Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
San’at. San’atshunoslik
English for Writing Research Papers
This book is intended both for inexperienced and experienced authors. In the Contents page, a (#) indicates that inexperienced writers should pay particular attention to this subsection. You can refer to the other points when you write more papers in the future.
IEL TS Writing Answer Key
IEL TS Writing Answer Key (MAXIMISER) is a must-read source designed to meet the needs of candidates preparing to take the IELTS test. It offers a full range of classified writing samples found in the actual exam.
Ушбу китобда уиумий қўлланиладиган электр машина-лари на трансформаторларнинг ҳамда аотомагика қурилма- ларида қўллапиладиган махсус машиналарнинг (ижрочи дпн- гателлар, Тахогеиераторлар, сельсинлар ва электр-машннавиП кучаитнргпчлар) наэарняси ва ишлатнлишига онд асоснй маълумотлар баён килннган. Дарслик техникумларпниг энергетика ва злектротехника ихтнсослигини олишга ўқийлиган студентларц учун мўлжал- ланган, уидан электр машиналарпипг нлэарияси ва ишлати- лиши масалалари билан танишиб чнқишни хоҳловчи мутахас- сислар ҳам фойдала нишлври мумкин.
Korean Grammar Guidebook,
The Korean alphabet (called "Hangul" in Korean) was developed by a team of scholars under KingSe-jong(1397-1450) of the YiDynasty and is the most recently invented and most scientifically designed alphabet in the world. "Hangul" has only 21 vowel/vowel combinations and 19 consonants, 5 of which are the same symbol repeated twice and 5 of them are simply a consonant with the addition of an accent mark. That makes a total of only 30 basic character shapes to be learned,
Introduction to Mechanics of Materials Part II
This book presents a basic introductory course to the mechanics of materials for students a good background for developing their ability to analyse given problems using fundamental approaches.
There are two parts of the IELTS exam in which the test asks some questions and you must create independent responses: the Speaking Test and the Writing Test. Many people do not realise that the IELTS system uses a group of ten key topics to formulate all of these questions in Speaking and Writing. If you understand these ten topics, and above all if you know some advanced vocabulary on each topic to use in your Speaking and Writing answers, you can make a huge difference to your IELTS Band score, even if your English contains some mistakes
Экономика, организация и планирование производства в газовой промышленности
Рассмотрены вопросы организации производственных процессов, управления производством и его обслуживания, организации и планирования труда и заработной платы.
O‘zbekistonda bozor iqtisodiyoti rivojlanayotgan sharoitida, mutaxassislar tayyorlash sifatini tubdan yaxshilash hozirgi zamon dolzarb masalasi bo‘lib, u barcha fanlar bo‘yicha mazmunli darsliklar yaratishni taqozo qiladi. Ushbu darslikda statistika yagona fan sifatida qaralib, 2 qismga ajratilgan: I qism. Statistika nazariyasi II qism. Iqtisodiy statistika I qismda statistika predmeti va metodi, statistik kuzatish uslubiyati, statistik ko‘rsatkichlar, axborotlarni jadval va grafiklar yordamida taqdim etish usullari, ma‘lumotlarni tasniflash va guruhlash, taqsimot qatorlari, o‘rtacha miqdorlar va variatsiya ko‘rsatkichlari, tanlama kuzatish, korrelyatsion va regression tahlil, dinamika qatorlari, iqtisodiy indekslar kabi mavzular batafsil bayon etilgan.
1000 English collections in 10 minutes a day
When you make mistakes with collocations, the other person will usually understand you – but your English won’t sound “natural” – because it’s different from the way a native speaker would say it. Although it’s possible to communicate successfully with incorrect collocations, using collocations correctly can help you speak more fluently.
Sport pedagogik mahoratini oshirish (qilichbozlik)
Mazkur darslikda jismoniy tarbiya institutlarida sport qilichbozligi ixtisosligi bo`yicha mutaxassislarni o`qitish kursi mazmunini tashkil qiluvchi qilichbozlik nazariyasi va uslubiyatining asosiy bo`limlari bayon qilingan. Kitobdan shug`ullanishini boshlagan, shuningdek, sport ustasigacha bo`lgan qilichbozlarni o`rgatuvchi va tarbiyalovchi o`qituvchilar hamda murabbiylar muvaffaqiyati foydalanishlari mumkin.
Ayollar va erkaklar. Женщины и мужчины
Nashrda hisobot davri statistik ko`rsatkichlar Yevropa hamjamiyatning iqtisodiy faoliyat turlari statistik tasniflagichiga asoslangan O`zbekiston Respublikasining iqtisodiy faoliyat turlari umumdavlat tasniflagichi bo`yich shakllantirilgan.
Мастерство Фортепианного ( органного) исполнительства
Мастерство Фортепианного ( органного) исполнительства
English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises,
This book contains almost 200 exercises designed to practice the non-technical vocabulary you will need when writing a research manuscript in English. It is aimed at students and researchers of any discipline whose fi rst language is not English. It is assumed that you have already reached a suf fi cient level of English to read and understand a research paper in your particular fi eld. You may fi nd some technical words in the exercises that you are not familiar with. You can simply ignore such words – they should not prevent you from being able to complete the exercise.
Metallurgik zavodlarning mexanik dastgohlari
Mazkur darslik metallurgik zavodlarda, ishlab chiqarish korxonalarida doimiy ravishda qo`llaniladigan mexanik dastgohlaridan ya`ni maydalash, yanchish, saralash dastgohlarining o`lchamlari, holati, rangli va qora metallurgiyada qo`llaniladigan eritish pechlarining tuzilishi, ishlash prinsipi, erigan suyuq metallarni pechlarga yetkazib beruvchi dastgohlar va ularning qo`llanilishini o`rgatuvchi hisoblanadi.
Introduction to Mechanics of Materials
This book presents a basic introductory course to the mechanics of materials for students of mechanical engineering. It gives students a good background for developing their ability to analyse givenproblems using fundamental approaches. The necessary prerequisites are the knowledge of mathematical analysis, physics of materials and statics since the subject is the synthesis of the above mentioned courses.