Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students Fourth edition
This book provides international students with a useful introduction to the basic practices in reading and writing for academic purposes. It includes topics such as the typical content of article abstracts, the mechanics of citation and referencing, and some uses of sources in writing – topics that will help international students, studying in an English medium university for the first time, to meet their tutors’ expectations in reading and writing assignments. The chapter on reading advises a critical attitude to internet resources, advice most relevant to students today.
Some portions of the text have been rewritten in order to enhance clarity and be more succinct. In this regard, somenew examples have been added and others have been modified to provide more emphasis on the application of important concepts. Also, the artwork has been improved throughout the book to support these changes.
Mechanics of Materials
The main objective of a basic mechanics course should be to develop in the engineering student the ability to analyze a given problem in a simple and logical manner and to apply to its solution a few fundamental and well-understood principles. This text is designed for the first course in mechanics of materials—or strength of materials—offered to engineering students in the sophomore or junior year. The authors hope that it will help instructors achieve this goal in that particular course in the same way that their other texts may have helped them in statics and dynamics. To assist in this goal, the seventh edition has undergone a complete edit of the language to make the book easier to read
Darslik Oliy o‘quv yurtlarining neft-gaz va kimyoviy texnologiya yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib undan magistrlar, ilmiy xodimlar va professor - o‘qituvchilar foydalanishlari mumkin.
Коллоидная химия
Данный учебник по коллоидной химии написан на основе программы, разработанной по направлении 5320400 -Химической технологии и включает разделы, посвященные поверхностным явлениям, экстракции коллоидных растворов, молекулярно-кинетическим и оптическим свойствам. В начале учебника приведены краткие теоретические положения, основные формулы и уравнения, законы.
Al-Jomi` as-sahih 3-Jild
Imom Buxoriy rivoyat qiladilarki, Abu Ishoq bunday debdurlar: «Men Zayd ibn Arqamning yonlarida erdim. Ul kishidan: «Rasululloh sallallohu alayhi va sallam necha gazotda ishtirok qilganlar?»—deb so‘rashdi. Zayd: «19 ta»,— dedilar. Zayddan yana so‘rashdi: «Siz Rasululloh birlan necha gazotda birga bo‘lgansiz?». Ul kishi: «17 tasida»—deb javob qildilar».
Qurilish mexanikasi
Qurilish mexanikasi inshootlarning mustahkamligi, ustuvorligi va bikirligi haqidagi fandir.
Kognitive Grammatik.
Dieses Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt insbesondere für Vervielfältig-ungen, Übersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen.