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Qurilish. Arxitektura
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Qurilish. Arxitektura
O'zbekiston geografik atlasi
O'zbekiston yer osti suvlarining katta zaxirasiga ega bo'lib, aholi punktlarining kattagina qismini suv bilan ta'minlashda keng foydalaniladi. O'zbekiston shifobaxsh mineral suvlarga ham boy bo'lib, uning hududida vodorod sulfidli, yodli, radonli va kuchsiz minerallangan ishqorli termal suvlar ham aniqlangan. Tuproq-iqlimiy sharoit nuqtai nazaridan respublikaning tekislik qismida cho'l tuproqlari qumli cho'l, bo'z-qo'ng'ir, taqir va sho'rxok tuproqlar, daryo vodiylari va deltalarida gidromorf tuproqlar mavjud. Bu tuproqlar yuqori karbonatliligi, chirindi miqdorining kamligi va sho'rlanganligi bilan xarakterlanadi.
Жаҳон амалиётида тадбиркорлик фаолиятини бошқаришнинг ташкилий- иқтисодий механизмини такомиллаштиришнинг асосий йўналишлари сифатида бошқарувнинг мажмуавий механизмини шакллантириш, давлат ҳамда тадбиркорлик субъектларининг ўзаро муносабатларини самарали ташкил этиш механизмининг концепцуал асосларини яратиш, тадбиркорлик фаолиятини бошқаришнинг ташкилий-иқтисодий механизмини тармоқ ракобатбардошлигини ошириш стратегияларига асосланган замонавий менежмент тамойиллари асосида такомиллаштириш каби самарали усуллардан оқилона фойдаланиш бўйича илмий тадқиқотлар олиб борилган.
Планирование обязательных результатов обучения математике
В пособии определяются обязательные требования к математической подготовке учащихся и на этой основе разрабатывается тот оптимальный объем знаний и умений, овладеть которым должен каждый ученик.
Заҳириддин Муҳаммад Бобур ҳаёти ва ижоди
Мазкур альбом Заҳириддин Муҳаммад Бобур ҳаёти ва ижодига бағишланган. Унда шоир, арбоб ва аллома аждодимизнинг умумий ўрта таълим мактаблари, академик лицейлар ҳамда касб-ҳунар коллежлари ўқув дастурлари доирасида ўрганилиши кўзда тутилган асосий қирралар қамраб олинган.
Design and build your ideal entertainment center
This comprehensive guide gives readers the instruction they need to build the ideal entertainment center for any home, any space. Readers will learn to: -Assess the space available for the entertainment center -Install built-in cabinetry -Determine how many electrical components the unit will house -Create chases for wires and cabinets -Match a furniture style with their home style -Select the best material for the project -Make the best use of specialty hardware -And more! Featuring color photos and ten step-by-step projects, this guide will show woodworkers how to design and build the perfect entertainment center for their own personal needs.
Хавотирланишни бас қилиш ва яшай бошлаш йўллари
Китобда хавотирли вазиятларни ҳал қилиш усуллари берилган
Handbook of plastics, elastomers, & composites
Plastics are an important part of everyday life; products made from plastics range from sophisticated articles, such as prosthetic hip and knee joints, to disposable food utensils. One of the reasons for the great popularity of plastics in a wide variety of industrial applications is the tremendous range of properties exhibited by plastics and their ease of processing. Plastic properties can be tailored to meet specific needs by varying the atomic composition of the repeat structure; and by varying molecular weight and molecular weight distribution. The flexibility can also be varied through the presence of side chain branching and according to the lengths and polarities of the side chains. The degree of crystallinity can be controlled through the amount of orientation imparted to the plastic during processing, through copolymerization, by blending with other plastics, and via the incorporation of an enormous range of additives (fillers, fibers, plasticizers, stabilizers). Given all of the avenues available to pursue in tailoring any given polymer, it is not surprising that the variety of choices available to us today exists.
Н- ўзбек кирилл алифбосининг ўн бешинчи ҳарфи; тил олди, бурун, сонор, портловчи, жарангли ундош товушни ифодалайди. Сўз боши (най, новда, нон), ўртаси (анор, гунча, қанот) ва охири (боғбон, ўтин, тугун) да кела олади. Н товуши айрим сўзларда, сўз бирикмала- ри орасида б товуши олдидан талаффуз қилинганда, м товушига айланади (танба > тамба, манба мамба, сунбула > сум- була, ўн беш > ўм беш), лекин бу ҳодиса имлода акс этмайди. Н товуши соф ўзбекча сўзларда сўз бошида учрамайди. Н харфи г ҳарфи б-н бирга, н+г тарзида тил орка, бурун, портловчи, жарангли ундош товушни ифодалайди; бу товуш сўз ўртаси (сингил, денгиз, тингла) ва охири (онг, тенг, дўнг) дагина келади.
