Madaniyat. Madaniyatshunoslik
Interpretable Machine Learning with Python
This book dives deep into these fundamental concepts that need to be demystified for beginners and advanced specialists. Serg Masís takes the time to help the reader understand the difference between interpretability and explainability.
Қиёсий диншунослик
“Киёсий диншунослик” фани буйича ушбу ўкув қўлланма ЎзХИА "Диншунослик ва жаҳон динларини қиёсий ўрганиш ЮНЕСКО" кафедраси томонидан ишлаб чиқилган бўлиб у бакалавриат талабаларинимг зарурий тайёргарлик даражаси ва билимлари мазмунига қўйиладиган талаблар асосида тайёрланган.
Implementing Palo Alto Networks Prisma® Access
This book marks a collaborative effort, drawing upon the combined expertise of myself and my esteemed ex-colleague, Tom Piens. Our years of experience have brought my insights and countless hours of testing to life on these pages.
Ushbu o‘quv qo‘llanma sport ta’lim muassasalari uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, unda shaxmat sport turining tarixi, shaxmat bo‘yicha sport muassasalarida sportchilarni tayyorlash bo‘yicha 2017-yil 3-iyundagi PQ-3031-sonli “O‘zbekistonda jismoniy tarbiya va sportni yanada rivojlantirish chora-tadbirlari” to‘g‘risida, 2018-yil 9-avgustdagi PQ-3906-son “O‘zbekiston Respublikasida shaxmatni rivojlantirish bo‘yicha qo‘shimcha chora-tadbirlar to‘g‘risida”gi qarorlari hamda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining 2020-yil 24-yanvardagi PF-5924-son “O‘zbekiston Respublikasida jismoniy tarbiya va sportni yanada takomillashtirish va ommalashtirish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida”gi farmoniga asosan ishlab chiqilgan.
Hands-On Computer Vision with Detectron2
This book also covers steps for deploying Detectron2 models into production and developing Detectron2 applications for mobile devices. Specifically, it provides the model formats and platforms that Detectron2 supports, such as TorchScript and ONNX formats. It provides the code to convert Detectron2 into these formats models using tracing and scripting approaches. Additionally, code snippets illustrate how to deploy Detectron2 models into C++ and browser environments. Finally, this book also discusses D2Go, a platform to train, fine-tune, and quantize computer visions so they can be deployable to mobile and edge devices with low-computation resource awareness.
Fizika Elektrodinamika asoslari Tebranishlar va to'lqinlar 2-kitob
Mazkur qo‘llanma oliy o‘quv yurtlari qoshida tashkil etilgan aniq fanlar yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha akademik litseylar uchun tasdiqlangan fizika kursi o‘quv dasturi asosida yozilgan.
Nazariy mexanika misol va masalalarda. 1-qism. Statika
O'quv qo'llanmada "Nazariy mexanika fani "Statika" bo'limining kesishuvchi kuchlar, kuchning momenti va juft kuchlar nazariyasi, tekislikda va fazoda ixtiyoriy joylashgan kuchlar tizimi, parallel kuchlar tizimi, og'irlik markazi mavzulari bo`yicha nazariy ma'lumotlar, masalalar yechish tartibi, masalalar yechish namunalari va mustaqil yechish uchun keyslar. muammolar, ko'p variantli masalalar taqdim etilgan.
ECG Problems
Although no book can substitute for practical experience, 250 ECG Problems goes a stage nearer the clinical world than books that simply aim to teach ECG interpretation. It presents 150 clinical problems in the shape of simple case histories, together with the relevant ECG.
gRPC Go for Professionals
In the highly interconnected world of microservices, gRPC has become an important communication technology. By standing on the shoulders of Protobuf and implementing must-have features during communication, gRPC provides reliable, efficient, and user-friendly APIs. In this book, you will explore why this is the case, how to write these APIs, and how to use them in production. The overall goal is to get you to understand how to use gRPC but also how gRPC works.
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma Respublikamiz oliy ta’lim muassasalarining barcha bakalavr ta’lim yo’nalishi bo’yicha tahsil olayotgan talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, o‘quv qo'llanmada jismoniy tarbiya va sportning nazariy asoslari, yengil atletika (yugurish va sakrash), sport o’yinlari (futbol, voleybol, basketbol, stol tennisi) va suzish kabi sport turlari bo‘yicha mashg‘ulotlarni tashkil qilish va o'tkazish bo‘yicha tavsiyalar va ma’lumotlar keltirilgan. O‘quv qo‘llanma Jismoniy tarbiya va sport fan dasturi asosida tayyorlangan.
Orkestr sinfi (Simfonik orkestr)
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma oliy ta’lim muassasalarining 1-bosqichda tahsil oluvchi talabalariga mo‘ljallangan. Qo’llanmada orkestr ijrochiligiga oid nazariy hamda amaliy masalalar keng yoritilgan. Jumladan orkestr guruhlaridan boshlab, to’liq tarkibgacha bo’lgan ketma-ketlikdagi musiqiy asarlarnng tahlili va ularni ijro etish bo’yicha uslubiy ko’rsatmalar bayon etilgan.
Godot 4 Game Development Projects
This book is an introduction to the Godot game engine and its new version, 4. Godot 4 has a large number of new features and capabilities that make it a strong alternative to expensive commercial game engines. For beginners, it offers a friendly way to learn game development techniques. For more experienced developers, Godot is a powerful, customizable tool for bringing visions to life.