Xalq ta’limi. Pedagogika
Qurilish. Arxitektura
Журнал гуманитарлық ғылымдар: тарих, (отан, жалпы), философия, саясаттану, әлеуметтану, дінтану, мәдениеттану, этномәдениеттану, құқықтану, экономика, педагогика, этнопедагогика, психология, дефектология; филология (тіл және әдебиет): қазақ, орыс, шет тілдері; жаратылыстану ғылымдары: математика, физика, информатика, география, биология, химия, экология ғылымдар багыты бойынша өзекті тақырыптардағы мақалаларды жариялайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасында жоғары педагогикалық білім беруді жаңғырту жағдайында жаңа мамандар дайындау және тәрбиелеуде ескіні өзгертіп, жаңа формаларды жасауга багытталган.
Алишер Навоий
Мазкур рисолада фавқулодда истеъдод соҳиби Алишер Навоийнинг ибратли ҳаёти, серқирра фаолияти, унинг давлат арбоби ва маънавият ҳомийси, адолатли амалдор ва саховатли инсон сиймосида амалга оширган хайрли ва эзгу ишлари, бой ва ранг-баранг адабий-илмий мероси, ижодининг асосий йўналишлари, жанрий таркиби ва мавзу доираси, ўлмас ғоя ва қарашлари, асарларининг бадиий баркамоллиги сирлари ва шоирлик маҳоратининг айрим қирралари тўғрисида илмий-оммабоп усулда ҳикоя қилинади. Рисола кенг китобхонлар оммасига мўлжалланган.
The penguin dictionary of architecture and landscape architecture
his is the first edition to be published since the death of Nikolaus Pevsner, whose loss we acutely feel. From the book’s inception, now more than twenty-five years ago, he was the guiding spirit and it was only at his repeated insistence that his name appears last on the title-page - ‘alphabetical order, please! That is correct,’ he would say. He wrote the entries for medieval and nineteenth- and twentieth-century architects, as well as the European and American national entries and most of the stylistic ones.
Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction
This book, which has been compiled by its authors over a 15 year period, is an illustrated dictionary of English language terms and concepts relating to architecture and building construction. While it is intended primarily for professional and academic use, it is also an invaluable resource for students and those otherwise interested in the subject.
Analysis and design of shallow and deep foundations
While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. The publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services, and you should consult a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.
Robust architecture low-tech design
This work is subject to copyright. All rights reserved. These rights specifically include the rights of translation, reprinting and presentation, the reuse of illustrations and diagrams, the reproduction on microfilm or on any other media and storage in data processing systems. Furthermore, these rights pertain to any and all parts of the material. Any reproduction of this work, whether whole or in part, even in individ ual cases, is only permitted within the scope specified by the applicable copyright law. Any reproduction is subject to remuneration. Any infringement will be subject to the penalty clauses of copyright law.
Harvesting Rainwater from Buildings
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.
ПЕДАГОГИКА энциклопедия 1ЖИЛД А - Ё
Педагогикада «атама» тушунчаси остида илмий-амалий маънода педагогик тушунчаларнинг аниқ ифодаланган шакли тушунилади. Педагогик тушунчаларни ифодалашга хизмат киладиган сўз ёки сўз бирикмалари ўзининг аник дефинициялари, яъни аникловчиларига эга. Шунинг учун ҳам бундай аникловчилар илмий-педагогик услуб доирасига киради. Педагогик атамалар педагогикага оид илмий тушунчаларни ифодаловчи сўзлар мажмундир. Улар педагогика фанининг муҳим тушунчаларини ўзида мужассамлаштиради. Ўзбек тилида педагогик атамалар ўзининг узоқ муддатли ривожланиш йўлига эга. Аждодларимиз баркамол авлод тарбиясининг педагогик, маънавий-ахлокий асосларини яратиш жараёнида кўплаб педагогик атама- ларни кашф килганлар.
Performance-Based Seismic Design of Concrete Structures and Infrastructures
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies does not indicate a claim of ownership by IGI Global of the trademark or registered trademark.
Historical Dictionary of Architecture. Second Edition
Architecture is unquestionably one of the arts, but it also depends heavily on technology in respect to materials, construction techniques, and cooperation with other fields, as well as commerce. Societal and political trends affect what will be built, while aesthetics and fads determine what style is used. Thus a multi-faceted approach is essential, one that makes this historical dictionary particularly useful. The coverage starts with Ancient Egyptian, Near Eastern, Greek, and Roman architecture; continues with Gothic, Ren aissance, Baroque, and Rococo architecture; and comes up to the present with Post-Modernist and High-Tech architecture. While much of the cover age is Western, other areas are not forgotten, such as China, India, Japan, and Mesoamerica.
Pioneers of Timber Construction
Vorarlberg is a timber construction region. More than a third of the area of this mountain ous Austrian province is forested, and wood as a building material has shaped its building culture for centuries. Hermann Kaufmann and HK Architekten from Schwarzach have further developed this timber construction tradition with pioneering projects and have carried the constructive and technical innovations of industrial timber construction from Vorarlberg into the world. Their projects, whether in Vancouver or Dornbirn, often serve as models. They explore the potential of building with wood and contribute to redefin ing the limits of what is constructively and technically feasible. Over the past 40 years, HK Architekten have realised a wide range of projects for private and public clients, churches and municipalities.
