Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Умумий психология
Мазкур дарслик умумий психология фанига бағишланган бўлиб, психологияга кириш, шахс ва унинг индивидуал -типологик хусусиятлари тўғрисидаги материалларни ўзида мужассамлаштирган. Дарсликда ўтмишдоршлардан фарқи шундаки, унда барча психологик категориялар, муаммолар янгича методологик ёндашув негизига суянган ҳолда талқин қилинади.
Gidroenergetika (yo`nalishga kirish)
Darslikda barcha mavzular bo‘yicha tayanch so‘z va iboralar hamda nazorat savollari berilgan. Bunda gidroenergetikaning gidravlik asoslari, suv manbalaridan mukammal foydalanish, gidroelektrostansiyalar va nasos stansiyalari xillari, asosiy parametrlari va jihozlari, binolari va inshootlari, bosim quvurlari, gidroakkumulatsion elektr stansiyalari va kichik GESlar, gidroenergetik qurilmalaming texnik-iqtisodiy hisoblari haqida umumiy ma‘lumotlar berilgan.
Umumiy psixologiya
Mazkur darslikda psixologiya fanining muammolari, bilish jarayonlari, hissiyot va iroda, shaxsning individual psixologik xususiyatlari, ularning nerv-fiziologik mexanizmlari va psixik rivojlanish qonuniyatlari bayon etilgan. Darslik Oliy ta’lim muassasalarining o‘qituvchi va talabalariga m o‘ljallangan.
Transport vositalari detallarini qayta tiklash
Ushbu darslik 5310600 - “Yer usti tarnsport tizimlari va ularning ekspluatatsiyasi (avtomobil transporti)” mutaxassisligi “Bakalavr” ta’lim yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun “Transport vositalari detallarining ishlash qobiliyatini tiklash” fanining namunaviy dasturi asosida tayyorlangan.
Расчет и конструирование трансформаторов
В книге излагается курс расчета и конструирования трансформаторов, составленный на основе программы предмета "Расчет и конструирование трансформаторов" для электротехнических техникумов, утвержденной научно-методическим кабинетом по высшему и среднему специальному образованию для средних специальных учебных заведений по специальности
Umumiy psixologiya
Umumiy psixologiya darsligi inson shaxsidagi psixologik xolatlar, xususiyatlar, jarayonlar haqidagi dastlabki bilimlar majmuasini berishga qaratilgan. Darslik psixologiyaga kirish, muloqot, faoliyat, shaxs, bilish jarayonlari shaxsning hissiy-irodaviy motivatsion sohasi, shaxsning individualpsixologik xususiyatlari nomli bo’limlardan iborat. Psixologiyaga kirish qismida psixologiyaning predmeti, hozirgi zamon psixologiyasining tuzilishi va tadqiqot metodlari, psixiki va ongning taraqqiyoti mavzulari, ikkinchi bo’limda muloqot, faoliyat, shaxs mavzulari, bilish jarayonlari bo’limida diqqat, sezgi, idrok, xotira, tafakkur, xayol mavzulari, shaxsning hissiy-irodaviy motivasion sohasi bo’limida hisiyot, iroda, motivasiya mavzulari, shaxsning individual psixologik xususiyatlari bo’limida xarakter, temperament, qobiliyat mavzulariga doir ma'ruza matnlari, mavzular yuzasidan test topshiriqlari, shuningdek mustaqil ishlash uchun mavzular va adabiyotlar ro’yxati, nazorat savollaridan iborat. Shuningdek nazariy materiallarni yaqqol ifodalash maqsadida chizma grafik, jadvallardan foydalanilgan
Ma’lumki, kimyo sanoati biz yashayotgan jamiyatning asosiy ishlab chiqaruvchi kuchiga aylanib bormoqda. Uning yutuqlaridan foydalanmasdan turib hozirgi zamon sanoatini taraqqiy ettirish, atrof-muhitni himoya qilish muammolarini hal etishni tasavvur qilish qiyin. Sanoatning turli yo‘nalishlarida - arxitektura va qurilish, to'qimachilik, neft va gaz, yo‘gochsozlik, mashinasozlik va jihozlash, metallurgiya va rangli metallar, qishloq xo'jaligi uchun organik va mineral o‘glitlar ishlab chiqarish hamda oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari texnologiyasi, oqova suvlarni tozalash va atrof- muhitni ifloslanishining oldini olishdagi o‘rni beqiyosdir. Shu sababli ham Oliy o‘quv yurtlarida kimyo fanini ishlab chiqarishning zamonaviy yutuqlariga, uni o‘rganish metodologiyasi asosida hamda ilg‘or axborot texnologiyalariga asoslanib bilim berishni amalga oshirish muhim ahamiyatga ega bo‘lib bormoqda.
