Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
БТТ давлатларда туризм салоҳиятини ошириш, янги туристик хизматларни таклиф этиш, янги туризм брендларини яратиш, туризм соҳасининг рақобатбардошлигини ошириш бўйича таклифлар киритиш, туризм географиясини янада кенгайтириш, ЯИМдаги улушини ошириш ҳамда туризмни рентабелли соҳалардан бирига айлантириш масалаларига катта эътибор қаратмоқда. Шунингдек, жаҳонда туризм хизматлари бозорини бошқаришни илмий асосда ташкил этиш, уни ривожлантиришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизмларини такомиллаштириш, туристик корхоналарнинг иқтисодий самарадорлигини ошириш ва истиқболини баҳолашга эътибор кучайтирилмоқда.
Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method for Heat and Fluid Flow
In this text, we provide the readers with the fundamentals of the finite element method for heat and fluid flow problems. Most of the other available texts concentrate either on conduction heat transfer or the fluid flow aspects of heat transfer. We have combined the two to provide a comprehensive text for heat transfer engineers and scientists who would like to pursue a finite element–based heat transfer analysis. This text is suitable for senior undergraduate students, postgraduate students, engineers and scientists. The first three chapters of the book deal with the essential fundamentals of both the heat conduction and the finite element method. The first chapter deals with the fundamentals of energy balance and the standard derivation of the relevant equations for a heat conduction analysis. Chapter 2 deals with basic discrete systems, which are the fundamentals for the finite element method. The discrete system analysis is supported with a variety of simple heat transfer and fluid flow problems. The third chapter gives a complete account of the finite element method and its relevant history. Several examples and exercises included in Chapter 3 give the reader a full account of the theory and practice associated with the finite element method.
Мукаммал хотира ёхуд миянгиз қобилиятларини қайта кашф қилинг
Бу китобда мия қобилиятларини шакллантириш, хотирани ўткирлаштириш ва ўрганиш имкониятларнинг нималарга қодирлиги ҳақидаги маълумотлар келтирилган
Предпринимательская деятельность
Изложены теоретические и практические вопросы предпринимательской деятельности, рассмотрены организационно-правовые формы предпринимательства, раскрыты понятия конкуренции, предпринимательского риска, страхования, экономических преступлений в сфере предпринимательства.
Жаҳон солиқ амалиётида соликлар йиғилувчанлигини оширишга қаратилган илмий тадқиқотларда хуфиёна иқтисодиёт улушини камайтириш ҳисобига солиқлар йиғилувчанлигини сезиларли тарзда ошириш, солиқ маъмуриятчилигидаги самарасиз харажатларни қисқартириш йўналишлари очиб берилган. Тадқиқотлар натижалари кўрсатишича, айрим мамлакатларда солиқлар йиғилувчанлиги ҳолатининг юқори даражаси солиқ аҳлоқи ва маданиятининг юқорилиги ҳамда солиқ қонунчилигининг барқарорлиги билан боғлиқ бўлса, бошқаларида иктисодиётда солиқ юкининг юқорилиги, самарасиз имтиёзлар ва солиқ қонунчилигининг нобарқарорлиги боис соликлар йиғилувчанлиги ҳолатининг паст даражаси мазкур тизимдаги ҳал қилиниши лозим бўлган муаммоларни кўрсатмоқда.
Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics has evolved from a subject of study in pure physics to one with a vast range of applications in many diverse fields. Some of its most important applications are in modern solid state electronics and optics. As such, it is now a part of the required undergraduate curriculum of more and more electrical engineering, materials science, and applied physics schools. This book is based on the lecture notes that I have developed over the years teaching introductory quantum mechanics to students at the senior/first year graduate school level whose interest is primarily in applications in solid state electronics and modern optics.
