Atrof muhitni muhofaza qilish. Ekologiya
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Jismoniy tarbiya va sport
Мазкур ўқув-услубий мажмуа Олий ва ўрта махсус таълим вазирлигининг 2016 йил 8 августидаги № БД 5410300-3.01 сонли буйруғи билан тасдиқланган ўқув режа асосида тайёрланди.
O`g`it qo`llash
Ушбу китоб “Қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаштириш ва автоматлаштириш” фанининг фан дастури асосида тайёрланган.
Tuproqshunoslik va geologiya asoslari
Ushbu qo`llanmada o`quv kursi va miqdori haqida tuproqshunoslik va geologiyaning zamonaviy masalalari dehqonchilik fan bazasining barqarorligi haqida
Қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаштириш ва автоматлаштириш
Қишлоқ хужалиги ишлаб чиқаришни механизациялашнинг аҳамияти ва ривожлантириш истиқболлари
Tuproqshunoslik va agrokimyo
O`sib borayotgan aholining oziq-ovqatga bo`lgan talabini qondirish, ularni tulaqonli qishloq xo`jalik mahsulotlari bilan ta`minlash muammosi ishlab chiqarish imkoniyatlarining talab darajasida qondirmayotganligini ko`rsatadi
Tavsiya etilayotgan amaliy mashg'ulotlar 32 auditoriya soatiga mo'ljallangan bo'lib, unda noekologik yo'nalishda ta'lim olayotgan talabalarning metematika va tabiiy fanlar 2-blokida turgan "Ekologiya" fanidan olgan nazariy bilimlarini amaliy tarzda mustahkamlash, chuqur- lashtirish, umumlashtirish, mustaqil fikrlash, hodisa, jarayon, holat va voqelikni ekologik jihatdan tahlil qilish hamda tegishli ijobiy qarorlarni mustaqil ravishda qabul qila olish ko'nikmasini ega qilish.
Functional types of sports management into their training program, and its theoretical basis consists of the methods of classification and management of sports management selected if the knowledge of future specialists for professional mastering and science teachers and coaches requires time to put the balance of issues and includes information on himself.
Psixologik maslahat
Psixologik maslahat — bu psixolog kasbiy mutaxassislik faoliyatida nisbatan yangi soha hisoblanib, mamlakatimiz fan taraqqiyotida psixologiyaga oid ilmiy tadqiqot ishlari psixologiya fanini o‘qitish, psixologik korreksiya va psixodiagnostika kabi an’anaviy amaliy ish shakllari bilan bir qatorda mustaqil faoliyat sohasi sifatida yaqinda ajralib chiqdi.
Functional types of sports management into their training program, and its theoretical basis consists of the methods of classification and management of sports management selected if the knowledge of future specialists for professional mastering and science teachers and coaches requires time to put the balance of issues and includes information on himself.
This science program is designed for the bachelor course: 60112000 - Physical education and sports education in preschool and primary education, "Physical culture theory and methodology" in the discipline of physical education in the Republic of Uzbekistan The development of the system, its historical laws, tools, methods, stages of training, methods of organizing physical education classes is considered to be a field study science that provides theoretical and practical education. An important place is given to the issues of their use in the practice of physical education. The theory and methodology of physical culture as an educational subject consists in revealing the methods and methods of training bachelors in the process of physical culture for their professional and practical activities, the formation of broad theoretical and practical movement skills and actions, as well as the issues of using pedagogical technologies in the teaching process. covers within its scope of knowledge.
Rivojlanish psixologiyasi va differensial psixologiya
Inson va hayvon psixikasi doimiy rivojlanish holatida bo’ladi. Biroq hayvonot dunyosidagi va insoniyatda bo’ladigan rivojlanish jarayoni o’z xarakteri va mazmuni jihatidan bir-biridan tubdan farq qiladi. Hayvonot dunyosidagi psixik tarraqqiyot mexanizmlari – nasliy, biologik jihatdan mustahkamlangan tajribani avloddan - avlodga uzatish bo’lib, uning asosida hayvonlarning tashqi muhitga individual moslashuvi ro’y beradi.
This science program is designed for the bachelor course: 60112000 - Physical education and sports education in preschool and primary education, "Physical culture theory and methodology" in the discipline of physical education in the Republic of Uzbekistan The development of the system, its historical laws, tools, methods, stages of training, methods of organizing physical education classes is considered to be a field study science that provides theoretical and practical education. An important place is given to the issues of their use in the practice of physical education. The theory and methodology of physical culture as an educational subject consists in revealing the methods and methods of training bachelors in the process of physical culture for their professional and practical activities, the formation of broad theoretical and practical movement skills and actions, as well as the issues of using pedagogical technologies in the teaching process. covers within its scope of knowledge.
In the period of transition to the current market economy, the society itself places a high demand on the training of highly educated specialists. Because it is necessary for a specialist to have a broad worldview, the deep knowledge required to master his profession, and the ability to impart it to his students. Therefore, it is aimed to inculcate the system of scientific-methodical knowledge in the field of organization of educational work in the field of " Theoretical and practical foundations of physical education and sports training (primary, middle, upper grades) " to bachelors. This science is related to the sciences of pedagogy, psychology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and is closely related to the methodology of teaching sports, as well as the practice of teachers and coaches.
Psixofiziologiya mohiyatiga ko'ra zamonaviy psixologiya shakllanishining so'nggi bosqichini aks ettiradi. Ruhning tabiati, psixikasi haqidagi g'oyalar bir necha ming yillar davomida shakllangan. Ularning rivojlanishi, avvalambor, ilohiyot va falsafa bilan chambarchas bog'liq bo'lib, materializm va idealizm o'rtasidagi tugallanmagan va hozirgacha juda keskin munozarani aks ettiradi.
Klinik psixologiya
"Klinik" sifatdoshi olingan yunoncha "kline" (to'shak, shifoxona to'shagini bildiradi) so'zi zamonaviy tilda bemorlarga g'amxo'rlik qilish, kasallik yoki buzilishning rivojlanishi kabi sohalarni belgilash bilan bog'liq.
Psixologik trening asoslari
Hozirgi kunga kelib trening atamasi o’tgan yillardagidan ko’ra kengroq ma’noga ega bo’lmoqda. Neyrolingvistika va akmeologiya bo’yicha yetakchi mutaxassis A.Sitnikovning fikriga ko’ra: «Trening bu o’quv va o’yin faoliyatini o’zida jam qiluvchi sintetik antro’otexnik usuli hisoblanadi».