Tarix. Tarix fanlari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Хоразмшоҳлар сулоласи маликлари (Табақоти Носирий)
Юртимиз азалдан бетакрор тарихи билан дунё олимларини узига мафтун килиб келган. Нафақат сиёсий доирада, балки илмий жамоатчилик, хусусан, тарих илми мутахассислари хам диёримиз утмишига катта кизикиш билан карайди. Зеро, Урта Осиёда хукмронлик қилган салтанатлар тақдири ибратли, бу заминда вояга етган алломаларнинг жахон цивилизациясига кушган ҳиссаси бекиёсдир.
Neuromarketing in food retailing
This book is based on qualified contributions of experts in the field of marketing, neuromarketing and new technologies used in food retailing, services and marketing communication.
Nanotechnology in Food Products workshop summary
This report has been reviewed in draft form by individuals chosen for their diverse perspectives and technical expertise, in accordance with procedures approved by the National Research Council’s Report Review Committee.
Current Status of Neutron-Scattering Research and Facilities in the United States
The National Research Council was established by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy’s purposes of furthering knowledge and of advising the federal government.
Global and local perspectives on language contact.
Global and local perspectives on language contact.
Deeltjesfysica: onvoorstelbare waarnemingen?
Stel je voor dat je als ruimtewezen de aarde kon bestuderen. Stel je voor dat je dit doet met een heel goede telescoop en dat je objecten kon waarnemen die tien- tallen meters groot zijn. Je zou geen mensen zien maar wel gebouwen, wegen, fabrieken.
Мен хам тафаккур киламан
Ушбу китов Куръон оятларини ук,иб, тафаккур к,илиш натижасида пайдо булган. Куръони каримни тафаккур цилиш давомида цосил булган хулосалар уз мазмунига кура, мавзуларга булиб чикдлган. Бугунги кун учун зарур булган мавзулар алоцида курсатиб утилган.
One Hundred Years at the Intersection of Chemistry and Physics The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society 1911–2011
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry was established in 1911 as one of the first two institutes of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG). Its successor, the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI), is not only one of the oldest and most tradition rich institutes of the Max Planck Society (MPG), but also one of the most distinguished, with the highest number of affiliated Nobel Laureates of any KWG/MPG institute.
One Hundred Years at the Intersection of Chemistry and Physics The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society 1911–2011
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry was established in 1911 as one of the first two institutes of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (KWG). Its successor, the Fritz Haber Institute (FHI), is not only one of the oldest and most tradition rich institutes of the Max Planck Society (MPG), but also one of the most distinguished, with the highest number of affiliated Nobel Laureates of any KWG/MPG institute.
Поэтика. Ахлоки кабир. Риторика
Қадимиятнинг даҳо мутафаккири, устози аввал, Искандар Зулқарнайнга мураббийлик қилган Арасту (Аристотел) асарлари орасида «Магниа Моралиа» - «Ахлоқи кабир» алоҳида ўрин тутади.
Chemical physics is a subdiscipline of chemistry and physics that investigates physicochemical phenomena using techniques from atomic and molecular physics and condensed matter physics; it is the branch of physics that studies chemical processes from the point of view of physics.
Introduction to Louis Michel’s lattice geometry through group action
This book has a rather long and complicated history. One of the authors,Louis Michel, passed away on the 30 December, 1999. Among a number of works in progress at that time there were a near complete series of big papers on “Symmetry, invariants, topology” published soon after in Physics Reports [75] and a project of a book “Lattice geometry”, started in collaboration with Marjorie Senechal and Peter Engel [53].
The Intercultural Dimension of Foreign Language Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Theory and Practice.
When foreign language teaching, learning, and evaluation are viewed through an intercultural lens, it becomes clear that language has evolved into a process that includes intercultural interaction and understanding, rather than simply teaching words and grammatical rules. In this context, culture, which is an inherent part of language, is an important factor that enriches and adds meaning to language learning.
Фактор матери
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Асаб ва руҳият.
«Асаб ва руҳият» китобининг 1-нашри 2013 йили чоп қилиниб, китобхонлар томонидан катта қизиқиш билан кутиб олинди ва тез орада тарқалиб кетди. Китоб янги маълумотлар билан 2015 йили қайта нашрдан чиқди ва муаллифга ҳанузгача ушбу китоб юзасидан миннатдорлик билдирилган, маслаҳат ва ёрдам сўраб ёзилган хатлар келиб турибди. Бу эса китоб халқимиз, айниқса, шифо истаб юрган инсонлар учун энг қадрли, севимли, энг муҳими фойдали адабиётлардан бирига айланганлидан далолат беради.
Organik kimyo 1-qism
Mamlakatim izda kimyo va biologiya fanlarini rivojlantirish. ushbu yo'nalishlarda ta ’lim sifati va ilm-fan natijadorligini oshirish “Ilm, m a’rifat va raqam li iqtisodiyot yili” D avlat dasturining ustuvor vazifalari qatorida belgilangan