Decorating with architectural trimwork: Planning, designing, installing
"Decorating with Architectural Trimwork" fills a void in the existing literature on trimwork. There are plenty of books that tell the reader how to install trim around windows and doors, but few that also explain how architectural trim can enhance a room's aesthetic appeal. Responding to the recent trend of building houses as empty boxes, author Jay Silber shows readers how to choose and use a wide variety of moldings, trim, and design concepts to transform a sterile, open floor plan into a warm, inviting, richly textured home. "Trimwork "shows readers how to decorate their homes with trim and wall panels so that their walls, passageways, and stairways can radiate the warmth, character, and beauty of the well-trimmed homes of eras gone by.
Ҳозирда жаҳон миқёст иқёсида ижтимоий-иқтисодий ривожланишии Бошқаришнинг ўзига хос конуниятлари ва тенденциялари асосида унинг самарадорлигини оширишга йўналтирилган инновацион ёндашувларни, усул ва воситаларни ишлаб чиқищ, турли даражадаги ижтимоий-иқтисодий субъектлар манфаатларининг ўзаро уйғунлигини таъминлаш механизмларини таркиб гоптириш, ички ресурс ва салоҳиятни аниқлаш ҳамда мақсадга мувофиқ ҳолда сафарбар этиш моделларини яратиш илмий тадқиқотнинг асосий йўналишларидан ҳисобланади.
Design your own furniture: From concept to completion
From roughing out an initial concept to creating an accurate cutting list of materials, this book guides readers through the process of designing a piece of furniture, start-to-finish. They'll learn how to: Create a one-of-a-kind, wholly original project; Design a piece of furniture that meets a very specific or unique need; Replicate a project working from a single photo; Scale a piece of furniture so that it fits exactly where desired Jim Stack includes all the instructions, photos and detailed drawings woodworkers need to master design techniques with style, ease and confidence!
The Handbook of Optics , Second Edition , is designed to serve as a general purpose desktop reference for the field of Optics yet stay within the confines of two books of finite length . Our purpose is to cover as much of optics as possible in a manner enabling the reader to deal with both basic and applied problems . To this end , we present articles about basic concepts , techniques , devices , instruments , measurements , and optical properties . In selecting subjects to include , we also had to select which subjects to leave out . The criteria we applied when excluding a subject were : (1) was it a specific application of optics rather than a core science or technology and (2) was it a subject in which the role of optics was peripheral to the central issue addressed . Thus , such topics as medical optics , laser surgery , and laser materials processing were not included . The resulting Handbook of Optics , Second Edition , serves the long-term information needs of those working in optics rather than presenting highly specific papers of current interest .
Handbook of Lasers
Lasers continue to be an amazingly robust field of activity, one of continually expanding scientific and technological frontiers. Thus today we have lasing without inversion, quantum cascade lasers, lasing in strongly scattering media, lasing in biomaterials, lasing in photonic crystals, a single atom laser, speculation about black hole lasers, femtosecond-duration laser pulses only a few cycles long, lasers with subhertz linewidths, semiconductor lasers with predicted operating lifetimes of more than 100 years, peak powers in the petawatt regime and planned megajoule pulse lasers, sizes ranging from semiconductor lasers with dimensions of a few microns diameter and a few hundred atoms thick to huge glass lasers with hundreds of beams for inertial confinement fusion research, lasers costing from less than one dollar to more than one billion dollars, and a multibillion dollar per year market.
Designs for Gothic ornaments & furniture
The study of English Architecture is one of the greatest and most important that a nation can take upon itself, and if its high position as a Fine Art is to be maintained, the hopes of ages will be realized, and all nations aspire for that honour, which is the glory of all creative power.
Hamiltonian Dynamics Theory and Applications
As a matter of fact, in his memoir and in the M´ethodes Nouvelles Poincar´e seems to end up with different conclusions. Just to mention a few results of his work, let me recall the theorem on generic non–existence of first integrals, the recurrence theorem, the divergence of classical perturbation series as a typical fact, the discovery of asymptotic solutions and the existence of homoclinic points.