Iqtisodiyotning boshqa tarmoqlari
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Menejment, tashkilot va boshqaruv
Tizimli tahlil
Ushbu darslik “Tizimli tahlil” fani bo‘yicha tuzilgan bo‘lib, tizimningdеkompozitsiyalashvaagrеgativlash,tizimni loyihalash,murakkab tizimlardaqaror qabul qilish, tizim tahlilining matеmatik usullari, gеomеtrik usullar bilan masalani yechish, gеomеtrik intеrpretatsiyachiziqlidasturlashningasosiy masalasi (CHDAM), masalalar tatbiqi, simplеks usul, optimal yechim topish usullari,transport masalasini yechish usullari, transport masalalarini rganilgan.
Financial Markets and Institutions SEVENTH EDITION
A common stock(typically just called a stock) represents a share of ownership in a corporation. It is a security that is a claim on the earnings and assets of the corporation. Issuing stock and selling it to the public is a way for corporations to raise funds to finance their activities.
Principles of Finance
Principles of Finance is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license, which means that you can distribute, remix, and build upon the content, as long as you provide attribution to OpenStax and its content contributors.
Tourism is one of the world’s largest and fast est growing economic sectors, emerging over the past fifty years as a key instrument for global growth, development and job creation. Never theless, in the aftermath of the global econom ic downturn, it is clear that the sector faces a number of serious challenges, from the econo my to longer-term sustainability issues.
The Basics of Finance
The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to financial decision-making, and the framework in which these decisions are made. The Basics of Finance is an accessible book for those who want to gain a better understanding of this field, but lack a strong business background. In this book, we cover the essential concepts, tools, methods, and strategies in finance without delving too far into theory.
Service Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality
Hospitality is a category of the service industry. The hospitality industry is diverse, with many categories, but customer service (CS) is the unifying element that all segments of the industry share. It mainly entails addressing customer satisfaction and catering to guests’ needs.
Sustainability, Technology and Innovation 4.0,
Sustainability, Technology, and Innovation 4.0is a holistic perception and analysis of innovation at the level of public organizations, innovation in industry, and innovation in HR. Its chapters collectively present a thesis that Innovation 4.0 signals a technological revolution that has the opportunity to prevent environmental degradation and, in particular, to stop climate warming, the effects of which may disrupt the process of sustainable development.
Practical Learning in Hospitality Education
A long standing debate has occurred in hospitality degree programmes about the need for and merits of embedding practical training components in what are ostensibly management degrees. The debate goes to the heart of training versus education quandary facing hotel management, hospitality and tourism programmes.
Tourism Business Planning
This Workbook accompanies the Tourism Development Handbook (TDH) for the Northwest Territories. 1 The Workbook guides the reader through a step-by-step process for developing a business plan for a tourism business.
Modern Hotel Operations Management
Hotel operations are chiefly concerned with providing accommodation, food and drink services. This requires managers to have a good understanding of room, restaurant and kitchen operations. In some hotels, these core ser vices are augmented with leisure and fitness facilities, or with conference and banqueting services that attract additional guests and revenue.
As Denney would tell you, the first edition of this textbook project was originally born out of a range of frustrations. While there are many outstanding textbooks in the hotel man agement field that dealt with significant por tions of operations, particularly housekeeping, front office, and food and beverage, there are very few that try to treat, in a balanced and in depth way, each department in the hotel.
Numismatics is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as 'the study of coins and medals, especially from an archaeological or historical standpoint'. The American Webster spells out the details more comprehensively : 'The study of coins, tokens, medals, paper money, and objects closely resembling them in form or purpose, including standard media of exchange and decorations.' Both indicate the basic ambiguity of the word. Nu
The ready sale of a small and very imperfect work bearing tho same title as the preaeot, not only proves that an elemen tary treatise is much wanted, but it also encourages the hope that a volume in an improvedfoTm» and of systematicarrange ment, will be still more acceptable to the numismatic student.
.Учебное пособе посвящено рассмотрению общих принципов построения систем цифрового телевидения, компрессии цифровых сигналов изображения и звука. Приводятся стандарты цифровой компрессии MPEG. Обсуждаются методы построения аппаратуры спутникового, кабельного и эфирного цифрового телевидения, а также особенности методов построения аппаратуры цифрового телевизионного вещания в сетях передачи данных. Даны примеры конфигурации систем цифрового телевизионного вещания.
В монографии предложены физические модели полупроводниковых приборов многослойной структуры - транзисторов и тиристоров. На основе предложенных моделей рассмотрен механизм работы бездрейфовых, дрейфовых биполярных и полевых транзисторов. Разработанные физикоматематические модели статических характеристик транзисторов позволяют выполнять строгие аналитические расчеты с заданной точностью радиозлеКТР,01ЦJ•х устройв на IBM РС. .Монографию отличают методические ·достоинства, обширный иллюстративный , материал, достаточно доступный, но в _тоже время строгий уровень изложия.
Учебное пособие разработано на основе типовой программы по русскому языку для студентов 1 курса бакалавриата нефилологических вузов (№ БД-107 от 18.08.2017). Учебное пособие разработано для студентов технического вуза по направлению Телекоммуникационные технологии и посвящено обучению русскому языку с использованием профессиональной лексики. Пособие может быть применено в работе со студентами бакалавриата и магистратуры. Задания, предъявленные в пособии, предназначены как для самоконтроля учащихся, так и контроля за процессом усвоения знаний преподавателями. Раздел «Проверь себя», содержащий задания по методу «кейс- стади», может служить для текущего и итогового контроля. Грамматические таблицы ориентированы на практическую работу.