Kimyoviy texnologiya. Kimyo sanoati
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
ARCHAEOLOGY of the BRITISH ISLES With a gazetteer of sites in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
The writers on antiquity generally find more difficulty, in so handling the matter, as to render it agreeable to the reader, than in most other subjects. Tediousness in any thing is a fault, more so in this than in other sciences. Tis an offence, if either we spend such time in a too minute description of things, or enter upon formal and argumentative proofs, more than the nature of such accounts will well bear. Nevertheless the dignity of the knowledge of antiquities will always insure a sufficient regard for this very considerable branch of learning, as long as there is any taste or learning left in the World. William Stukeley, Stonehenge.
Fifteen years ago, when I first considered mounting undergraduate courses in ‘historiography’, most students and not a few colleagues possessed barely more than a blurred notion of what the word meant. Secretaries pronounced it ‘historygraphy’. Professors, some of them major figures in their fields, advised thatone could not teach the subject at all, either because it was too difficult and would ‘confuse’ the students, or, more radically, because the subject had no existence outside the particular historical problem one might be considering.
Respublikamizda organik sintez texnologiyalari bilan ishlayotgan bir qator kimyoviy ishlab chiqarish korxonalari faoliyat ko'rsatmoqda.
Most Common Mistakes in English: An English Learner’s Guide
Did you know that the plural of "sheep" is "sheep" (not "sheeps")? Some mistakes in English are incredibly common, even among advanced learners: irregular plurals, using "have done" instead of "did", incorrect prepositions ("arrive to" instead of "arrive at"), placing commas where they shouldn't be and omitting them when they are necessary... This book will teach you how to avoid some of the most common grammar and vocabulary mistakes English learners make. If you are interested in the most common pronunciation mistakes, the author of the book has written a separate book on the topic entitled Improve your English pronunciation and learn over 500 commonly mispronounced words.
Миллий истиқлол мафкураси халқ эътиқоди ва буюк келажакка ишончдир
Бугун биз янги давлат жамият кураётган эканмиз бу тизимда ижтимоий-сиёсий муносабатлар одамларнинг онги ва тафаккури хам узига хос шу билан бирга мутлако янгича маъо касб этиши шубхасиз.
ПАСКАЛЬ Программирование на языке высокого уровня
Учебник содержит последовательное изложение основ программирования на примере языка Паскаль, необходимую для практической работы справочную информацию, тестовые вопросы и индивидуальные задания для лабораторных работ и полностью соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту. Правильность выполнения лабораторных работ и тестов можно проверить с помощью интернет-поддержки учебника, этим обеспечивается единый высокий уровень качества обучения.
THE HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA The Age of the Silk Roads,
The period from the Xiongnu steppe empires (before 244 bce–93 ce) to that of the Uyghurs (744–840 ce) was marked by the extraordin arily dynamic and multifaceted relationships between the peoples of Central Asia and the states of sedentary cultures at the peripheries, such as those of China, north India and Iran, and the Roman and Byzantine empires. These contacts involved both active trading and political and military conflicts, the migration of peoples and the diffu sion of religions and artistic styles.
Ушбу дарслик қишлоқ хўжалик олий ўқув юртларининг агрономия факультетлари студентлари учун мўлжалланган. Дарсликда сўнгги йилларда эришилган фан ютуқлари ҳамда илғор тажрибалар асосида Ўрта Осиё республикаларилаги ихтисослаштирилган йирик колхоз ва совхозлар шароитида сабзавот етиштириш масалалари баён қилинади.
Техническая механика
Учебник одобрен научно-методическим советом Джизакского политехнического института и разработан на основе научной программы и силлабуса для студентов, обучающихся по специальности 60710100-Химическая технология. (Технология строительных материалов и электрохимических производств)
Neft-gaz va kimyo sanoati qurilmalarini ta'mirlash va montaj
Zamonaviy kimyo, neft va neft-gani qayta ishlash korxonalari mamlakatimiz iqtisodiyoti uchun zarur bo'lgan xilma-xil mahsulotlarni olish uchun mo'ljallangan murakkab texnologik qurilma, mashina va uskunalar majmuasini aks ettiradi. Bu texnologik uskunalar konstruksiyasi va qo'llanishi bo'yicha turlicha bo'lgan mashina, qurilma va transport, shuningdek, avtomatik rostlash, nazorat qilish vositalarini o'z ichiga oladi va bularning hammasi umumlashgan holda uskunalar deb ataladi.
Moliyaviy va boshqaruv hisobi
Darslik Davlat ta’lim standarti talablariga muvofiq tayyorlangan bo’lib, unda buxgalteriya hisobining predmeti va usullari, buxgalteriya balansi va uning tuzilishi, asosiy vositalar va nomoddiy aktivlar hisobi, materiallar hisobi, mahsulot (ish va xizmat) larni sotish hisobi, mehnat va unga haq to’lash hisobi, moliyaviy natijalar hisobi, moliyaviy hisobot, iqtisodiy tahlil fanining predmeti va usullari, mahsulot ishlab chiqarish va sotish tahlili, mehnat resurslaridan foydalanish tahlili, asosiy vositalar holati va ulardan foydalanish tahlili, auditorlik tekshiruvlarini tashkil etish, rejalashtirish, o’tkazish va ularning natijalarini rasmiylashtirish tartibi nazariy va amaliy jihatdan keng yoritib berilgan.
В учебнике изложены методические основы преподавания технических и технологических учебных дисциплин в профессионально-технических училищах и техникумах машиностроительного профиля.
Программирование: введение в профессию.
Четвёртый, заключительный том учебника «Программирование: введение в профессию» посвящён многообразию парадигм программирования; в нём рассматривается язык Си++, абстрактные типы данных и объектно-ориентированное программирование; описаны такие языки, как Лисп, Scheme, Про- лог и Хоуп, функциональное программирование, ленивые вычисления; в качестве иллюстрации командно-скриптового подхода рассмотрен язык Tcl. Обсуждается дихотомия Оустерхаута, а также компиляция и интерпретация как парадигмы особого рода.
Sport bayramlarini tashkil qilish va o`tkazish metodikasi
Ushbu darslik kichkintoy bolalar, boshlang‘ich sinf o'quvchilari hamda umumta’lim maktablari bilan jism oniy sog‘lom)ashtirish tadbirlari va sport bayramlarini tashkil qilish va o (tkazish metodikasi kursi bayon etilgan bo‘lib bo'lajak boshlangich sinf o‘qituvchilariga, bog‘cha tarbiyachilariga mo‘ljallangan. Kitobda bolalar faoliyatini kuchaytirish, xushchaqchaqlik, yuzlarida tabassum, m ashg‘ulotlarga bo‘lgan qiziqish va boshqa fazilatlarni tarbiyalash ko‘zda tutilgan.
The history of archaeology is the history of the ideas that have prevailed, the ideas that have been right in the long term, and it is proper to see the past from the present. The necessary qualification is some real understanding of context, some real respect for the potentials and possibilities that were available, and a decent humility about our ancestors’ accomplishments.
Historical Archaeology
Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology is a series of contemporary texts, each carefully designed to meet the needs of archaeology instructors and students seeking volumes that treat key regional and thematic areas of archaeological study. Each volume in the series, compiled by its own editor, includes 12–15 newly commissioned articles by top scholars within the volume’s thematic, regional, or temporal area of focus.