Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Teach yourself electricity and electronics
This comprehensive guide helps you teach yourself the principles and practices of electronics and electricity. Covering direct current, alternating current, and semiconductor in detail, this book provides hands-on projects throughout to solidify understanding of theoretical concepts.
Computer graphics and geometric modeling
This book explores the mathematical foundations of computer graphics and geometric modeling. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the concepts, theories, and algorithms used in these fields. The aim is to present the mathematics in a way that is accessible to readers with various backgrounds, ensuring they can apply the concepts to practical problems in computer graphics and geometric modeling. The book covers a wide range of topics including linear algebra, affine geometry, projective geometry, advanced calculus, point-set topology, combinatorial topology, algebraic topology, differential topology, and differential geometry. Each chapter includes detailed explanations, examples, and exercises to reinforce the material presented.
Факультет педиатрияси
Дарслик факультет педиатрия фанининг бешта бўлимини ўз ичига олган. Булар эрта ёшдаги болалар касалликлари, пульмоналогия, кардиоревматология, нефрология ва гастроэн терология бўлимларидир. Ҳар бир булимда хозирги вақтда кўп учрайдиган болалар касалликлари батафсил ёритиб берилган. Адабиётда болалар касалликларининг янги Бутунитифоқ Жахон конгресслари томондан тасдиқданган таснифлари, этиологик омиллари, патогенез, клиник кўринишлари, ташхис мезонлари ва замонавий даволаш усуллари келтирилган. Касалликларнинг келиб чиқиши патогенези физиологик, биохимик, иммунологик билимларга асосланган. Даволаш усулларида охирги чиққан дори воситаларини самарали қўллаш ва уларнинг таснифлари келтирилган. Дарслик беморларнинг клиник кўринишидаги расмлари рентгенологик ўзгаришлари билан бойитилган ва мавзулар охирида ўқувчининг билими мустаҳкам ланиши учун мавзуларга тааллуқли саволлар ва тестлар берилган.
Литература 1 часть. Учебник -хрестоматия для 6 класса
Независимый Узбекистан занимает свое достойное место на международной арене, сотрудничая более чем со 120 государствами мира.
Ushbu darslik 0‘zbekiston Respublikasi Sog'liqni saqlash vazirli tasdiqlagan dasturi asosida tuzilgan bo'lib, farmatsevtika instituti va tibbiy institutlari talabalariga mo'ljailangan.
C++ for mathematicians: an introduction for students and professionals
This book provides an introduction to C++ programming for mathematicians. It guides readers through the basics of the language and progresses to more complex topics, ensuring a solid understanding of C++ in the context of mathematical problems. Suitable for both students and professionals, it covers procedural programming, object-oriented programming, and advanced features of C++.
Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika
Jahon ta'lim tizimida matematika fanidan ma'lum bir soha (xususan ijtimoiy gumanitar, iqtisod sohalari) talabalari uchun maxsus darslik yaratish yangilik emas. Bunday darsliklarning o‘ziga xosligi shundan iboratki
Principles of constraint programming
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to constraint programming (CP), covering the necessary theory and algorithms for solving a wide range of constraint satisfaction problems. It is designed for students and practitioners who are interested in learning about the core principles and methods of CP.
Computational geometry: algorithms and applications
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of computational geometry and its numerous practical applications. Covering a wide range of fundamental topics, it explains complex concepts in an accessible manner, making it an ideal resource for both students and professionals. Key areas include geodesic paths, Voronoi diagrams, range searching, and motion planning, with detailed explanations and numerous illustrations to aid understanding. The book also delves into more advanced topics, such as randomized algorithms and approximation techniques, ensuring a thorough grasp of computational geometry.
Ushbu darslik tibbiyot institutlari bakalavriat vo‘nalishi talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan. 0‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy va o'rta maxsus ta’lim hamda Sog‘liqni saqlash vazirligi tomonidan tasdiqlangan odam anatomiyasi o‘quv dasturi asosida tuzilgan. Darslikda kattalar organizmining tuzilishi bilan birga a’zo va tizimlaming taraqqiyoti, bolalikning turli davrlarida kuzatiladigan yoshga xos o‘zgarishlari haqidagi ma’lumotlar ham kiritilgan.
Mechanical engineers' handbook
The third volume of the third edition of the Mechanical Engineers' Handbook is a comprehensive guide covering materials and mechanical design. Emphasizing both standard practices and modern engineering advancements, it includes chapters on theories of elasticity, plasticity, and failure mechanics, along with information on the mechanical properties of materials. This edition also introduces new material on nanomaterials, pitting and crevice corrosion, and the use of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites. It serves as an essential resource for practicing engineers, researchers, and advanced students in mechanical engineering.
Diskrete mathematik
Für die meisten Studenten ist die Analysis der erste und häufig auch einzige Bereich der Mathematik, aus dem sie in der Universität ernsthaft etwas lernen. Es ist eine tägliche Aufgabe des Vorlesenden dieses Bereichs der Mathematik zu erklären, dass eine umfassende Ausbildung in den Grundlagen der modernen Mathematik, wie sie Gegenstand von Vorlesungen im Nebenfach ist, notwendig ist, um selbständig arbeiten zu können. Man muss sich nicht der Illusion hingeben, dass es möglich ist, ohne Benutzung der Grundlagen der Algebra oder der mathematischen Logik auf einem akzeptablen Niveau zu arbeiten. Die Auffassung, dass es möglich ist, sich Wissen ad-hoc zusammenzustellen und es dann einzusetzen, ist sowohl ein falsches als auch gefährliches Verständnis der Mathematik.
математик анализ
Ушбу китоб университетлар ҳамда педагогика институтлари шунингдек, олий техника ўқув юртларининг олий математика предмети чуқур дастур асосида ўқитиладиган факультетлари талабалари учун мўлжалланган. Уни ёзишда муаллифлар Тошкент Давлат университетининг математика, амалий математика ва механика факультетларида бир неча йиллар давомида укиган маърузаларидан фойдаланганлар
Structure and interpretation of signals and systems
This textbook, written by Edward A. Lee and Pravin Varaiya, provides a clear and comprehensive understanding of signals and systems, a foundational topic in electrical engineering and related fields. The authors cover a broad range of topics including signal analysis, system modeling, and applications in various domains. The book includes numerous examples and exercises to aid in the learning process.
Semiconductor physical electronics
The second edition of this book updates the developments in semiconductor physical electronics since the first edition was published in 1997. With advances in electronics and technology, the author ensures that the material is both relevant and comprehensive. The content includes coverage of fundamental principles, modern materials, device behavior, and semiconductor process technology. Each chapter ends with problems and references, aiding understanding and application of the complex topics discussed.