Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Умумий социология
Ушбу қўлланма матнлари асосида ёзилган бўлиб асосан социолог мутахассислигини оладиган талабаларга.аспирпнтларга соцология ўқитувчиларига ва кенг жамоат оммасига мўлжалланган. Бу сохада Ўзбекистонда социолог мутахассислар учун ўзбек тилида адабиетлар хали етарли бўлмагани учун ушбу қўлланма ўқувчиларда катта қизиқиш уйғотиши мумкин.
Повышение надежности машин
В книге кратко рассмотрены теоретические основы надежности машин; приведены сведения по обеспечению надежности в процессе проектирования, выбора материалов и способов формообразования заготовок; изложены основные вопросы обеспечения надежности при формообразовании заготовок в готовые детали и сборке машин; освещены проблемы в области повышения надежности.
PostgreSQL Query Optimization. The Ultimate Guide to Building Efficient Queries
This book helps you write queries that perform fast and deliver results on time. You will learn that query optimization is not a dark art practiced by a small, secretive cabal of sorcerers. Any motivated professional can learn to write efficient queries from the get-go and capably optimize existing queries. You will learn to look at the process of writing a query from the database engine’s point of view, and know how to think like the database optimizer. The book begins with a discussion of what a performant system is and progresses to measuring performance and setting performance goals. It introduces different classes of queries and optimization techniques suitable to each, such as the use of indexes and specific join algorithms. You will learn to read and understand query execution plans along with techniques for influencing those plans for better performance. The book also covers advanced topics such as the use of functions and procedures, dynamic SQL, and generated queries. All of these techniques are then used together to produce performant applications, avoiding the pitfalls of object-relational mappers. Identify optimization goals in OLTP and OLAP systems, read and understand PostgreSQL execution plans and etc.
Уход за хирургическими больными
В учебнике представлены как методы, проверенные клинической практикой, так и инновационные технологии, используемые в уходе за пациентами.
Microsoft Azure for Java Developers. Deploying Java Applications through Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Spring Cloud
Learn Azure-based features to build and deploy Java applications on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. This book provides examples of components on Azure that are of special interest to Java programmers, including the different deployment models that are available. The book shows how to deploy your Java applications in Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Spring Cloud. Also covered is integration with components such as Graph API, Azure Storage, Azure Redis Cache, and Azure SQL. The book begins with a brief discussion of cloud computing and an introduction to Java support on Azure. You’ll then learn how to deploy Java applications using each of the deployment models, and you’ll see examples of integrating with Azure services that are of particular interest to Java programmers. Security is an important aspect, and this book shows you how to enable authentication and authorization for your Java applications using Azure Active Directory. Implementing a DevOps strategy is essential in today’s market when building any application. Examples in this book show you how to build continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines to build and deploy Java applications on Azure. The book focuses on the best practices you should follow while designing and implementing Java applications on Azure. The book also elaborates on monitoring and debugging Java applications running on Azure using Application Insights and Azure Monitor.
Современная теория свинцового аккумлятора
В книге на основании современных данных изложены термодинамическая теория свинцового аккумулятора и основные представления о распределении поляризации по поверхности аккумуляторных электродов. Детально рассмотрены процессы, протекающие на положительном и отрицательном электродах, и факторы,влияющие на эксплуатационные характеристики аккумулятора.Книга адресована специалистам, работающим в области исследования, конструирования и производства свинцовых аккумуляторов. Она может быть полезной для студентов, специализирующихся в области химических источников тока,а также для широкого круга электрохимиков, поскольку на материале книги могут быть проиллюстрированы многие важные закономерности электрохимической термодинамики и кинетики.
Курс общей энтомологии
В учебнике изложены сведения о морфологии, физиологии, биологии размножения и развития насекомых. Особое внимание уделено проблемам экологии популяций, механизмам регуляции их численности и ограничению вредоносности насекомых в агроценозах.