Жаҳонда кичик бизнес ва хусусий тадбиркорлик субъектлари фаолиятини бошқаришни такомиллаштиришда тежамкор технологияларни қўллаш, рақамли технологиялар оркали самарали бошқаришни ташкил этиш, тадбиркорлик фаолияти инфратузилмасини комплекс ўрганиш, ходимларни мотивлаштиришнинг афзалликларига каратилган қатор илмий тадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда. Аммо, шуни эътироф этиш лозимки, иқтисодиётни эркинлаштириш шароитида кичик бизнес ва хусусий тадбиркорлик субъектлари фаолиятини бошқаришни такомиллаштиришда оқилона қарорлар қабул қилиш, иқтисодий-ижтимоий жараёнларни молиявий усуллар оркали рағбатлантириш, самарали бошкарув механизмларини ишлаб чиқиш ва уларни ривожлантиришда энг қулай усуллардан фойдаланиш масалалари ҳанузгача долзарб масала бўлиб қолмоқда.
Fundamentals of Power Semiconductor Devices
Today the semiconductor business exceeds $200 billion with about 10% of the revenue derived from power semiconductor devices and smart power integrated circuits. Power semiconductor devices are recognized as a key component for all power electronic systems. It is estimated that at least 50% of the electricity used in the world is controlled by power devices. With the widespread use of electronics in the consumer, industrial, medical, and transportation sectors, power devices have a major impact on the economy because they determine the cost and efficiency of systems. After the initial replacement of vacuum tubes by solid-state devices in the 1950s, semiconductor power devices have taken a dominant role with silicon serving as the base material. These developments have been referred to as the Second Electronic Revolution.
Жаҳон амалиётида инсон омили ва уни фаоллаштиришда бир қатор муаммоларнинг илмий ечимини таъминлаш юзасидан мақсадли илмий изланишлар ташкил қилинган бўлиб, жумладан инсон капиталини ривожлантиришнинг самарадорлик омилларини тизимли тадқиқ этиш, ижтимоий-иқтисодий жараёнларни самарали бошқариш сифати ва механизмлари; иқтисодиётни бошкаришда инсон омилини фаоллаштириш асосида ўзини ўзи бошкарув тизимини кенг жорий этиш; инсон тараққиётидан келадиган самараларни таҳлил қилиш ва баҳолаш, бошқарув психологиясини инновацион фаолиятга тайёрлаш; ижтимоий-иқтисодий бошқарув жараёнларини интеллектуаллаштиришда бошқарувчининг тегишли қобилиятларини такомиллаштиришга алоҳида эътибор қаратилмоқда.
Fundamentals of Plasma Physics
This text is based on a course I have taught for many years to first year graduate and senior-level undergraduate students at Caltech. One outcome of this teaching has been the realization that although students typically decide to study plasma physics as a means towards some larger goal, they often conclude that this study has an attraction and charm of its own; in a sense the journey becomes as enjoyable as the destination. This conclusion is shared by me and I feel that a delightful aspect of plasma physics is the frequent transferability of ideas between extremely different applications so, for example, a concept developed in the context of astrophysics might suddenly become relevant to fusion research or vice versa. Applications of plasma physics are many and varied. Examples include controlled fusion research, ionospheric physics, magnetospheric physics, solar physics, astrophysics, plasma propulsion, semiconductor processing, and metals processing. Because plasma physics is rich in both concepts and regimes, it has also often served as an incubator for new ideas in applied mathematics. In recent years there has been an increased dialog regarding plasma physics among the various disciplines listed above and it is my hope that this text will help to promote this trend.
Nuclear engineering and the technology developed by this discipline began and reached an amazing level of maturity within the past 60 years. Although nuclear and atomic radiation had been used during the first half of the twentieth century, mainly for medical purposes, nuclear technology as a distinct engineering discipline began after World War II with the first efforts at harnessing nuclear energy for electrical power production and propulsion of ships. During the second half of the twentieth century, many innovative uses of nuclear radiation were introduced in the physical and life sciences, in industry and agriculture, and in space exploration. The purpose of this book is two-fold as is apparent from the table of contents. The first half of the book is intended to serve as a review of the important results of "modern" physics and as an introduction to the basic nuclear science needed by a student embarking on the study of nuclear engineering and technology. Later in this book, we introduce the theory of nuclear reactors and its applications for electrical power production and propulsion. We also survey many other applications of nuclear technology encountered in space research, industry, and medicine.
