Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Qishloq va o‘rmon xo‘jaligi
Applications of Abstract Algebra with MAPLE
When we were originally deciding on material for the course, we knew that we wanted to include several topics from coding theory, cryptography,and counting (what we call Polya theory).With this in mind, at the suggestion of Michael Singer, we used George Mackiw’s book Applications of Abstract Algebra for the first few years, and supplemented as we saw fit. After several years, Mackiw’s book went out of print temporarily.Rather than search for a new book for the course, we decided to write our own notes and teach the course from a coursepack.About the same time, NC State incorporated the mathematics software package Maple VTM1 into its calculus sequence, and we decided to incorporate it into our course as well.The use of Maple played a central role in the recent development of the course because it provides a way for students to see realistic examples of the topics discussed without having to struggle with extensive computations.With additional notes regarding the use of Maple in the course, our coursepack evolved into this book.In addition to the topics discussed in this book, we have included a number of other topics in the course.However, the present material has become the constant core for the course.
Кунгабоқарнинг “Жаҳонгир” нави ҳосилдорлигига экиш усулларининг таъсири
Кунгабоқардан юқори фойда олишнинг асосий йўли бу экиннинг тезпишар навларини ёзда такрорий экин сифатида ўстириш ҳисобланади. Кунгабоқарнинг янада юқори ва сифатли ҳосил олинишини таъминлайдиган янги замонавий етиштириш технологиясини ишлаб чиқиш бугунги куннинг долзарб масалаларидан биридир.
Маркетинговые исследования рынка молочной продукции фермерских хозяйств
Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является изучение маркетинговых исследований рынка молочной продукции в условиях инновационной экономики Узбекистана. Реализация поставленной цели обусловила решение.
Projects Binder
The authors have included a wide variety of projects to interest students and to provide additional learning opportunities in the areas of cross-curricular subjects, business, school, environment, and government. Most projects include a data file for students to work with, but some projects allow students to create a new file or use a template to create a new file with the data given. Other projects allow students to create documents using their own data or information found through the student’s own research. Each project begins with a scenario that depicts a real-life example of how people use Office 2007 to complete tasks in professional, school, and personal life. Although some scenarios may be continued in a subsequent project, each project can stand alone, so instructors may assign as many or as few projects as they like and in any order. Some projects have Critical Thinking activities that encourage the student to go a step further using select commands.
Сурхондарё вилояти шароитида Бухоро-102 навининг ҳосилдорлигига биоўғитлар қўллашнинг таъсири
Республикамизнинг шўрланган типик бўз тупроқлари шароитида бозор иктисодиётига мос ҳолда дехкончилик юритишда тупроқ унумдорлиги, ўсимлик ўсишини тезлаштирувчи, илдиз чириш касаллигидан ҳимоя қилувчи, шўрланишга чидамлилигини ва ҳосилдорлигини оширишни таъминлайдиган биоўғитларнинг аҳамияти катта. Биоўғитларнинг ижобий таъсири туфайли пахта ҳосилдорлиги 12-15 % гача оширилганлиги кузатилган.
G‘o‘zani ildizdan tashqari oziqlantirishning iqtisodiy samaradorligini oshirish yo‘llari
Tajriba maksadi va vazifalari. Tajribadan asosiy maqsad paxtachilikda fan va texnika yutuqlarini qo‘llash hisobiga ekologik muvozanatni saqlash, o‘simlikning o‘sish - rivojlanishini jadallash- tirish, paxta hosildorligini oshirish va maxsulot sifatini yaxshilashdan iborat.
Dociostaurus moraccanus Thnbга қарши кураш чораларининг иқтисодий самарадорлиги тахлили
Тадқиқотнинг мақсади ва вазифалари. Асосий зарарли чигирткалар жумладан Марокаш чигирткасига қарши курашда кейинги йилларда Республикамиз фермер хўжаликларида тарқалган чигирткаларнинг тур таркибини ўзгариши, уларга антропоген омиллар таъсирини ўрганиш, янги инсектицид ва аралашма препаратларни зарарли чигрткаларага қарши регламентини белгилаш, микоинсектициднинг имконияти, ўзоқ таъсир этувчи препаратларни биологик, иқтисодий ва хўжалик самарадорлигини тахлил қилишни ўз олдимизга мақсад қилдик.
Буғдой навларини яратишда селекция усулларидан фойдаланиш
Ушбу илмий ишнинг мақсади буғдойнинг жаҳон коллекциясидан олинган намуналарни ўрганиш асосида юмшоқ ва қаттиқ буғдой селекцияси учун қимматли белги ва хусусиятларга эга бўлган донорларни аниқлаш, улар асосида янги бошланғич манбаларни яратиш ва амалий селекция ишларига тавсия қилишдан иборат.
