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Adabiyot. Adabiyotshunoslik. Xalq og‘zaki ijodiyoti
Siyosat. Siyosiy fanlar
"Етти иқлим буйлаб" туркумидан нашр юзини кўраётган илк китоб "Кадимги дунё муъжизалари" деб номланди. Унда милоддан аввалги даврларда бунёд этилган ва довруги кенг ёйилган Миср эҳромлари, Семирамида осма боғлари, Галикарнас мақбараси, Артемида ибодатхонаси, Искандар маёги, Зевс хайкали, Гелиос ҳайкалининг қурилиши тарихи, кейинги тақдири ҳақидаги қизиқарли маълумотлар урин олган. Китоб кенг оммага мўлжалланган
Книга включает геометрию пространств Евклида и Минковского, их группы преобразований, классиче- скую геометрию кривых и поверхностей, тензорный анализ и риманову геометрию, вариационное исчис ление и теорию поля, основы теории относительности, геометрию и топологию многообразий, в том числе основы теории гомотопий и расслоений, некоторые их приложения, в частности, к теории калибровочных по- лей. Основная часть книги рассчитана на студентов - математиков, механиков, физиков-теоретиков, начиная со 2-го курса университета, и обеспечивает курсы гео- метрии, читаемые на 2-3 годах обучения. Более сложные разделы книги будут полезны также студен- там старших курсов, аспирантам и научным работ- никам тикам. математикам, механикам и физикам-теоре-
Социалистическая Республика Вьетнам
Подвиг вьетнамского народа, который с Августовской революции 1945 г. прошел путь от полуфеодального п колониального строя до общества, строящего социализм, сам по себе впечатляющ. Однако он приобретает еще больший смысл и значение, если учесть, что значительную часть этого периода вьетнамский народ должен был с оружием в руках отстаивать независимость своей родины от посягательств империалистов, а в конце 70-х годов — и от агрессии китайских великодержавных экспансиопистов
Odam anatomiyasi atlasi ikki jilddan iborat. Birinchi jild suyaklar, ularning o'zaro birlashuvi, muskullar va ichki a'zolarga bag'ishlangan. Atlas tibbiyot yo'nalishidagi akademik litsey, kasb-hunar kollejlari o'quvchilari uchun moʻljallangan. Undan oliy o'quv yurtlari talabalari ham foydalanishlari mumkin.
TrendSiters Digital Content And Web Technologies
The emergence of electronic publishing was supposed to change all that. Yet a bloodbath of unusual proportions has taken place in the last few months. Time Warner's iPublish and MightyWords (partly owned by Barnes and Noble) were the last in a string of resounding failures which cast in doubt the business model underlying digital content. The gradual removal of layers of content brokering and intermediation - mainly in manufacturing marketing - is the continuation of a long term trend. Consider music for instance. Streaming audio on the internet ("soft radio"), or downloadable MP3 files may render the CD obsolete - but they were preceded by radio music broadcasts. But the novelty is that the Internet provides a venue for the marketing of niche products and reduces the barriers to entry previously imposed by the need to invest in costly "branding" campaigns and manufacturing and distribution activities.
The Suffering of Being Kafka
A second volume of short stories and poetry about love and loss and healing and abuse by Sam, Vaknin, some translated from the Hebrew. The book also contains stories in Hebrew not translated into English. In the world of philosophy, Franz Kafka is a bit of an enigma. Though his work was published during his lifetime, he never completed a single thesis or dissertation. And yet, his influence on existentialism and literary realism is unmistakable.
The Silver Lining Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema
The Best Offer. Beaver. The Place.These and many other movies deal with moral and ethical dilemmas. "The Matrix" - with the nature of reality, "Titanic" - tackles the moral obligation versus self-preservation and "The Truman Show" - tackles the relationship between God and us, humans. "The Talented Mr. Ripley" deals with the thin line between pathological narcissism and self-promotion, ambition and envy, love and obsession. "Being John Malkovich" deals with this question (among others): are we the owners of our brains? "Shattered" deals with the meaning of self identity nd personal responsibility. And many others.It is easy to confuse the concepts of "virtual reality" and a "computerized model of reality (simulation)". The former is a self-contained Universe, replete with its "laws of physics" and "logic". It can bear resemblance to the real world or not. It can be consistent or not. It can interact with the real world or not. In short, it is an arbitrary environment. In contrast, a model of reality must have a direct and strong relationship to the world. It must obey the rules of physics and of logic. The absence of such a relationship renders it meaningless. A flight simulator is not much good in a world without aeroplanes or if it ignores the laws of nature. A technical analysis program is useless without a stock exchange or if its mathematically erroneous.
