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Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Iqtisodiyot. Iqtisodiyot fanlari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
Aloqa. Kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari
How to Get to the Top of Google
This book has helped tens of thousands of business owners and marketing managers get to grips with search engine optimisation—SEO, or ‘getting to the top of Google’. When I wrote the first edition in late 2011, I had no idea it would become the bestseller it has, nor did I expect it to have the impact it did on the people and businesses who read and followed it. The strategies in this book have been responsible for some incredible success stories. Throughout, I’ll share the methods that I and the ninjas at Exposure Ninja (the digital marketing agency I run) have used to help our clients transform their businesses. I do this not to boast, “hey, look how good we are” but to show you what the application of these techniques can really do. These methods have been field-tested on countless websites and, because we know the numbers behind the successes, we can say with confidence how well they can work.
Эстрогены в репродуктивной медицине.
Эстрогены повышают сывороточные концентрации тироксина, железа, меди . Оказывают антиатеросклеротическое действие, увеличивают содер- жание липопротеинов высокой плотности (ЛПВП) и триглицеридов, умень- шают – липопротеинов низкой плотности (ЛПНП) и холестерина .
Механика сплошной среды Ч.2.
Второй том учебника посвящен конкретным моделям и теориям в гидродинамике, газовой динамике, теории упругости, теории пластичности и теории трещин. Основные идеи курса связаны с современными проблемами научно-теоретического познания природы и технического прогресса, в частности, в авиации, ракетной и морской технике, проблемами химических превращений, астрофизике и т. д.
Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors
Conceptual and precise, Modern Processor Design brings together numerous microarchitectural techniques in a clear, understandable framework that is easily accessible to both graduate and undergraduate students. Complex practices are distilled into foundational principles to reveal the authors' insights and hands-on experience in the effective design of contemporary high-performance micro-processors for mobile, desktop, and server markets. Key theoretical and foundational principles are presented in a systematic way to ensure comprehension of important implementation issues. The text presents fundamental concepts and foundational techniques such as processor design, pipelined processors, memory and I/O systems, and especially superscalar organization and implementations. Two case studies and an extensive survey of actual commercial superscalar processors reveal real-world developments in processor design and performance. A thorough overview of advanced instruction flow techniques, including developments in advanced branch predictors, is incorporated. Each chapter concludes with homework problems that will institute the groundwork for emerging techniques in the field and an introduction to multiprocessor systems. Not-for-sale instructor resource material available to college and university faculty only; contact publisher directly.
Дарсликда биосферанинг экологик омиллари, биоценоз, экосистемаларнинг ропати, биосферанинг табиий бойликлари, қишилоқ ҳўжалик экосистемаларининг биологик маҳсулдорлиги, техноген омилларнинг таьсири, тупроқ ифлосланишида кимёлаштириш жараёнлари
Mobile Cloud Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications
Essential for high-speed fifth-generation mobile networks, mobile cloud computing (MCC) integrates the power of cloud data centers with the portability of mobile computing devices. Mobile Cloud Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications covers the latest technological and architectural advances in MCC. It also shows how MCC is used in health monitoring, gaming, learning, and commerce. The book examines computation within a mobile device; the evolution, architecture, and applications of cloud computing; the integration of mobile computing and cloud computing; offloading strategies that address constraints such as poor battery life; and green technologies to optimize mobile power consumption. It also presents various resource allocation schemes of MCC, the architecture and applications of sensor MCC, the new concept of mobile social cloud, security and privacy issues in MCC, and different types of trust in MCC. In addition, the book explains how to integrate MCC with vehicular networks, compares economic models, and explores the application of MCC to mobile learning, vehicle monitoring, digital forensic analysis, health monitoring, and other areas. The book concludes with a discussion of possible solutions to challenges such as energy efficiency, latency minimization, efficient resource management, billing, and security.
Memory Management Algorithms and Implementation in C/C++
Memory Management: Algorithms and Implementation in C/C++ describes how to construct production-quality memory managers. This approach includes both high-performance explicit memory managers and more intricate garbage collectors like those popularized by the Java Virtual Machine. Every implementation is complemented by an in-depth presentation of theory, benchmark tests, extensive source code examples, and a discussion of each implementation's trade-offs.
Учебник современного английского языка-2
Книга представляет собой эффективный учебник современного английского языка, гарантирующий достижение более высокого результата по сравнению со многими существующими методиками и учебными пособиями что обусловлено авторской логико-алгоритмической концепцией обучения.
Введение в литературоведение
Предлагаемый учебник раскрывает смысл и дает истолкование литературоведческих категорий и понятий, опираясь при этом в основном на материалы отечественного литературоведения. Последовательность в освоении понятий и категорий литературоведения, принятая в учебнике, представляет собой движение от простого к более сложному, постепенно расширяя кругозор литературоведческого мышления студента.