Machine Learning and Data Science
Machine learning (ML) and data science (DS) are very active topics with an extensive scope, both in terms of theory and applications. They have been established as an important emergent scientific field and paradigm driving research evolution in such disciplines as statistics, computing science and intelligence science, and practical transformation in such domains as science, engineering, the public sector, business, social science, and lifestyle. Simultaneously, their applications provide important challenges that can often be addressed only with innovative machine learning and data science algorithms. These algorithms encompass the larger areas of artificial intelligence, data analytics, machine learning, pattern recognition, natural language understanding, and big data manipulation. They also tackle related new scientific challenges, ranging from data capture, creation, storage, retrieval, sharing, analysis, optimization, and visualization, to integrative analysis across heterogeneous and interdependent complex resources for better decision-making, collaboration, and, ultimately, value creation.
Algebra va matematik analiz asoslari
Algebra va matematik analiz asoslari" darsligi ikki qismdan iborat bo‘lib, akademik litseylar va kasb-hunar kollejlari uchun moMjallangan hamda shu fan bo‘yicha akademik litseylar va kasbhunar kollejlari o‘quv rejasiga asosan, aniq fanlar yo‘nalishi, tabiiy fanlar yo‘nalishi, shuningdek, matematika umumta’lim fani sifatida o‘rganiladi.
Автоматика энергосистем
Приведены сведения об устройствах автоматического управления и регулирования в энергосистемах. Рассмотрены вопросы автоматического регулирования возбуждения синхронных машин и включения их на параллельную работу. Описаны устройства АПВ, АВР, противоаварийной автоматики. Второе издание вьпшю в 1985 г. В третьем издании описаны новые устройства автоматики, основанные на примененииуправляющих мини- и микроЭВМ.
Learning TypeScript. Enhance Your Web Development Skills Using Type-Safe JavaScript
TypeScript has conquered the world of JavaScript: it's one of the world's fastest growing and most popular languages across developer surveys, widely used in consumer and business companies alike, and frequently credited for helping massive web applications scale. But what is TypeScript? How does it work, why does it work, and how can we use it? Learning TypeScript takes beginner to intermediate JavaScript programmers from knowing nothing about "types" or a "type system" to full mastery of the fundamentals of TypeScript. It's more than a means to find bugs and typos--it's a useful system for declaring the way our JavaScript should work and helping us stick to it.
Java EE to Jakarta EE 10 Recipes
Take a problem-solution approach for programming enterprise Java or Java EE applications and microservices for cloud-based solutions, enterprise database applications, and even small business web applications. Java EE to Jakarta EE 10 Recipes provides effective, practical, and proven code snippets that you can immediately use to accomplish just about any task that you may encounter. You can feel confident using the reliable solutions that are demonstrated in this book in your personal or corporate environment. Java EE was made open source under the Eclipse Foundation, and Jakarta EE is the new name for what used to be termed the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. This book helps you rejuvenate your Java expertise and put the platform’s latest capabilities to use for quickly developing robust applications. If you are new to Jakarta EE, this book will help you learn the features of the platform and benefit from one of the most widely used and powerful technologies available for cloud-native enterprise application development today. The book takes a problem-solution approach in which each section introduces a common programming problem, showing you how to solve that problem in the best possible way using the latest features in Jakarta EE. Solutions in the form of working code examples are presented that you can download and use immediately in your own projects. Clear descriptions are provided to help you understand and learn to build further on the solutions provided. This is the ideal book for the code-focused programmer interested in keeping up with the future of enterprise development on the Java Platform.
Строительство автомобильных дорог
Представлены необходимые для студентов сведения,касающиеся организации работ и технологии строительства всех элементов современной автомобильной дороги,включая земляное полотно,водопропускные трубы,дорожную одежду.Отмечены характерные особенности работы каждого элемента дороги и научно обоснованы технологические приемы строительства.Рассмотрены вопросы организации работы производственных предприятий в условиях линейного дорожного строительства.Содержит передовые технологии и инженерные решения,нашедшие практическое применение в отечественной и мировой практике за последние 20 лет.Серьезное внимание уделено современным скоростным методам строительства,экологии,методам контроля качества.