Мамлакатимизда миллий иқтисодиётни таркибий ўзгартириш ва диверсификация қилиш, бандликни таъминлаш, аҳолининг даромади ҳамда турмуш сифатини оширишнинг муҳим йўналишларидан бири сифатида хизмат кўрсатиш соҳасини ривожлантиришга катта этибор берилмоқда. Шу боисдан, 2017 2021 йилларда Ўзбекистон Республикасини ривожлантиришнинг бешта устувор йўналиши бўйича Ҳаракатлар стратегиясида «Хизмат кўрсатиш соҳасини жадал ривожлантириш, ялпи ички маҳсулотни шакллантиришда хизматларнинг ўрни ва улушини ошириш, кўрсатилаётган хизматлар таркибини, энг аввало, уларнинг замонавий юқори технологик турлари ҳисобига тубдан ўзгартириш» бўйича муҳим вазифалар белгилаб берилган.
The field of photonics is enormously broad, covering everything from light sources to geometric and wave optics to fiber optics. Laser and light source technology is a subset of photonics whose importance is often underestimated. This book focuses on these technologies with a good degree of depth, without attempting to be overly broad and all-inclusive of various photonics concepts. For example, fiber optics is largely omitted in this book except when relevant, such as when fiber amplifiers are examined. Readers should find this book a refreshing mix of theory and practical examples, with enough mathematical detail to explain concepts and enable prediction of the behavior of devices (e.g., laser gain and loss) without the use of overwhelmingly complex calculus. Where possible, a graphical approach has been taken to explain concepts such as modelocking (in Chapter 7) which would otherwise require many pages of calculus to develop.
Жаҳонда солиқ юкини оптималлаштиришда мол-мулкининг аниқланган кадастр қийматидан кам бўлмаган миқдорда солиққа тортиш, солиқ тўловчилар томонидан топшириладиган ҳисоботларга «қўшилган қиймат» кўрсаткичини қўшиш каби йўналишларда илмий тадқиқотлар олиб борилмоқда. Бу борада айниқса глобаллашув шароитида иқтисодиётда солиқ юкини аниқлаш ва уни оптималлаштириш борасида олиб борилаётган илмий тадқиқотларда солиқ турлари ва ставкаларини унификация қилиш орқали солиқ юкини оптималлаштириш, самарасиз солиқ имтиёзларини бекор қилиш, юридик шахсларнинг солиқ юки кўрсаткичи улар томонидан давлат бюджетига тўланган барча солиқлар ва тўловларни қўшилган қийматга нисбати орқали аниқлаш, микродаражада солиқ юкини оптималлаштириш мақсадида корхоналарда солиқ юки кўрсаткичини соф ва умумий солиқ юки тарзида эътибор қаратилмоқда.
Ushbu kitobdan maqsad, hozirgi kunda chet el mamlakatlarga noto`g`ri fikrda chiqib ketayotgan yoshlarni oldindan shu hayotga tayyorlash va yoshlarni o`z-o`ziga bo`lgan ishonchini oshirish
This book is written for the average student who wants to learn the fundamentals of gas dynamics. It aims at the undergraduate level and thus requires a minimum of prerequisites. The writing style is informal and incorporates ideas in educational technology such as behavioral objectives, meaningful summaries, and check tests. Such features make this book well suited for self-study as well as for conventional course presentation. Sufficient material is included for a typical one-quarter or onesemester course, depending on the student’s background. Our approach in this book is to develop all basic relations on a rigorous basis with equations that are valid for the most general case of the unsteady, three-dimensional flow of an arbitrary fluid. These relations are then simplified to represent meaningful engineering problems for one- and two-dimensional steady flows. All basic internal and external flows are covered with practical applications which are interwoven throughout the text. Attention is focused on the assumptions made at every step of the analysis; emphasis is placed on the usefulness of the T –s diagram and the significance of any relevant loss terms.