Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Matematika o‘qitish metodikasi
Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanmada ta'lim oluvchilar mustaqil ishlarining asosiy shakllari va ularning mazmuni, mustaqil ishni amalga oshirishda ta'lim oluvchi bajarishi zarur bo‘lgan vazifalar, mustaqil ishni bajarish metodikasi, ularni nazorat qilish va baholash tartibi bayon etilgan.
Mashinalardan foydalanish va texnik servis
Mashina-traktor agregatlariga texnik xizmat ko`rsatishning oqilona tizimi yuqori texnik-iqtisodiy ko`rsatkichlarga ega bo`lgan texnikaning uzluksiz ishlashini ta`minlash, mashinalarning xizmat muddatini uzaytirish va ularning ishonchliligini oshirish uchun mo`ljallangan.
Information Technology for Counterterrorism
The study from which this report is largely derived was supported by private funds from the National Academies. The additional work required to produce this report was supported by core funding from the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB).
Maktabgacha ta ’lim pedagogikasi
Maktabgacha ta ’lim pedagogikasi fani eng muhim asosiy pedagogik munosabatlar sabablarini aniqlaydi, uni pedagogik jarayonda o ‘rganadi.
Programming with Rust
Rust is a general-purpose language for creating safe, secure, and scalable applications. The language has features from several programming paradigms, as described shortly. Rust was originally designed as a systems programming language. However, it has emerged as a more versatile language capable of creating a variety of application types, including systems programming, web services, desktop applications, embedded systems, and more. Although it may sound cliché, what you can accomplish with Rust is only limited by your imagination. Different! That is an accurate assessment of Rust. Although the Rust syntax is based on the C and C++ languages, the similarity with other C-based languages often ends there. In addition, Rust is not different just to be different; it is a difference with a purpose. Rust’s borrow checker is an excellent example of a difference with a purpose. The borrow checker is a unique feature within Rust that promotes safe coding practices by enforcing rules related to the single ownership principal. No other language has this feature. For that reason, the borrow checker is a foreign concept to many developers but nonetheless invaluable.
International Business and Information Technology
International Business and Information Technology is a breakthrough text that analyzes the relationship between international business operations and information technology. First, it assesses the impact of current developments in IT on the operation of multinational corporations on both a practical and theoretical level, and explores how it can improve competitive advantage. Second, it investigates how doing business in an international environment affects the design, implementation, and management of information systems for global enterprises.
Классическая логика
Популярно изложены основы традиционной логики. Использованы геометрические схемы, что облегчает понимание и усвоение теории логики. В Приложении ко всем основным главам даны задачи, которые нужно решить после освоения теории. В особой главе изложены приемы ведения спора. Для учащихся старших классов средних школ, гимназий, лицеев и студентов высших учебных заведений.
Serverless as a Game Changer
The gap between the best software development teams and average software development teams is enormous. The best teams deliver delightful, scalable, stable software to users quickly and regularly. Average teams deliver acceptable software that works most of the time, with months or even years between significant improvements. Many teams even struggle to deliver anything but small, iterative changes, with even those taking surprising amounts of time. Software development and cloud services and tools make developing and deploying software increasingly cheaper, faster, and better—but very few organizations take advantage of these innovations. This book lays out the principles, strategies, and tactics that can propel your organization or teams to world-class output by harnessing a Serverless mindset. Historically, to deliver web-scale applications with wonderful customer experience, organizations have had to hire expensive, superior talent in many disciplines: networking, infrastructure, systems administration, software architecture, back-end software development, API design, and front-end application design. The demand for these talented employees has always exceeded the number of them, and most companies have simply been unable to acquire talent that would enable them to build products such as a Google or Netflix.
Maktabgacha pedagogika
O`quv qo`llanmada maktabgacha pedagogikaning barkamol inson tarbiyasidagi o`rni, maktabgacha yoshdagi bolalarni rivojlanishi va tarbiyasi yosh avlodga jismoniy, aqliy axloqiy ekologik tarbiya berish maktabgacha ta`lim muassasasida ta`lim-tarbiya ishlarini rejalashtirishga oid ma`lumotlar berilgan.
