хам мумкин.
Terapiya va harbiy dala terapiyasida hamshiralik ishi
Darslik tibbiyot oliygohlarida hamshiralik ishi bo'yicha bakalavr darajasiga erishish uchun ta'lim olayotgan talabalarga tavsiya etiladi.
Practical Hydraulics Second edition
Who wants to know about hydraulics? Well, my six-year-old daughter for a start. She wants to know why water swirls as it goes down the plug hole when she has a bath and why it always seems to go in the same direction. Many people in various walks of life have to deal with water – engineers who design and build our domestic water supply systems and hydro-electric dams, environmental scientists concerned about our natural rivers and wet lands, farmers who irrigate their crops and fire crews using pumps and high pressure hoses to put out fires. They want to store it, pump it, spray it or just move it from one place to another in pipes or channels. Whatever their requirements, they all need an understanding of how water behaves and how to deal with it. This is the study of hydraulics. But hydraulics is not just about water. Many other fluids behave like water and affect a wide range of people. Doctors need to understand about the heart as a pump and how blood flows in arteries and veins that are just like small pipelines. Aircraft designers must understand how air flowing around an aircraft wing can create lift. Car designers want to know how air flows around cars in order to improve road holding and reduce wind drag to save fuel. Sportsmen too soon learn that a ball can be made to move in a curved path by changing its velocity and the air flow around it and so confuse an opponent. There are many misconceptions and misunderstandings about water and few people have any real idea about how it behaves. We all live in a ‘solid’ world and so we naturally think that water behaves in much the same way as everything else around us. But this assumption can lead to all kinds of problems, some of them amusing, but some more serious and some even fatal. The fact that water does not always do what people expect it to do is what makes hydraulics such a fascinating subject – it has kept me busy all my working life.
GSM и управление мобильностью
Рассматриваются основы построения и архитектура сети связи стандарта GSM. Приводятся основные понятия, термины, параметры сети связи, процедуры управления мобильностью, задачи системы сетевого планирования, идентификаторы, варианты сценариев обслуживания вызовов, аспекты безопасности, протоколы сети, частотный план и структура кадров в стандарте GSM. Также рассматриваются методы обработки речи и проблемы, возникающие при передаче радиосигналов. Отмечены выборы видов мобильных приложений и их применение в стандарте GSM. Учебник предназначен для магистрантов, обучающихся по специальности 5А350901 –Мобильные системы связи, а также он может быть полезен для инженерно-технических работников, специализирующихся в области беспроводных систем связи.
Asab kasalliklarida hamshiralik ishi
Ushbu darslikda umumiy nevrologiyaning asoslari shuningdek asab tizimining klinik-anatomik tuzilishi, tekshiruv usullari va turli patologik jarayonlardagi scmiotikasi hamda topik diagnostikasi to‘liq bayon etilgan. Darslikni yaratishda ilmiy, mctodik va ilmiy-tibbiy аdabiyotlaming zamonaviy ma`lumotlari, oliy tibbiy ta’lim tizimidagi amaldagi namunaviy va ishchi dasturlardan foydalanilgan.
GSM va mobillikni boshqarish.
GSM aloqa tarmog'i arxitekturasi va qurilish tamoyillari ko'rib chiqilgan. GSM standartida asosiy tushunchalar, atamalar, aloqa tarmog'ining parametrlari, mobillikni boshqarish jarayonlari, tarmoqni loyihalashtirish tizimining vazifalari, identifikatorlar, qo'ng'iroqlar bilan ishlash ssenariylari, xavfsizlik jihatlari, tarmoq protokoli, chastotani loyihalashtirish va kadrlar tuzilishi berilgan. Shuningdek, nutqni qayta ishlash usuli va radiosignallarini uzatishdagi muammolari muhokama qilinadi. Mobil ilovalarning turlarini tanlash va ulardan GSM standartida foydalanish qayd etilgan. Darslik 5A350901 - Mobil aloqa tizimlari mutaxassisligi bo'yicha tahsil olayotgan magistrlar uchun mo'ljallangan, shuningdek simsiz aloqa tizimlariga ixtisoslashgan muhandis va texnik xodimlar uchun ham foydali bo'lishi mumkin.
This is the second edition of the book which was published in 2002. Fluid power systems are manufactured by many organizations for a very wide range of applications, which often embody differing arrangements of components to fulfill a given task. Hydraulic components are manufactured to provide the control functions required for the operation of a wide range of systems and applications. This second edition of the book is structured so as to give an understanding of: • The basic types of components, their operational principles and the estimation of their performance in a variety of applications. Component manufacturer diagrams are included to aid the understanding of the mechanical principles involved. This second edition has added a description of the digital control methods for independently operated valves for pumps and motors. • A resume of the flow processes that occur in hydraulic components. • A review of the modeling process for the efficiency of pumps and motors. This second edition includes an analysis for estimating the mechanical loss in a typical hydraulic motor. • The way in which circuits can be arranged using available components to provide a range of functional system outputs. This includes the analysis and design of closed loop control systems and some applications. • The analytical methods that are used in system design and the prediction of steady state and dynamic performance in a range of applications. This second edition deals more extensively with the analysis of hydraulic circuits for different types of hydrostatic power transmission systems and their application. • This second edition also includes a description of the use of international standards in the design and management of hydraulic systems.
Biologik kimyo
Biologik kimyo – tirik organizmlar tarkibiga kiruvchi moddalarningkimyoviy tabiati, ularning o‘zgarishi, shuningdek, bu jarayonlarni a’zova to‘qimalar faoliyati bilan bog‘liq holda o‘rganadigan fan.
A First Course in Hydraulics
This course of lectures is an introduction to hydraulics, the traditional name forfluid mechanics in civil and environmental engineering where sensible and convenient approximations to apparentlycomplex situations are made. An attempt is made to obtain physical understanding and insight into the subject by emphasising that we are following amodellingprocess, where simplicity, insight, and adequacy go hand-in-hand. We hope to include all important physical considerations, and to exclude those that are not important, but with understanding of what is being done. It is hoped that this will provide a basis for further sophistication if necessary in practice – if a problem contains unexpected phenomena, then as much advanced knowledge should be used as is necessary, but this should be brought in with a spirit of scepticism.
Терапевтическая стоматология детского возраста
В учебнике представлены все основные разделы терапевтической стоматологии детского возраста, предусмотренные соответствующими государственными образовательными стандартами. Подробно описаны состояние детской стоматологической службы, современные методы обследования больных, особенности детского организма; приведены последние данные об этиологии, патогенезе, диагностике, лечении и профилактике кариеса зубов и его осложнений, некариозных поражений, заболеваний пародонта и слизистой оболочки полости рта. Книга предназначена студентам стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов, детским стоматологам.
В пять1Й том произведений Президента Республики Узбекистан Шавката Мирзиёева включень! вьютупления и докладьт в связи с важнейшими собмтиями в обшественно-политической жизни нашей страньт, речи на саммитах, встречах с главами иностраннмх государств и международнмх организаций, а также поздравления и приветствия по случаю знамена тельньтх дат и международнмх форумов