Qurilish. Arxitektura
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Qurilish. Arxitektura
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
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Essential TypeScript 4 From Beginner to Pro
Learn the essentials and more of TypeScript, a popular superset of the JavaScript language that adds support for static typing. TypeScript combines the typing features of C# or Java with the flexibility of JavaScript, reducing typing errors and providing an easier path to JavaScript development. Author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from TypeScript 4 in this second edition of his best-selling book. He begins by describing the TypeScript language and the benefits it offers and then shows you how to use TypeScript in real-world scenarios, including development with the DOM API, and popular frameworks such as Angular and React. He starts from the nuts-and-bolts and builds up to the most advanced and sophisticated features. Each topic is covered clearly and concisely, and is packed with the details you need to be effective. The most important features are given a no-nonsense, in-depth treatment and chapters include common problems and teach you how to avoid them.
Отраслевая система стандартизации в строительстве Республики Узбекистан
Все сведения в "Указателе...." приведены по состоянию на 1 января 1998 г. Стандарты, технические условия и стандарты предприятий размещены по разделам. классам и группам в соответствие с классификатором. Обозначения стандартов внутри групп расположены по порядку возрастания номеров.
Fuqarolik protsessual huquqi
Darslik «Fuqarolik protsessual huquqi» fanidan yurisprudensiya sohasi bakalavriat yo'nalishi talabalariga bag'ishlangan bo'lib, unda fanning umumiy qismi mavzulari o'rin olgan.
End-to-End Web Testing with Cypress
Cypress is a modern test automation framework for web-based frontend apps. Learning Cypress will help you overcome the shortcomings of conventional testing solutions such as dependency graph problems, the steep learning curve in setting up end-to-end testing packages, and difficulties in writing explicit time waits for your tests. This book covers the following exciting features:get to grips with using Cypress and understand its advantages over Selenium, explore common Cypress commands, tools, and techniques for writing complete tests for web apps, set up and configure Cypress for cross-browser testing, understand how to work with elements and animation to write non-flaky tests, discover techniques to implement and handle navigation requests in tests
Mazkur darslikda shahar hududini vertikal rejalashtirish, vertikal rejalashtirishning usullari, turli funktsional zonalarni vertikal rejalashtirish masalalari; shahar hududini tashqi - atmosfera suvlaridan, sizot suvlaridan muhofaza qilish usullari va qo‘llaniladigan tadbirlar; hududlarni suv toshqinidan himoya qilish; sel va uni bartaraf qilish bo'yicha chora-tadbirlar; ko'chki va uni bartaraf qilish bo'yicha qo'llaniladigan chora-tadbirlar; alohida shart-sharoitlardagi, xususan, jarliklar, karstli hududlar, quyunlar, barxanlar, cho'kuvchi, zilzilaviy hududlarda ko'riladigan chora-tadbirlar haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan.
Эксплуатация и ремонт троллейбусов
В жизнь современного города важной составной частью вошел пассажирский транспорт. Четкая организация движения позволяет обеспечивать потребность жителей и гостей в трудовых, деловых и культурно-бытовых поездках. Удовлетворение потребностей жителей городов в передвижениях должно происходить с наименьшей затратой времени, с наибольшим комфортом и при высокой безопасности.
Gandbol nazariyasi va uslubiyati
Gandbol nazariyasi va uslubiyati fani gandbol port tmi bo'yicha pedagog-murabbiylarni tayyorlashda yetakchi va asosiy ixtisoslik fani sifatida o'rgatiladi.
Комплексная бригада на монтаже крупноблочных жилых домов
Брошюра посвящена опыту работы комплексной бригады монтажников на строительстве домов из крупных блоков, возглавляемой новатором.
Embedded Software Design: a Practical Approach to Architecture, Processes, and Coding Techniques
Design higher-quality embedded software from concept through production. This book assumes basic C and microcontroller programming knowledge and is organized into three critical areas: Software Architecture and Design; Agile, DevOps, and Processes; and Development and Coding Skills. You'll start with a basic introduction to embedded software architecture and the considerations for a successful design. The book then breaks down how to architect an RTOS-based application and explore common design patterns and building blocks. Next, you'll review embedded software design processes such as TDD, CI/CD, modeling, and simulation that can be used to accelerate development. Finally, the book will examine how to select a microcontroller, write configurable code, coding strategies, techniques, and tools developers can’t live without. Embedded systems are typically designed using microcontrollers to build electronic systems with a dedicated function and real-time responses. Modern systems need to carefully balance a complex set of features, manage security, and even run machine learning inferences while maintaining reasonable costs, scalability, and robustness. By the end of this book, you will have a defined development process, understand modern software architecture, and be equipped to start building embedded systems.
Монтаж эксплуатация и ремонт электрообурудования гражданских зданий и коммунальных предприятий
Изложены методы монтажа, эксплуатации и ремонта всех видов силовых осветительных электропроводок, кабельных линий, устройств заземлений, электродвигателей, пускорегупирующих низковольтных аппаратов, оборудования трансформаторных подстанций, лифтов. 2-е издание(1-е - 1979 г.) переработано в соответствии с новой программой и развитием техники.
Handbook of Practical MATLAB for Engineers
Practical MATLAB Applications for Engineers introduces the reader to the concepts of MATLAB tools used in the solution of advanced engineering course work followed by engineering and technology students. Every chapter of this book discusses the course material used to illustrate the direct connection between the theory and real-world applications encountered in the typical engineering and technology programs at most colleges. Every chapter has a section, titled Background, in which the basic concepts are introduced and a section in which those concepts are tested, with the objective of exploring a number of worked-out examples that demonstrate and illustrate various classes of real-world problems and its solutions.
Efficient Linux at the Command Line
Take your Linux skills to the next level! Whether you're a system administrator, software developer, site reliability engineer, or enthusiastic hobbyist, this practical, hands-on book will help you work faster, smarter, and more efficiently. You'll learn how to create and run complex commands that solve real business problems, process and retrieve information, and automate manual tasks. You'll also truly understand what happens behind the shell prompt, so no matter which commands you run, you can be more successful in everyday Linux use and more competitive on the job market.
Futbol o'yini
O‘quv qo'llanmada sport sohasida davlatimizning e’tibori, Surxon vohasida ilk sport turlari va futbolning rivojlanish jarayonlari bayon etilgan. Shuningdek, jahon futboliga oid tarixiy manbalar hamda sportning boshqa turlari haqida ma’Iumotlar bayon qilingan.
Глобальная стратегия лечения и пофилактики бронхиальной астмы
Глобальная стратегия лечения и пофилактики бронхиальной астмы, диагностика и классификация, обучение медицинских работников и пациентов. ... Для пульмонологов, аллергологов, терапевтов, врачей общей практики,
Учебник написан в соответствии с программой изучения предназначен для студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов и слушателей факультета повышения квалификации института физической культуры и факультетов физического воспитания педагогических высших учебных заведений.
Методы измерения параметров полупроводниковых материалов
Изложение базируется главным образом на материалах предущих курсов « Физика полупроводников» и « Радиотехника и радиоизмерения». Вопросы технологии изготовления полупроводнивых образцов 1и структур, а также создания контактов и обратки поверхности не рассматриваются, так как они подробно ализируются в курсе « Технология полупроводниковых приборов штегральных микросхем».