Architectural Styles
The very notion of architectural 'style' is largely a creation of the nineteenth century, and, indeed, of the discipline of architectural history itself. The figure with whom the concept of 'style' is mostly closely associated during this period was the Swiss architectural historian Heinrich Wölfflin. A student of the influential German cultural historian Jacob Burkhardt, Wölfflin established an almost scientifically rigorous method for architectural history in charting what he described as the 'problem of the development of style'. He established five pairs of opposing concepts: linear/painterly; plane/recession; closed form/open form; multiplicity/unity; and absolute clarity/relative clarity. Armed with this framework, any
Жаҳон таълим тизимида ўқув жараёнини виртуал лойиҳалаш, таълим жараёнига масофавий таълим (d-learning) шакллари, рақамли таълим технологиялари (Moodle, eFront, Chamilo, ILIAS, Open Elms, Sakai, Dokeos ва ҳ.к.) замонавий дастурлаштирилган таълим моделлари амалиётга татбиқ этилмоқда. Хусусан, The Open University (Буюк Британия), Princeton University (АҚШ), Cyber University да (Жанубий Корея) таълим сифатини рақамли технологиялар асосида доимий такомиллаштириш бўйича йирик лойиҳаларни амалиётга татбиқ этиш бўйича тизимли ишлар олиб борилмоқда. Жаҳон таълим ва илмий тадқиқот муассасаларида педагог кадрларнинг замонавий технологик билимларини кенгайтириш, рақамли технологиялар, оптик эффектлар, 3D-таълим заллари, виртуал лабораториялар, мобиль технологиялар асосида масофавий таълимни ривожлантириш, очиқ таълим ресурслари “blended learning” технологияларини такомиллаштиришга доир илмий-тадқиқот ишлари олиб борилмоқда. Шу билан бирга, таълим олувчининг муcтақил таълим олиш имкониятларини кенгайтириш, масофавий таълим жараёнларини рақамли технологиялар асосида индивидуаллаштириш бўйича илмий-тадқиқотларга алоҳида эътибор берилмоқда.
Architecture Style Structure Design
A building, as an object that defines and encloses space, reflects the society of its time more than any other art-form. The meaning of any building is transmitted as much by the materials in which it is built as by the function it is designed to perform. The vast majority of buildings consist of external walls surrounding an interior space and covered by a roof to provide shelter. Their basic shape directly relates to the materials chosen to form that enclosure. It is the relationship between the architect's attitude to the process of design and the materials in which that design is executed with which this book is concerned.
Дунёда спорт соҳасида тренер кадрларни тайёрлаш ва қайта тайёрлаш тизимида кучайиб бораётган глобал рақобат шароитларида узлуксиз таълим тизимида тренерўқитувчиларни тайёрлаш ва касбий малакасини такомиллаштиришнинг янги моделларини излаб топиш муаммоси спорт бўйича мутахассисларнинг диққат марказида бўлиб келмоқда. Ҳозирги кунда олий ютуқлар спортида натижаларнинг ўсиши тренернинг касбий фаолиятида максимал юқори даражага эришишига интилишига сабаб бўлмоқда. Шунингдек, малака ошириш йўналиши юқори малакали тренерлар малакасини ошириш тизими сифатида муҳим омиллардан бирига айланган. Шу билан бирга, малака ошириш тизимида тренерлар касбий маҳоратини янада такомиллаштириш усулларини излаб топиш спорт фанида долзарб вазифа этиб белгиланган.
Жаҳон таълим муассасаларида ўқитувчиларнинг ўзини ўзи ривожлантириш компетентлиги такомиллашувининг креатив модулли технологиялари таълим жараёнига татбиқ этилмоқда. Ўқитувчиларнинг ўзини ўзи ривожлантириш компетентлигини такомиллаштириш, инновацион ёндашувлар асосида ўқитувчиларни касбий тайёрлашни такомиллаштириш, ижодий тафаккур, креативлик ва касбий малакаларни ривожлантиришга йўналтирилган технологиялардан фойдаланиш, мутахассисларни касбий тайёрлаш тизимининг ўқув-методик таъминотини яратиш бўйича тизимли ишлар амалга оширилмоқда. Жаҳон таълим ва илмий-тадқиқот муассасаларида малака ошириш тизими тингловчиларининг ўзини ўзи ривожлантириш компетентлигини такомиллаштириш, малака ошириш жараёнига синхронли моделларни жорий этиш, ўқитишнинг психологик, андрогогик хоссаларини такомиллаштириш, масофавий таълимда ўқув-билиш фаолиятини бошқариш бўйича илмийтадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда. Касбий компетентликни такомиллаштириш моделларининг самарадорлигини инновацион методикалар ҳамда электрон таълим ресурслари асосида ошириш, малака ошириш тизими тингловчиларининг касбий компетентлигини ривожлантирувчи таълим жараёнини ташкил этиш, ўқитувчиларда янги билимларни ўзлаштиришга бўлган мотивацияни ривожлантириш бўйича илмий-тадқиқотларга алоҳида эътибор берилмоқда.