Комбинаторика и теория графов
Комбинаторика и теория графов являются частью математики, и в рамках этой дисциплины изучаются множество практических задач. Знания, полученные в области этой дисциплины, могут быть использованы в исследованиях, в различных аспектах практической и теоретической медицины, а также в системе образования.
The World Book Encyclopedia
The World Book Encyclopedia 1994 World Book, Inc. All rights reserved. This volume may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission from the publisher.
Business Accounting Basics
This textbook has been written to provide a concise but comprehensive introduction to financial accounting. It is suitable for beginners to this subject area and provides an introduction to the major topics covered within an introductory bookkeeping or financial accounting course. The textbook would be ideal for those studying for A and AS level, IGCSE, Scottish Higher Qualifications, Association of Accounting Technicians, university undergraduate degree courses and professional accountancy qualifications. The textbook is based on the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and the International Accounting Standard (IAS) framework, meaning it can be used by students across the world rather than any one country in particular. Each chapter begins with learning objectivities which outline what skills and techniques will be acquired by completion of the chapter. The chapter will explore each topic in sufficient detail with explanation of each topic accompanied by fully worked-out examples accompanied by explanations and reference to the relevant international accounting standards throughout.
International GAAP 2019. Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standards
International GAAP(R)2019is a comprehensive guide to interpreting and implementing International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), setting IFRS in a relevant business context and providing insights into how complex practical issues should be resolved in the real world of global financial reporting. This book is an essential tool for anyone applying, auditing, interpreting, regulating, studying or teaching IFRS. Written by EYs financial reporting professionals from around the world, this three-volume guide to reporting under IFRS provides a global perspective on the application of IFRS. Complex technical accounting issues are explained clearly and IFRS is set in a practical context with numerous worked examples and hundreds of illustrations from the published financial reports of major listed companies from around the world.
Schaum's Easy Outline Bookkeeping and Accounting
An ideal key to mastering bookkeeping and accounting essentials, this book also offers practical guidance. It teaches the real-world applications of the concepts discussed via a broad range of 724 answered questions and problems with detailed solutions. Students will also find abundant examples of different types of ledgers and worksheets and how they're used. The exams included, typical of those given at the high school and 2- and 4-year college levels, provide an excellent opportunity to check understanding and boost test performance.
Tax-Free Wealth. How to Build Massive Wealth by Permanently Lowering Your Taxes
Tax-Free Wealth is about tax planning concepts. It’s about how to use your country’s tax laws to your benefit. In this book, Tom Wheelwright will tell you how the tax laws work. And how they are designed to reduce your taxes, not to increase your taxes. Once you understand this basic principle, you no longer need to be afraid of the tax laws. They are there to help you and your businessnot to hinder you. Once you understand the basic principles of tax reduction, you can begin, immediately, reducing your taxes. Eventually, you may even be able to legally eliminate your income taxes and drastically reduce your other taxes. Once you do that, you can live a life of Tax-Free Wealth.
Dialogs for everyday use
he 36 situation-based dialogs aim to present spoken American English in a relatively natural way. It is similar in format and pedagogy to Dialogs for Everyday Use, but with longer conversational episodes. Each dialog is accompanied by language notes that provide useful information on grammar and intonation patterns. Also available with this book and Dialogs for Everyday Use is an audiocassette of all the dialogs which allow students to use this book for self-directed study programs.
Dickens Christianity and the life of our Lord
When Dennis Walder published his Dickens and Religion in 1981, it seemed he had answered the call of K. J. Fielding almost two decades earlier for a more profound investigation into the religious thought of Charles Dickens (Walder 1981: xiii).1 In the following year, Andrew Sanders published his Charles Dickens: Resurrectionist in which he considered Dickens’s treatment of death and resurrection in the context of Dickens’s ‘vital and pervasive’