Grokking Streaming Systems Real-time Event Processing
About this book, grokking streaming systems introduces real-time event streaming applications in clear, reader-friendly language. This engaging book illuminates core concepts like data parallelization, event windows, and backpressure without getting bogged down in framework-specific details. As you go, you’ll build your own simple streaming tool from the ground up to make sure all the ideas and techniques stick. The helpful and entertaining illustrations make streaming systems come alive as you tackle relevant examples like real-time credit card fraud detection and monitoring IoT services. Grokking Streaming Systems is a simple guide to the complex concepts behind streaming systems. This friendly and framework-agnostic tutorial teaches you how to handle real-time events, and even design and build your own streaming job that’s a perfect fit for your needs. Each new idea is carefully explained with diagrams, clear examples, and fun dialogue between perplexed personalities. About this technology, streaming systems minimize the time between receiving and processing event data, so they can deliver responses in real time. For applications in finance, security, and IoT where milliseconds matter, streaming systems are a requirement. And streaming is hot! Skills on platforms like Spark, Heron, and Kafka are in high demand.
Xalqaro turizm
Ushbu kitob barcha sohalariga faol ta`sir o`tkazibkelmoqda. U iqtisodiyotning ko`pgina jabhalarini tivojlandishga imkon tug`diradi.Jumladan, transport tarmoqlari, aloqa, yo`lqurilishi, mehmonxonalar, umumiy ovqatlanish korxonalari, kammunal xo`jaligi, maishiy xizmat ko`rsatish, servis sohasi, savdo tarmoqlari va h.k. Turizmni rivojlantirish bir vaqtning o`zida o`ziga xos dam olish, hordiq chiqarish, ko`ngilochar maskanlar bilan bog`liq qator sohalani qamrab olgan.
Механика жидкости и газа
Содержится изложение основных разделов механики жидкости и газа: кинематики, статики и динамики однородных идеальных и вязких сред, а также элементов динамики реологических жидкостей и многокомпонентных газовых смесей. Представлены аналитические и численные методы интегрирования уравнения динамики жидкостей и газов. Особое внимание уделено задачам теории ламинарного и турбулентного пограничных слоев.
Mastering Azure Analytics: Architecting in the Cloud with Azure Data Lake, HDInsight, and Spark
Microsoft Azure has over 20 platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings that can act in support of a big data analytics solution. So which one is right for your project? This practical book helps you understand the breadth of Azure services by organizing them into a reference framework you can use when crafting your own big data analytics solution. You’ll not only be able to determine which service best fits the job, but also learn how to implement a complete solution that scales, provides human fault tolerance, and supports future needs. Understand the fundamental patterns of the data lake and lambda architecture Recognize the canonical steps in the analytics data pipeline and learn how to use Azure Data Factory to orchestrate them Implement data lakes and lambda architectures, using Azure Data Lake Store, Data Lake Analytics, HDInsight (including Spark), Stream Analytics, SQL Data Warehouse, and Event Hubs Understand where Azure Machine Learning fits into your analytics pipeline Gain experience using these services on real-world data that has real-world problems, with scenarios ranging from aviation to Internet of Things (IoT).
Учебник современного английского языка-1
Книга представляет собой эффективный учебник современного английского языка, гарантирующий достижение более высокого результата по сравнению со многими существующими методиками и учебными пособиями что обусловлено авторской логико-алгоритмической концепцией обучения.
Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices
ABP Framework is a complete infrastructure for creating modern web applications by following software development best practices and conventions. With ABP's high-level framework and ecosystem, you can implement the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle and focus on your business code. Written by the creator of ABP Framework, this book will help you to gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques. With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you'll understand the requirements of a modern web solution and how ABP Framework makes it enjoyable to develop your own solutions. You'll discover the common requirements of enterprise web application development and explore the infrastructure provided by ABP. Throughout the book, you'll get to grips with software development best practices for building maintainable and modular web solutions. By the end of this book, you'll be able to create a complete web solution that is easy to develop, maintain, and test.
Sport pedagogik mahoratini oshirish (taekvondo)
Mazkur darslik O'zbekiston davlat jismoniy tarbiya institutning taekvondo mutahassisligida tahsil oluvchi talabaiar, magistrlar, katta ilmiy xodim izlanuvchilar, Respublikamizda Bolalar va o'smirlar sport maktablari va Olimpiya zahiralari kollejlarida faoliyat ko'rsatuvchi taekvondo murabbiylari uchun mo'ljallangan. Mazkur darslik 4 ta bobdan tashkil topgan. Darslikda taekvondo texnikasi va taktikasi, turish holati va steplardan foydalanishda ishlash texnikasi, janglarda qo'llaniladigan xujum va qarshi hujum usullari, sport atamalalaridan foydalanish mashg'ulotlar usullar kombinatsiyalari, o'z — o'zini ehtiyot qilish usullari texnikasi, taekvondo strategiyasi va taktikasi hamda taekvondo mashqlari berilgan.