Tibbiyot va sog‘liqni saqlash
Bibliografiyashunoslik (tarixi, nazariyasi, uslubiyoti va bibliografiya ishini tashkil qilish va boshqarish)
Ushbu darslikda amaliy bibliografik faoliyatning barcha asosiy yo‘nalishlari, bu faoliyatning ma’muriy boshqaruv va ilmiy- metodik rahbarlik masalalariga tegishli umumiy va xususiy tashkiliy texnologik masalalari yoritiladi. Darslikda asosiy e’tibor o‘z statusini deyarli saqlab qolgan va aholining barcha guruhlariga xizmat ko‘rsatishda barcha tizimida yetakchi o‘rinni egallovchi muassasa bo‘lgan AKMlarining bibliografik faoliyatiga qaratiladi. Darslik institutning “Kutubxona – axborot faoliyatini boshqaruv” fakulteti talabalariga mo‘ljallangan. Shuningdek, u kutubxonalar bibliografik faoliyatida bu yo‘nalishga ma’muriy yoki metodik rahbarlik qilayotgan o‘qituvchilar va amaliy xodimlarga ham foydali bo‘lishi mumkin.
Kitobda terapiyaga oid barcha ma'lumotlar, ya'ni odam ichki a'zolarida uchraydigan kasalliklar, ularning kelib chiqish sabablari, oldini olish, davolash yo'llari, davolash paytida hamshira bajarishi lozim bo'lgan vazifalar haqida ma'lumotlar keltirilgan.
Chemistry. Kimyo yo'nalishi uchun ingliz tili
"English for Chemistry" is a comprehensive textbook designed to help chemistry students, researchers, and professionals improve their English language skills in the context of their chosen field. The textbook is organized into 36 thematic chapters, each focusing on a particular area of chemistry, as well as dedicated sections on grammar, vocabulary', and pronunciation.
Терапевтик стоматология пропедевтикаси фани тиббиёт институтларида стоматология факультетлари талабалари учун стоматология амалиёти билан таништирувчи, талабаларни клиникага тайёрловчи фан бўлибгина ќолмай, балки талабаларда стоматологиянинг амалий кўникмаларини шакллантирувчи асосий фанлар жумласига киради.
Darslik tibbiyot oliy o‘quv yurtlarida sud tibbiyoti fani bo‘yicha namunaviy o‘quv dasturiga mos tar/da yozilgan bo'lib, unda fanning qisqacha tarixi, O'zbekistonda sud-tibbiy eksperti/aning tashkiliy va protsessual asoslari,
Stomatologiya fanining terapevtik bo‘limi og‘iz bo‘shlig‘ining bir qator kasalliklarini o ‘z ichiga oladi. Mana shu og‘iz kasalliklarini o ‘rganishda, tashxislashda, davolash va profilaktika chora tadbirlarida stomotologik asbob va ashyolarning o ‘rni beqiyosdir.
В классических университетах России химическое образование традиционно начинается с курса неорганической химии, содержание которого существенно отличается от одноименного в большинстве зарубежных университетов.
В учебнике рассмотрены основные вопросы курса стоматологии: анатомофизиологические особенности и заболевания челюстно-лицевой области, методы обезболивания при оперативных вмешательствах, представлены рекомендации по профилактике и лечению.
Animation: The mechanics of motion
Learn the key skills you need with this practical and inspirational guide to all the fundamental principles of animation. With extended pieces on timing, acting and technical aspects, Chris Webster has created the vital learning tool to help you get the most out of your animation and develop the practical skills needed by both professionals and serious students alike. The free CD-ROM includes more than 30 animations illustrating the techniques described throughout the book as well as examples of a professional Production Schedule, Budget and Production Chart - everything you need to get started! With a Foreword by Peter Lord, Creative Director and Co-Owner of Aardman Animations and an Introduction by Mike Milne, Director of the award-winning animation house Computer Animation, Framestore CFC.
Perspectiva para artistas
Dibujar y pintar a ojo, pero teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva tómelo con calma, pero entérese a fondo; porque éste no es un libro para leer y recordar simplemente, sino para leer y practicar para aprender. Le recomiendo, pues, que lea con lápiz y papel a mano, dispuesto a probar, a dibujar. Y hágalo a trozos, por etapas, sin prisas pero sin pausas, como una asignatura pendiente que no exige un examen ya, pero que deberá responder el día menos pensado cuando pinte un cuadro en el que cuente la perspectiva.
Architectural graphics
Architectural graphics presents a wide range of basic graphic tools and techniques designers use to communicate architectural ideas. Expanding upon the wealth of illustrations and information that have made this title a classic, this fourth edition provides expanded and updated coverage of drawing materials, multiview drawings, paraline drawings, and perspective drawings. Also new to this edition is the author's unique incorporation of digital technology into his successful methods. While covering essential drawing principles, this book presents: approaches to drawing section views of building interiors, methods for drawing modified perspectives, techniques for creating accurate shade and shadows, expert styles of freehand sketching and diagramming, and much more.