The Exporter's Handbook
What was in Hitler's personal file kept by the Nazi Party's own intelligence agency, the SD? Israel Sarid Roth, only son of two survivors of the Holocaust is about to find out, as a routine assignment in Jerusalem plunges him into the center of a deadly nightmare. Excerpt. Delivering me into this world was an act of defiance as is my name: Israel Sarid Roth. From early on, I was told that “Sarid” means “remnant” in Hebrew and this is what my parents were: survivors, ashen residues of that great conflagration, the Holocaust. After the War, they met as two near-skeletons in a DP camp - that’s a Displaced Persons facility, often only marginally better than a concentration camp. They clung to each other in a hurried act of marriage and fourteen years later – the time it took them to regain some trust in life, not least by making a small fortune in the specialty publishing industry.
Terrorists And Freedom Fighters
The history of four terrorist organizations in the Balkans and a general introduction to terrorism and freedom fighting. Also includes essays about religious co-existence in the Balkans and about pathological narcissism as a precursor to terrorism. Unbounded' morality ultimately becomes counterproductive even in terms of the same moral principles being sought. The law of diminishing returns applies to morality." Thomas Sowell There's a story about Robespierre that has the preeminent rabble-rouser of the French Revolution leaping up from his chair as soon as he saw a mob assembling outside. People who exercise violence in the pursuit of what they hold to be just causes are alternately known as terrorists or freedom fighters. A hard core of idealists adopt a cause (in most cases, the freedom of a group of people). They base their claims on history - real or hastily concocted, on a common heritage, on a language shared by the members of the group and, most important, on hate and contempt directed at an "enemy". The latter is, almost invariably, the physical or cultural occupier of space the idealists claim as their own.
The Conundrums of Psychology
We are all terminally ill. It is a matter of time before we all die. Aging and death remain almost as mysterious as ever. We feel awed and uncomfortable when we contemplate these twin afflictions. Indeed, the very word denoting illness contains its own best definition: dis-ease. A mental component of lack of well being must exist SUBJECTIVELY. The person must FEEL bad, must experience discomfiture for his condition to qualify as a disease. To this extent, we are justified in classifying all diseases as "spiritual" or "mental".
Malignant self love narcissism revisited
if you want to understand Narcissistic Personality Disorder from the best- dont look any further. I cannot recommend this book enough to those of you who have this disorder, to families and friendswho are trying to understand. Dr. Vaknin has this disorder himself and examines this disorder closely. Sam Vaknin's study of narcissism is truly insightful. The author has done probably more than anyone else to educate others to this poorly understood condition. In this, his twelfth book, he shares his considerable knowledge and experience of narcissism in a comprehensive yet easy to read style.
TypeScript basics. Learn TypeScript from scratch and solidify your skills with projects
There have been well over 12,000 individual discussions posted at the Suite 101 Narcissistic Personality Disorder Discussion site over the past 18 months. I n the preparation o! this document, we encountered victims reports of attempted murders, physical assault requring hospitalization, mental abuse requiring hospitalization and medication that span many years, severe financial loss and consequences, stalking, workplace bullying and harassment, sexual abuse, incest, vindictiveness in child custody court battles, repudiation of pension contracts, and nonpayment of child (support, all as a result of involvement with persons with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.) or obvious reasons these quotes cannot be used.) or equally obvious reasons, what has been inflicted upon them cannot be ignored.
MindGames Short Fiction about Bizarre Mental Health Disorders
Short stories about bizarre mental health disorders. The mind is the most terrifying place of all. The envelope contained only a neatly folded piece of paper with a name scrawled across it with a blunt pencil. I almost turned around and shoved it back in his cascading face but then I remembered his stench and gave up. The voice on the other end of the phone was sweaty. This is the kind of tremor that makes me want to hang up, curl among some smelly blankets, and dose off. I like skeletal tones, dry, brittle, decisively fatalistic. People who get straight to the point, my point, their point, our point. I gazed at the grimy receiver.
Abuse, Trauma, and Torture - Their Consequences and Effects
The effects on victims and survivors of traumatic experiences, long-term and repeated abuse, and torture. Includes in-depth profile of the Narcissistic Abuser and hundreds of links to literature and resources. The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) (formerly known as megalomania or, colloquially, as egotism) is a form of pathological narcissism. It is a Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) Personality Disorder. Other Cluster B personality disorders are the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), the Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), and the Histrionic Personality Disorder(HPD).
Экономика мирового океана
Моря и океаны — это источник многих ценных пищевых ресурсов, хранители разнообразных видов минерального сырья, источники энергии и важнейшие водные пути сообщения. Поэтому моря и океаны всегда играли и играют большую роль в жизни человеческого общества. Не случайно цивилизация возникала и развивалась чаще всего на берегах морей; не случайно и то, что промышленно сильными являлись страны, население которых было связано с мореходством.
Инновационный процесс в странах развитого капитализма
Инновационный процесс представляет собой единый поток. Его отдельные стадии - научная разработка технической идеи, новой технологии, доведение ее до промышленного использования, получение нового продукта, его коммерсализация - значительно различаются по организации труда, методам управления и финансирования и т.п. Но тем не менее эти стадии взаимообусловлены и обеспечивают успех инновационного процесса лишь при интеграции их в единое целое.