Шоли селекциясида аналитик ва синтетик усулларнинг ахамиятини ўрганиш
Ер шари аҳолиси сони тобора ортиб бораётган, глобал иқлим ўзгаришлари туфайли ҳарорат кўтарилиб, айрим ҳудудларда ёғингарчилик кўпайиб, баъзи жойларда эса кучли қурғоқчиликлар кузатилаётган ҳозирги шароитда қишлоқ хўжалик экинларидан мўл ва сифатли ҳосил етиштириш тобора қийинлашиб бормоқда. Бу келгусида аҳолини озиқовқат билан таъминлаш масаласи янада мураккаб бўлишидан далолат беради. Бу масалани ечишда қишлоқ хўжалиги маҳсулотлари ишлаб чиқаришни кўпайтиришнинг энг устувор йўли деҳқончилик маҳсулотлари етиштиришда интенсив агротехналогияларни қўллаб, бу соҳани модернизация қилишдир.
Mathematical Analysis II
An entire generation of mathematicians has grown up during the time between the appearance of the first edition of this textbook and the publication of the fourth edition, a translation of which is before you. The book is familiar to many people, who either attended the lectures on which it is based or studied out of it, and who now teach others in universities all over the world. This textbook consists of two parts. It is aimed primarily at university students and teachers specializing in mathematics and natural sciences, and at all those who wish to see both the rigorous mathematical theory and examples of its effective use in the solution of real problems of natural science.
Mathematical Analysis I
An entire generation of mathematicians has grown up during the time between the appearance of the first edition of this textbook and the publication of the fourth edition, a translation of which is before you. The book is familiar to many people, who either attended the lectures on which it is based or studied out of it, and who now teach others in universities all over the world. I am glad that it has become accessible to English-speaking readers. This textbook consists of two parts. It is aimed primarily at university students and teachers specializing in mathematics and natural sciences, and at all those who wish to see both the rigorous mathematical theory and examples of its effective use in the solution of real problems of natural science. Note that Archimedes, Newton, Leibniz, Euler, Gauss, Poincare, who are held in particularly high esteem by us, mathematicians, were more than mere mathematicians. They were scientists, natural philosophers. In mathematics resolving of important specific questions and development of an abstract general theory are processes as inseparable as inhaling and exhaling. Upsetting this balance leads to problems that sometimes become significant both in mathematical education and in science in general.
Использование задач с практисеским содержанием в преподавании математики.
В книге предложены задачи производственного характера. Они охватывают почти все разделы школьного курса математики и позволяют учителю наглядно показать роль математики в решении практических задач.
Рисолада ўзбек адабий тили тараққиётига улкан ҳисса қўшган академик, шоир ва ёзувчи Ғафур Ғуломнинг қутлуғ юз йиллик юбилейи муносабати билан унинг насрий асарлари тили лексикаси илк дафъа тадқиқ этилмоқда.
Bir yillik begona o‘tlarga qarshi gerbitsid qo‘llashning paxta hosildorligiga ta’siri
Agrar tarmoqning jadal o‘sishi mamlakatda umumiy iqtisodiyotning o‘sish uchun asosiy omillardan biri bo‘lib xizmat qiladi.
В четвертом издании учебника «Аудит» отражены изменения в аудиторской деятельности в соответствии с Федеральным законом «Об аудиторской деятельности» и принятыми в последние годы новыми нормативными документами. Эго по существу новая комплексная работа по организации аудиторской деятельности в Российской Федерации.
Of course, it’s easier to copy a model than to make something new. Doing what we already know how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But every time we create something new, we go from 0 to 1. The act of creation is singular, as is the moment of creation, and the result is something fresh and strange. Unless they invest in the difficult task of creating new things, American companies will fail in the future no matter how big their profits remain today. What happens when we’ve gained everything to be had from fine-tuning the old lines of business that we’ve inherited? Unlikely as it sounds, the answer threatens to be far worse than the crisis of 2008. Today’s “best practices” lead to dead ends; the best paths are new and untried. In a world of gigantic administrative bureaucracies both public and private, searching for a new path might seem like hoping for a miracle. Actually, if American business is going to succeed, we are going to need hundreds, or even thousands, of miracles. This would be depressing but for one crucial fact: humans are distinguished from other species by our ability to work miracles. We call these miracles technology.