Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Таңламалы шығармалары 1 томлық
Уллы Ўатандарлық урыс тамам болыўы менен-ақ, кеше ғана көксин жаңбырдай жаўған душпан оғына тутып, қарлы боранларда шинелин дастық қылып, ел қорғаған азаматлар енди әжайып жеңистиң шадлығына бөленип көкиреклери орден-медалларға толып, советлик семьяның татыў перзентлери сыпатында туўылып өскен жерлерге ағылып келе баслады.
Инсон умрининг моҳияти нима? Унинг бу дунёга келиб кетишида қандай маъно бор? Жаҳоннинг буюк мутафаккирлари, машҳур файласуфлар ҳамиша ана шу саволлар устида бош қотирганлар.
Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Thinking Skills, Second edition, is the only endorsed coursebook that provides complete coverage of the Cambridge AS and A Level Thinking Skills syllabus offering substantially updated, new and revised content. It also contains extensive extra material to cover related awards. Written by experienced and highly respected authors, this book includes features such as clearly focused and differentiated units, stimulating student activities with commentaries to develop analytical skills, summaries of key concepts to review learning, end-of-chapter assignments to reinforce knowledge and skills, and a mapping grid to demonstrate the applicability of each unit to awards including Critical Thinking, BMAT and TSA.
Йиллар садоси
Эл-юрт дардини елкада елкалаб, тақдирдан гоҳ қувнаб, гоҳо ўпкалаб саксон ёшга етмоқнинг ўзи бир бахт. Зулфияхонимнинг ушбу шеърлар тўплами ана шу умрнинг сурури, бахти, ҳажри-алами, ана шу ҳаётнинг аччиқ-чучук тажрибаларидир.
The Firm
When he gets a job with a top tax law firm in Memphis, he is delighted. But he quickly becomes suspicious after mysterious deaths, obsessive office security, and the Chicago mob figure into its operations. The situation only escalates when Mitch discovers that the firm is listening in on his phone calls and that the FBI want to speak to him. Money and power has a price — and it could be Mitch's life.
Зулмат остонасидаги муҳаббат. 2-фасл. “Янги ой”
Севганингни йўқотиш, фироққа сабр аҳди билан севгилингни “Тунги овчилар” сулоласининг доимий қаршилигидан сақлаш жуда қийин масала. Белла Свон севгилисининг фироғига чидай олмай, ҳинду йигитча Жейкоб Блейкнинг дўстлигини дардига малҳам қилмоқчи бўлади. Лекин у яқин дўстининг ўзи ҳам “тунги овчилар” вакилларидан бирининг фарзанди эканини хаёлига ҳам келтирмайди. Жейкоб аслзода вампирлардан ҳам хавфли ва шафқатсиз сулоладан эканлигини билмайди...
Perry Mason 1 The Case of the Velvet Claws
Thanks to a bungled robbery at a fancy hotel, the already-married Eva Griffin has been caught in the company of a prominent congressman. To protect the politico, Eva’s ready to pay the editor of a sleazy tabloid his hush money. But Perry Mason has other plans. He tracks down the phantom fat cat who secretly runs the blackmailing tabloid—only to discover a shocking scoop.
The Complete Short Stories Of Ernest Hemingway
In this definitive collection of the Nobel Prize-winning author’s short stories, readers will delight in Hemingway’s most beloved classics such as "The Snows of Kilimanjaro," "Hills Like White Elephants," and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," and will discover seven new tales published for the first time in this collection, totaling in sixty stories. This collection demonstrates Hemingway’s ability to write beautiful prose for each distinct story, with plots that range from experiences of World War II to beautifully touching moments between a father and son.
The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain
For deft plotting, riotous inventiveness, unforgettable characters, and language that brilliantly captures the lively rhythms of American speech, no American writer comes close to Mark Twain. This sparkling anthology covers the entire span of Twain’s inimitable yarn-spinning, from his early broad comedy to the biting satire of his later years.
The Witch of Portobello
How do we find the courage to always be true to ourselves—even if we are unsure of whom we are? That is the central question of international bestselling author Paulo Coelho's profound new work, The Witch of Portobello. It is the story of a mysterious woman named Athena, told by the many who knew her well—or hardly at all. Among them: "People create a reality and then become the victims of that reality. Athena rebelled against that—and paid a high price." Heron Ryan, journalist "I was used and manipulated by Athena, with no consideration for my feelings. She was my teacher, charged with passing on the sacred mysteries, with awakening the unknown energy we all possess. When we venture into that unfamiliar sea, we trust blindly in those who guide us, believing that they know more than we do."
Қуёш бекати
Ўзбекистон Қахрамони, Ўзбекистон Халқ шоири А.Ориповнинг 2000-2001 йилларда Ғафур Fулом номидаги нашриёт-матбаа ижодий уйида турт жилдлик «Танланган асарлар»и, 2005 йилда эса «Адолат» нашриётида ушбу жилдларнинг мантиқий давоми сифатида «Адолат кўзгуси» (5-жилд) тўплами нашр этилган эди.
This volume brings together the texts that were published in the space of one year in Folha de São Paulo. They are small texts that reflect on the lessons of the great Master of the Author and on small parables from other sources. The Author modestly compares himself to a weaver. But what is certain is that he handcrafted a multifaceted, colorful fabric that was malleable to wear. Read, browse, reread, meditate. Because he will find, in these pages, viable paths for his personal trajectory.
Хайрат ва тафаккур.
Қадимги замон олимларининг асарларидаги маълумотларга кўра Эсхилнинг 90 та драматик асари бўлган. Лекин афсуски, шоирнинг фақат 70 та трагеднясп бизгача етиб келган, холос. 72 та асарининг эса фақат сарлавҳалари сақланиб қолган. Эсхил ўзинииг илк асарларидан бири «Илти- жогўйлар»да шоҳ Данайнинг 50 қизи ҳақидаги ривоят.
The Giver of Stars
Alice Wright marries handsome American Bennett Van Cleve hoping to escape her stifling life in England. But small-town Kentucky quickly proves equally claustrophobic, especially living alongside her overbearing father-in-law. So when a call goes out for a team of women to deliver books as part of Eleanor Roosevelt’s new traveling library, Alice signs on enthusiastically.