Основы общей дидактики
Дидактика - часть педагогики, разрабатывающая проблемы обучения и образования. Дидактические принципы определяют содержание образования, необходимое при выборе методов и форм обучения. Дидактические принципы тесно переплетаются и порой невозможно четко определить, какой из них лежит в основе обучения; знать эти принципы и учитывать их необходимо педагогам. Учебное пособие написано в соответствии с программой курса и адресовано студентам педвузов.
The Async-First Playbook
We’ve come a long way. Pioneers like GitLab wrote the playbook for remote work over a decade ago, yet it took a global pandemic to open the world’s eyes to the possibilities of remote work. Today, many organizations embrace what we call “location independence.” This encapsulates the magic that happens when a business decouples results from physical geography. While this has transformed millions of lives and enterprises, it’s only the start of an even greater revolution. The future of remote work—or, dare I say, the future of work—is time independence. Since at least the advent of the internet, the majority of knowledge workers have remained bound to time. The way we design our lives and the dreams we allow ourselves to contemplate are constrained by a fixed reality: the rigidity of a workday. What happens when we shake off that rigidity? What design principles can humans apply to their own lives when we leverage tools, software, AI, and workflows to achieve professional goals outside the strict bounds of time? We begin to optimize for what matters most. We reprioritize our individual identity stacks—the layers that make us individually us. Businesses become stronger and more resilient to crises. They become magnets for the most talented people, those who value flexibility over all else and who generate otherworldly results as a measure of their gratitude.
Надежность механических систем и конструкций при случайных воздействиях.
Изложены прикладные методы расчета элементов механических систем и конструкций на случайные воздействия. Наряду с описанием основных методов статистической динамики линейных и нелинейных систем рассмотрены методы структурного анализа траекторий случайных процессов нагружения и методы расчетного прогнозирования ресурса конструкций по критериям внезапного отказа, накопления усталостных повреждений и роста трещин. Даны оценки остаточного ресурса по различной исходной информации о техническом состоянии объекта. Книга предназначена для студентов старших курсов и аспирантов технических университетов, специализирующихся по транспортным машинам и комплексам, а также по динамике, прочности и надежности машин и конструкций.
Byudjet tasnifi
Mazkur o‘quv qo'llanmada byudjet tizimi byudjetlari ijrosi jarayonida byudjet tasnifini qo'llashning dolzarb masalalari hamda ilmiy va uslubiy jihatlari yoritilgan. O‘quv qo'llanmada byudjet tasnifiga doir iboralar, tushunchalar, o‘zlashtirish uchun savollar, test savollari, adabiyotlar ro'yxati kel tirilgan. O‘quv qo'llanma ta'lim muassasalari talabalari, o‘qituvchilar, tadqiqotchilarga mo'ljallangan bo'lib, undan byudjet tizimi byudjetlari ijrosi sohalarida faoliyat yuritayotgan hisobchi mutaxassislar, shuningdek ushbu fanga qiziquvchilar foydalanishlari mumkin.
The Language of SQL (Third Ed.)
A huge thanks goes out to all at Pearson who assisted with this book. I’d like to thank Kim Spencer, who encouraged me to write a third edition, and Chelsea Noack, who oversaw and guided me through the project, as well as the editors at Pearson who assisted with this project, Tracey Croom, Chris Zahn, and Sandra Schroeder. I’d also like to thank project editor and copy editor Dan Foster, who added some grace to my sentences, as well as Julien Kervizic, who did a superb job on the technical review. As with the second edition, Chuti Prasertsith provided a wonderfully vibrant cover design. Finally, I must mention the generally thankless tasks of the book’s indexer, Valerie Haynes Perry; proofreader, Scout Festa; and compositor, Danielle Foster.
Biologiyadan masalalar va mashqlar yechish
Ushbu o'quv qo'llanma pedagogika universititining 5140400-biologiya о ‘qitish metodikasi ta ’lim yo‘nalishi tahsil olayotgan talabalar uchun mo ‘Ijallagan bo'lib, biologiyaning turli yo‘nalishlari (botanika, zoologiya, fiziologiya, sitologiya, molekulyar biologiya va boshqalar) dan masalalarning ishlash usullari bayon etilgan.
Kriptografiyaning matematik asoslari
Ushbu o‘quv qo‘llanmada kriptografiya tarixi, kriptografiyaning asosiy matematik tushunchalari, ta’riflari, teoremalari hamda simmetrik va nosimmetrik kriptografik algoritmlarning matematik asoslari bayon etilgan.